Had fate been somehow different, the gallery of auteur cinema could have become a prolific and long-playing representative. In his debut Hunger, Tony Scott, through his chic artistic means and exalted style, gave away his perception of aesthetics. Unfortunately, the decadent elegy of vampire decay has not been prosaically continued, by which, as far as possible now judge, the director himself isn't interested. And although already in their declining years, the Briton again, just as his younger years, undertook to experiment, but he entered the status for cinematography, first off, as a guru of entertaining action films. Even now, strong screenplays are rarely found in this genre, but absolutely nothing is to say of the eighties: the glorious "video salon era" boasted completely various things, plus the directors'vigorous imagination - above all. Meager budgets, erratic studio management, and robust competition contributed to the task make use of, but we can still experience the fruits of the efforts. It had become the creative streak, inherent not just in the titans of directing, that allowed Scott to transform an easy story about a competent and reckless pilot in to a full-fledged aviation drama that had lived well for thirty years awaiting a worthy successor. I watched this wonderful movie on among the sites called https://www.123movies.gay/ , and I actually liked the film, including this website - extremely fast video loading, good quality and little ads. The painting "The Best Shooter", or, by habit, "Top Gun" - is itself as being a war veteran who returned in the battlefield and ennobled by orders. She immortalized American patriotism while in the healthiest and most non-irritating sense, the young without yet corroded narcissism of Tom Cruise, and, obviously, the brilliant hit "Take My Breath Away" from the group Berlin. Music is a large component in the film, praising the of a rebellious character and faithful pursuit of dreams. Airy pirouettes and dashingly broken "dead loops" resemble a boldly performed symphony, the sound of which happens to be unattainable fed up with. Flying at transonic speeds through sheaves of clouds, in the disgruntled muttering on the competitor while in the aviation school likely glory of non-stop traffic - you need familiar with this all to be the best enclosed by equals. The callsign "Drifter" accurately conveys the wandering essence of people like Cruz's character: rules are for weaklings, instincts are everything. Oddly enough, at the moment, the image will be a hymn to some selfish view, but "Top Gun" might have remained a low priced agitation, been there not been for the ruthless lessons taught by life. “The individual who rises higher, the greater painful it is to fall” - this wisdom is known on each side of your Atlantic Ocean, but for whatever reason it's usually remembered too late. However, each subsequent ascent has the capacity to ascend to new heights, at which you'll do not should regret anything. Whether Tony Scott knew about it this is, the Soviet Su-27 when of the company's creation was classified not just as a "multipurpose fighter", but for an "aircraft for gaining air superiority." Top Gun can deservedly boast of the same goal. Neither an obscure love story, nor superficially revealed characters, nor the amazingly patient instructors of the school of aces usually do not cancel flight magic, which captures the mind without independently climbing into your cockpit of the American F-14. Unsurprisingly, the gaming that followed the film became a trendsetter among flight simulators. When you are in mid-air, a lot of things seem insignificant, even if they accustomed to disturb thus making you doubt yourself. Scott discovered a heroic corner of your separate world, where speed continues to be main value and necessity. With a range of sounds, it fascinates the pilot and teaches real overcoming; for the helm of an multimillion-dollar car, to buy a error is specially high. On the director's credit, he skillfully diluted the sublime aspects of his picture with natural ones. The environment is replacing heaven featuring its problems, disappointments and losses. For this reason Tom Cruise's "The Wanderer" turned out to be a daredevil, but by no means some complete adventurer, ready to allow his brothers-in-arms within the decisive moment. The film, which happens to be standard when it comes to timing, captures only a part of the life of air aces, showing them as carefree darlings of fate and concurrently idealists forced to address romantic impulses for the health of their mission. We're not immune from mistakes, but should you treat your favorite business with heart, then not a single thing impossible. The same principle happened with Tony Scott's film: it is actually an illustration of this inspired work floating freely within the azure of human memory, giving everyone the opportunity to feel how wonderful a higher flight is.