Info: OpenGL context version: 3.3 Info: Shader 'object' loaded successfully Info: Shader 'light_source' loaded successfully Info: Shader 'solid_color' loaded successfully Error: Compilation of 'resources/shaders/postprocess.frag' shader file failed: 0(28) : error C7011: implicit cast from "int" to "uint" 0(28) : error C7011: implicit cast from "int" to "uint" 0(34) : error C7011: implicit cast from "int" to "uint" 0(34) : error C7011: implicit cast from "int" to "uint" Error: Shader 'postprocess' cannot be loaded properly Info: Assimp: 'resources/models/uniform_terrain.dae' loaded successfully Info: Processed mesh with 6144 vertices Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/uniform_texture.png' loaded successfully Info: Assimp: 'resources/models/uniform_cube.dae' loaded successfully Info: Processed mesh with 36 vertices Info: Texture 'uniform_texture.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: 'resources/models/sponza.obj' loaded successfully Info: Processed mesh with 30 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 41964 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1488 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 84 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4563 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4086 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4563 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4086 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6888 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6888 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6888 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6888 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1200 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6633 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1200 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6633 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1200 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6633 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1200 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6633 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1404 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6633 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1404 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6633 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1404 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6633 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 810 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3732 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3732 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1674 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4923 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 810 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3732 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3732 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1674 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4923 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 810 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3732 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3732 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1674 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4923 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 810 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3732 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3732 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1674 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4923 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 14592 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 13824 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 14592 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 13824 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 14592 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 13824 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 14592 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 14592 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 13824 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 14592 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 576 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 16512 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 16512 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 16512 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 16512 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 16512 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 16512 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 16512 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 16512 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 9924 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 13266 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 9924 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 11406 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6612 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 14466 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 17790 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 678 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 678 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 678 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 678 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 678 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 678 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 678 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1368 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 678 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 192 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 498 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 900 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 132 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 3660 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 5580 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 5580 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 48 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1020 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1020 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1020 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1020 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 15 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 150 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 222 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 222 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 222 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 222 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 222 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 222 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 264 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 222 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 222 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 150 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 834 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 834 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 246 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 72 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 246 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 72 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 108 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 54 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 840 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 96 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 120 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 336 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 480 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 444 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 612 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 612 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1188 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 786 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 786 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 786 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 786 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1188 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1188 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 786 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 786 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 786 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 786 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1188 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1644 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1644 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6996 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 48 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 8688 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 546 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 546 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 546 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 546 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 546 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 546 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 546 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 546 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6996 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 840 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 300 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 24 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 4086 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 1404 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 6633 vertices Info: Processed mesh with 10920 vertices Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_roof_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_roof_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/lion.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/background.tga' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'lion.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'background.tga' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/vase_dif.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/vase_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'vase_dif.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_dif.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_dif.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/vase_plant.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/vase_plant_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/vase_round.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/vase_round_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'vase_plant.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/vase_hanging.tga' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/chain_texture.tga' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_hanging.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'chain_texture.tga' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_curtain_blue_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_curtain_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_curtain_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_curtain_green_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_blue_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_green_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_green_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_blue_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_curtain_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_flagpole_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_fabric_blue_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_fabric_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_fabric_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_fabric_green_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_blue_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_green_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_blue_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_green_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_fabric_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_thorn_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_thorn_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_column_b_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_column_b_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_b_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_arch_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_arch_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_column_a_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_column_a_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_floor_a_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_floor_a_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_column_c_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_column_c_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_details_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_details_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_details_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_details_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_details_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_details_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_details_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_details_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_details_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_details_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' loaded successfully Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' loaded successfully Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_c_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_floor_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_floor_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_column_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_arch_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'background.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_plant_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'vase_round_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_diff.tga' is already loaded Info: Texture 'sponza_thorn_spec.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: 'resources/models/secretary.dae' loaded successfully Info: Processed mesh with 150048 vertices Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/Map__4.jpg' loaded successfully Info: Assimp: Model 'uniform_terrain.dae' is already loaded Info: Texture 'uniform_texture.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'uniform_cube.dae' is already loaded Info: Texture 'uniform_texture.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'uniform_cube.dae' is already loaded Info: Texture 'uniform_texture.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'uniform_cube.dae' is already loaded Info: Texture 'uniform_texture.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'uniform_terrain.dae' is already loaded Info: Texture 'uniform_texture.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'uniform_terrain.dae' is already loaded Info: Texture 'uniform_texture.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'uniform_cube.dae' is already loaded Info: Texture 'uniform_texture.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: 'resources/models/cube.obj' loaded successfully Info: Processed mesh with 36 vertices Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/cube_diffuse.png' loaded successfully Info: Assimp: Model 'cube.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'cube_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'cube.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'cube_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'cube.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'cube_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: 'resources/models/ball.obj' loaded successfully Info: Processed mesh with 368640 vertices Info: Stb: Texture 'resources/textures/ball_diffuse.png' loaded successfully Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: Assimp: Model 'ball.obj' is already loaded Info: Texture 'ball_diffuse.png' is already loaded Info: New window size: 1600 x 837 ERROR 1281 in glGetUniformLocation ERROR 1282 in glUniform1i ERROR 1281 in glGetUniformLocation ERROR 1282 in glUniform1f ERROR 1280 in glGetIntegerv ERROR 1281 in glGetUniformLocation ERROR 1282 in glUniform1i ERROR 1281 in glGetUniformLocation ERROR 1282 in glUniform1f ERROR 1280 in glGetIntegerv ERROR 1281 in glGetUniformLocation ERROR 1282 in glUniform1i ERROR 1281 in glGetUniformLocation ERROR 1282 in glUniform1f ERROR 1280 in glGetIntegerv ERROR 1281 in glGetUniformLocation ERROR 1282 in 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