import React from 'react'; import { Animated, ScrollView, FlatList, Platform, Text, View, TouchableOpacity, Image, Dimensions, ActivityIndicator } from 'react-native'; import { SafeAreaView } from 'react-native-safe-area-context'; import styles from '../styles/Content'; import drawerStyles from '../styles/DrawerMenu'; import CustomIcons from '../components/CustomIcon'; import ContentListView from '../components/ContentListView'; import EmptyScreen from '../components/EmptyScreen'; import Chip from '../components/Chip'; import EStyleSheet from 'react-native-extended-stylesheet'; import DrawerLayout from 'react-native-drawer-layout'; import { translate } from '../locales/i18n'; import Spinner from 'react-native-spinkit'; import config from '../config/config'; import staticConfig from '../config/staticConfig'; import * as conProvider from '../utils/ConProvider'; import * as colProvider from '../utils/ColProvider'; import * as insProvider from '../utils/InsProvider'; import * as varProvider from '../utils/VarProvider'; import * as jaProvider from '../utils/JAProvider'; import * as connection from '../utils/Connection'; import * as apiProvider from '../utils/ApiProvider'; import * as storageProvider from '../utils/StorageProvider'; import * as analyticsProvider from '../utils/AnalyticsProvider'; import * as setProvider from '../utils/SetProvider'; import * as notProvider from '../utils/NotProvider'; import screenNames from '../config/screenNames'; import Toast from '@remobile/react-native-toast'; import RNFetchBlob from 'rn-fetch-blob'; import NativeReachabilityModule from '../components/NativeReachabilityModule'; import VPNModule from '../components/VPNModule'; import ArticleLoader from '../components/ArticleLoader'; import Modal from 'react-native-modal'; import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import imageJson from '../config/imageJson'; import guideImageJson from '../config/guideImageJson'; import GuideView from '../components/GuideView'; import ActionSheet from '../components/ActionSheet'; var contentList, currentType, noMoreData, isInfiniteOn, currentTitle = "", activeType, favIndex = 0, fromDidMount, modalObserver, conVPNObserver, menuItemId; var typeList = []; var pagingCount = config.contentPagingCount; var cloneIt, alreadyLoaded; var currentRandomId, currentRandomTypeId, isRootCall, isListFromGraph; var shouldShowJournalDetail, modalWidth, modalHeight, multiUrlsList = [], graphError; var addVPNPopup = false; export default class Content extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isCardView: false, contentList: [], footerLoading: false, contentLoading: true, contentLength: 0, errorModal: false, pubFilters: [], refreshTypes: false, isDrawerOn: false, drawerLockMode: "locked-closed", showGuide: false, multiUrlsView: false, isConnected: connection.isConnectedFun(), isVPNConfigAccepted: true, isVPNOptional: true }; graphError = ""; contentList = []; isListFromGraph = false; currentType = null; activeType = null; currentTitle = ""; menuItemId = ""; typeList = []; alreadyLoaded = true; isInfiniteOn = false; varProvider.drawerLockMode = "locked-closed"; addVPNPopup = false; this.openMenu = this.openMenu.bind(this); this.callbackFun = this.callbackFun.bind(this); this.buttonCallback = this.buttonCallback.bind(this); this.rootButtonCallback = this.rootButtonCallback.bind(this); this.callbackFavorite = this.callbackFavorite.bind(this); this.removeItem = this.removeItem.bind(this); this.openContent = this.openContent.bind(this); this.openVpnInfo = this.openVpnInfo.bind(this); this.callbackVpnInfo = this.callbackVpnInfo.bind(this); this.favoriteContent = this.favoriteContent.bind(this); this.viewDetails = this.viewDetails.bind(this); this.successFetchingImage = this.successFetchingImage.bind(this) this.errorFetchingImage = this.errorFetchingImage.bind(this) this.insertIntoTypeList = this.insertIntoTypeList.bind(this) this.insertIntoContentList = this.insertIntoContentList.bind(this) this.initMaxHeight = this.initMaxHeight.bind(this) this.shakeAnimation = new Animated.Value(0) } static navigationOptions = ({ navigation, route }) => { return { headerShown: false } } componentDidMount() { fromDidMount = true; varProvider.currentScreen = screenNames.Content this.initMaxHeight(); Dimensions.addEventListener("change", this.initMaxHeight); this.rootButtonCallback(); AsyncStorage.getItem("shouldShowJournalDetail").then((value) => { shouldShowJournalDetail = value; }) setProvider.showGuide("iseResourcesGuideShown", screenNames.Content).then((res) => { if (res) { this.setState({ showGuide: true }); } else { this.checkIfVPNCreated(); } }) varProvider.connectionObserver.subscribe(() => { let isConnected = connection.isConnectedFun(); if (!isConnected) { this.showNoInternetError(); } if (isConnected && this.state.errorModal) this.rootButtonCallback(); this.setState({ isConnected: isConnected, refreshTypes: !this.state.refreshTypes }); }); modalObserver = varProvider.modalClosedObserver.subscribe((data) => { if (varProvider.currentScreen === screenNames.Content && data.other) { if (this.state.permissionModal || this.state.showGuide || this.state.multiUrlsView) { this.setState({ permissionModal: false, showGuide: false }); this.closeActionSheetModal() } if (varProvider.modalClosedObserver) { let resJson = { "home": true, "other": false, "screen": screenNames.Content, }; } } }) conVPNObserver = varProvider.vpnObserver.subscribe((res) => { this.setState({ isVPNConfigAccepted: res }) }) this._unsubscribe = this.props.navigation.addListener('focus', () => { this.isFocused(); }); } componentWillUnmount() { modalObserver.unsubscribe(); conVPNObserver.unsubscribe(); this._unsubscribe(); } isFocused() { const { params } = this.props.route; if (params) { //console.log("params::", params); // [deep link] if contentType is received from params, then set it as a active biblio type and load content list if (menuItemId != params?.menuItemId) { //this condition handle for if user have clicked or received same deeplink url if (params?.contentType) { currentType = params?.contentType; menuItemId = params?.menuItemId; currentTitle = params?.cTitle; } //deeplink use case: when user have already text deeplink tab active and another deeplink with text or without text will come then we'll clear the filters before. var tempFilters = this.state.pubFilters; tempFilters?.map((item) => { = false; }); // [deep link] if searchText is received from params, then set it as a active filter and load content list accordingly if (currentType == params?.contentType && params?.searchText) { let originalSearchText = params.searchText; let trimmedSearchText = originalSearchText.trim(); let filterJson = [ { "active": true, "chipTitle": 'Search text: "' + originalSearchText + '"', "value": trimmedSearchText, "originalSearchText": originalSearchText } ]; this.setState({ pubFilters: filterJson }) } } } varProvider.currentScreen = currentType ? currentType : screenNames.Content; if (varProvider.isContentTabChanged) { if (!this.state.showGuide && !fromDidMount) { this.checkIfVPNCreated(); } } fromDidMount = false; AsyncStorage.getItem("contentUpdate").then((value) => { let isTabChanged = varProvider.isContentTabChanged; if (value == "true") { this.drawer.closeDrawer(); AsyncStorage.setItem("contentUpdate", "false"); if (!alreadyLoaded) { this.rootButtonCallback(); currentType = null; } } else { if (varProvider.isContentTabChanged) { varProvider.isContentTabChanged = false; //don't call when component will mount called if (!alreadyLoaded) { //console.log("alreadyLoaded bgGetContent"); this.bgGetContent(); } } } alreadyLoaded = false; if (isTabChanged) { this.logScreenViewEvent(true); if (currentType) { this.logScreenViewEvent(false); } } }); } initMaxHeight() { var sheight = Dimensions.get('window').height; var swidth = Dimensions.get('window').width; if (sheight < 480) { modalHeight = 250; } else { modalHeight = sheight / 2; } if (swidth < 480) { modalWidth = "100%"; } else if (swidth < 920) { modalWidth = "70%"; } else { modalWidth = "60%"; } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } logScreenViewEvent(isFirstTime) { if (varProvider.lastTabName != currentType) { var openScreen = isFirstTime ? screenNames.Content : currentType; varProvider.currentScreen = openScreen; let screenViewJson = { "name": openScreen, "previous": varProvider.lastTabName }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("ScreenView", screenViewJson); varProvider.lastTabName = openScreen; } } startShake = () => { Animated.sequence([ Animated.timing(this.shakeAnimation, { toValue: 10, duration: 100, useNativeDriver: true }), Animated.timing(this.shakeAnimation, { toValue: -10, duration: 100, useNativeDriver: true }), Animated.timing(this.shakeAnimation, { toValue: 10, duration: 100, useNativeDriver: true }), Animated.timing(this.shakeAnimation, { toValue: 0, duration: 100, useNativeDriver: true }) ]).start(); } async checkIfVPNCreated() { let aOptionalProxy = await storageProvider.getItem("optionalProxy"); if (aOptionalProxy == "false") { varProvider.isVPNOptional = true; } // if vpn is mandatory then only check and configure vpn if (!varProvider.isVPNOptional) { if (Platform.OS == "ios") { var isVpnCreated = await NativeReachabilityModule.checkIfVPNCreated(); if (isVpnCreated) { AsyncStorage.getItem("isVPNLogged").then((isLogged) => { if (isLogged != "true") { this.logVPNEvent(true); AsyncStorage.setItem("isVPNLogged", "true"); } }); conProvider.updateProxyDetailsForIos(false); this.setState({ isVPNConfigAccepted: true }); } else { // vpn analytics log this.logVPNEvent(false); this.setState({ permissionModal: true }); } } else { if (varProvider.enableProxy) { var isVPNConfigured = await VPNModule.isVPNConfigured(); // console.log("check if vpn created: " + isVPNConfigured); if (isVPNConfigured) { AsyncStorage.getItem("isVPNLogged").then((isLogged) => { if (isLogged != "true") { this.logVPNEvent(true); AsyncStorage.setItem("isVPNLogged", "true"); } }); conProvider.updateProxyDetailsForAndroid(false); this.setState({ isVPNConfigAccepted: true }); } else { // vpn analytics log this.logVPNEvent(false); this.setState({ permissionModal: true }); } } } } this.setState({ isVPNOptional: varProvider.isVPNOptional }); } logVPNEvent(isCreated) { let vpnJson = { "isConfigured": isCreated ? "true" : "false" }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("VPN", vpnJson); } rootButtonCallback() { // console.log("rootButtonCallback"); graphError = "" contentList = []; this.setState({ contentLoading: true, contentLength: 0, refresh: !this.state.refresh, pubFilters: [], refreshTypes: false, accessDenied: false, errorModal: false, drawerLockMode: "unlocked", isButton: false, errorLoading: false }); varProvider.drawerLockMode = "unlocked"; this.startProcess(); } buttonCallback() { if (isRootCall) { isRootCall = false; this.rootButtonCallback(); } else { graphError = "" this.setState({ contentLoading: true, contentLength: 0, refreshTypes: false, accessDenied: false, errorModal: false, drawerLockMode: "unlocked", isButton: false, errorLoading: false }); varProvider.drawerLockMode = "unlocked"; var tempFilters = this.state.pubFilters; this.callbackFun(tempFilters); } } bgGetContent() { this.startProcess(); } // when internet is not connnected , the button press from errorModal will go to collection for saved actricle gotoCollection = () => { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('Collections'); } //first check if email is verified or not startProcess() { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { insProvider.getUserProfile().then(() => { //checking user status this.checkUserStatus(); }).catch((error) => { isRootCall = true; this.contentError(error, 0); this.offlineChecks(true); }); } else { //no internet. so, get the value of user status from local storage this.offlineChecks(false); } } //get userstatus and accordingly show appropriate message checkUserStatus() { // console.log("check user status function"); AsyncStorage.multiGet(["userStatus", "instituteName"]).then((data) => { // console.log("asyncstorage multiget"); // console.log(data); var userStatus = data[0][1]; var instituteName = data[1][1]; var msg, imagePath; imagePath = imageJson.pending_approval; if (userStatus == "APPROVED") { this.startLoadingContent(); } else if (userStatus == "BLOCKED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: instituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "ARCHIVED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_ARCHIVED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: instituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_ARCHIVED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "REJECTED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_REJECTED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: instituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_REJECTED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "PENDING") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_PENDING_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: instituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_PENDING_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "EXPIRED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: instituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "REVOKED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_REVOKED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: instituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_REVOKED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } }); } offlineChecks(isError) { AsyncStorage.multiGet(["userStatus", "verifyEmail"]).then((data) => { var userStatus = data[0][1]; var verifyEmail = (data[1][1] == "true"); if (userStatus && verifyEmail) { //if email is verified this.offlineUserStatusCheck(userStatus); } else { //if no value found for verified email or value is false //and if offline //show no internet message on full screen if (isError) { //this function is called when some error has occured in fetching either userprofile } else { this.showNoInternetError(); } } }); } showNoInternetError() { if (this.drawer) this.drawer.closeDrawer(); var msg = translate("INTERNET_EMPTY"); var imagePath = imageJson.no_internet; var bottomText = translate("INTERNET_EMPTY_DATA1"); graphError = "" this.setState({ accessDenied: true, deniedMessage: msg, contentLoading: false, contentLength: 0, errorModal: true, drawerLockMode: "locked-closed", imagePath: imagePath, isButton: true, bottomText: bottomText, errorLoading: false, multiUrlsView: false }); varProvider.drawerLockMode = "locked-closed"; } //show appropriate message according to user status offlineUserStatusCheck(userStatus) { var msg, imagePath; imagePath = imageJson.pending_approval; if (userStatus == "APPROVED") { this.startLoadingContent(); } else if (userStatus == "BLOCKED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_BLOCKED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "ARCHIVED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_ARCHIVED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_ARCHIVED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "REJECTED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_REJECTED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_REJECTED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "PENDING") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_PENDING_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_PENDING_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "EXPIRED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else if (userStatus == "REVOKED") { msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_REVOKED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_REVOKED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); this.showError(msg, imagePath); } } startLoadingContent() { //get menu item list this.getMenuItemsList().then((data) => { }).catch((error) => { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { this.contentError(error, 0); } else { this.showNoInternetError(); } }); } insertIntoContentList(data, tempJson, localRandomId, isGraph) { console.log("insertIntoContentList==========", data?.length, tempJson, localRandomId, isGraph); if (localRandomId == currentRandomId) { if (tempJson.type == currentType) { this.contentSuccessPush(data, tempJson, isGraph); } } else { console.log("insertIntoContentList else==========",); } setTimeout(() => { isInfiniteOn = false; }, 400); } //load institute content loadContentList(tempJson) { //console.log("loadContentList=================", tempJson); currentRandomId = apiProvider.generateUUID(); var localRandomId = currentRandomId; if (tempJson.type == staticConfig.favorite) { //if filter is applied then directly get the result via graph query if (!tempJson.isFilter) { this.getContentSql(tempJson, localRandomId).then(() => { this.getFavContentGraph(tempJson, localRandomId); }); } else { this.getFavContentGraph(tempJson, localRandomId); } } else if (tempJson.type == staticConfig.customInstituteContent || tempJson.type == staticConfig.customLink) { if (!tempJson.isFilter) { this.getContentSql(tempJson, localRandomId).then(() => { this.getContentItemsofMenuItemforUser(tempJson, localRandomId); }); } else { this.getContentItemsofMenuItemforUser(tempJson, localRandomId); } } else { //if filter is applied then directly get the result via graph query if (!tempJson.isFilter) { this.getContentSql(tempJson, localRandomId).then(() => { //console.log("getContentGraph1", tempJson, localRandomId); this.getContentGraph(tempJson, localRandomId); }); } else { // console.log("getContentGraph2"); this.getContentGraph(tempJson, localRandomId); } } } getContentSql(tempJson, localRandomId) { return new Promise((resolve) => { conProvider.getContentSql(tempJson).then((data) => { if (data.length > 0) { console.log("getContentSql", data?.length) this.insertIntoContentList(data, tempJson, localRandomId, false); } resolve(); }).catch((error) => { resolve(); console.log("getContentSql", error) }); }); } getFavContentGraph(tempJson, localRandomId) { conProvider.getFavContentListGraph(tempJson).then((data) => { console.log("get fav content list then"); this.insertIntoContentList(data, tempJson, localRandomId, true) }).catch((error) => { // console.log("get fav content list catch"); // console.log(error); if (localRandomId == currentRandomId) { if (tempJson.type == currentType) { if (error == "ACCESSDENIED_EXPIRY") { var msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); var imagePath = imageJson.pending_approval; this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else { this.contentError(error, tempJson.skip); } } } isInfiniteOn = false; }); } getContentGraph(tempJson, localRandomId) { console.log("getContentGraph", tempJson, localRandomId); conProvider.getContentListGraph(tempJson).then((data) => { this.insertIntoContentList(data, tempJson, localRandomId, true) console.log("getContentGraph get content list then", data?.length, tempJson, localRandomId, currentRandomTypeId); // console.log(data); }).catch((error) => { // console.log("get content list catch"); // console.log(error); if (localRandomId == currentRandomId) { if (tempJson.type == currentType) { if (error == "ACCESSDENIED_EXPIRY") { var msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); var imagePath = imageJson.pending_approval; this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else { this.contentError(error, tempJson.skip); } } } isInfiniteOn = false; }); } getContentItemsofMenuItemforUser(tempJson, localRandomId) { conProvider.getContentItemsofMenuItemforUser(tempJson).then((data) => { this.insertIntoContentList(data, tempJson, localRandomId, true) // console.log(data); }).catch((error) => { // console.log("get content list catch"); // console.log(error); if (localRandomId == currentRandomId) { if (tempJson.type == currentType) { if (error == "ACCESSDENIED_EXPIRY") { var msg = translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_ERROR_TITLE", { instituteName: varProvider.currentInstituteName }) + " " + translate("USER_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED_E_RESOURCE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION"); var imagePath = imageJson.pending_approval; this.showError(msg, imagePath); } else { this.contentError(error, tempJson.skip); } } } isInfiniteOn = false; }); } //process content data contentSuccessPush(data, tempJson, isGraph) { console.log("contentSuccessPush::::::", data?.length, tempJson, isGraph); if (data.length < 30 && isGraph) { noMoreData = true; } var loadedId = []; if (currentType == staticConfig.customLink || currentType == staticConfig.favorite) { for (var k = 0; k < contentList.length; k++) { if (contentList[k].isFetched) { loadedId.push(contentList[k].id); } } } const { params } = this.props.route; console.log("tempJson.skip", params); if (tempJson.skip == 0) { console.log("tempJson.skip"); contentList = []; } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var initials = data[i].title.charAt(0).toUpperCase(); var isFetched = false; if (loadedId.length != 0) { if (loadedId.indexOf(data[i].id) != -1) { isFetched = true; } } var type = data[i].type; var issn = data[i].issn; var eissn = data[i].eissn; var cid = data[i].contentId; var url = data[i].url; var libCoverImage = data[i].libCoverImage; var contentUpdatedAt = data[i].contentUpdatedAt var contentImage = this.loadContentImageFast(issn, eissn, type, cid, libCoverImage, contentUpdatedAt); var phImage = conProvider.getBgContentImage(type, url); var smallImage = conProvider.getContentImageSmall(type, data); var bgColor = conProvider.getContentBg(type); var multiUrls = data[i].multiUrls ? JSON.parse(data[i].multiUrls) : null contentList.push({ "id": data[i].id, "title": data[i].title, "libDescription": data[i].libDescription, "url": url, "type": type, "publisherName": data[i].publisherName, "isFavorite": data[i].isFavorite, "image": contentImage, "phImage": phImage, "smallImage": smallImage, "isFetched": isFetched, "issn": issn, "eissn": eissn, "initials": initials, "bgColor": bgColor, "multiUrls": multiUrls, "customInsContentId": data[i].customInsContentId, "contentType": data[i].contentType, }); } isListFromGraph = isGraph; console.log("contentList::===", contentList?.length); graphError = "" this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh, contentLoading: false, footerLoading: false, errorLoading: false, contentLength: contentList.length, accessDenied: false, errorModal: false, drawerLockMode: "unlocked" }); varProvider.drawerLockMode = "unlocked"; } //error to show when content fetching fails contentError(error, skipVal) { if (skipVal > pagingCount - 1) { //error while fetching next 30 article graphError = "" this.setState({ contentLoading: false, footerLoading: false, errorLoading: false, contentLength: contentList.length }); } else { connection.getGraphError(error).then((data) => { graphError = data this.setState({ errorLoading: true, contentLoading: false, footerLoading: false, contentLength: contentList.length, accessDenied: false, errorModal: false, drawerLockMode: "unlocked" }); }) varProvider.drawerLockMode = "unlocked"; } } errorFetchingImage(contentItem) { for (var i = 0; i < contentList.length; i++) { if (contentList[i].id == { contentList[i].isFetched = false; break; } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } successFetchingImage(contentItem) { for (var i = 0; i < contentList.length; i++) { if (contentList[i].id == { contentList[i].isFetched = true; break; } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } loadContentImageFast(issn, eissn, contentType, cid, libCoverImage, contentUpdatedAt) { var url; if (contentType == staticConfig.database) { if (libCoverImage === null) { url = config.coverUrl + contentType.toLowerCase() + "/" + cid.concat(contentUpdatedAt ? "?v=" + contentUpdatedAt : ""); } else { url = libCoverImage; } } else if (contentType == { url = config.s3AppSettingBucket + "institute/" + varProvider.currentInstituteId + "/contentItem/contentitem_" + cid; } else { if (issn) { url = config.coverUrl + contentType.toLowerCase() + "/" + issn + ".jpg".concat(contentUpdatedAt ? "?v=" + contentUpdatedAt : ""); } else if (eissn) { url = config.coverUrl + contentType.toLowerCase() + "/" + eissn + ".jpg".concat(contentUpdatedAt ? "?v=" + contentUpdatedAt : ""); } else { url = conProvider.getContentImage(contentType); } } return url; } loadContentImage(contentItem) { // console.log(contentItem); var path = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir + "/" + + ".jpg"; RNFetchBlob.fs.exists(path).then((exist) => { // console.log("content image exist: " + exist); if (exist) { for (var i = 0; i < contentList.length; i++) { if (contentList[i].id == { contentList[i].image = "file://" + path; break; } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } else { var issnOrIsbn; if (contentItem.issn) { issnOrIsbn = contentItem.issn; this.writeContentImage(contentItem, issnOrIsbn, true); } else if (contentItem.eissn) { issnOrIsbn = contentItem.eissn; this.writeContentImage(contentItem, issnOrIsbn, false); } } }); } writeContentImage(contentItem, issnOrIsbn, isIssn) { // console.log("write content image"); // let dirs = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs; var path = RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir + "/" + + ".jpg"; var url = config.coverUrl + contentItem.type.toLowerCase() + "/" + issnOrIsbn + ".jpg"; // console.log(url); RNFetchBlob .config({ fileCache: true, // by adding this option, the temp files will have a file extension path: path }) .fetch('GET', url, { //some headers .. }) .then((res) => { // the temp file path with file extension `png` // console.log(res); // console.log('The file saved to ', res.path()); if (res["respInfo"] && res["respInfo"]["headers"]) { var types = colProvider.findValueOfProperty(res["respInfo"]["headers"], "content-type"); if (types.length != 0) { var ctype = types[0]; if (ctype.indexOf("xml") == -1 && ctype.indexOf("html") == -1) { var aPath = "file://" + res.path(); for (var i = 0; i < contentList.length; i++) { if (contentList[i].id == { contentList[i].image = "file://" + aPath; break; } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } } } }) } createContentTitleList(data) { var tempList = [] for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { tempList.push({ id: data[i].id, title: data[i].title, type: data[i].type, iconName: (data[i].type.toUpperCase() == staticConfig.customLink || data[i].type.toUpperCase() == staticConfig.customInstituteContent || data[i].type.toUpperCase() == staticConfig.filtered) ? "icon_user_folder" : "icon_" + data[i].type.toLowerCase(), active: false, isExpanded: false, containsContent: data[i].containsContent, childMenuItems: data[i].childMenuItems ? this.createContentTitleList(JSON.parse(data[i].childMenuItems), data[i].type) : null }); } return tempList; } maintainTypeListState = (typeList) => { for (var m = 0; m < typeList.length; m++) { if (typeList[m].active) { if (typeList[m].childMenuItems?.length > 0) { let res = this.maintainTypeListState(typeList[m].childMenuItems) if (res != null) { return res } else { return typeList[m] } } else { return typeList[m] } } } return null } // inserting the bibilolist data in typeList async insertIntoTypeList(data, localRandomId, shouldFetchContentList) { if (localRandomId == currentRandomTypeId) { const { params } = this.props.route; var activeItem = await this.maintainTypeListState(typeList) typeList = []; typeList = this.createContentTitleList(data); // icon_user_folder this.getBiblioContentList().then((data) => { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i].type == staticConfig.favorite) { typeList.push({ id: "fav_item", title: data[i].title, type: data[i].type, iconName: "icon_" + data[i].type.toLowerCase(), active: false, containsContent: true, }); console.log("getBiblioContentList::::", params, params?.contentType); // if there is fav content item present and there is not any active item, then make fav section as active and show content if (data[i].count != 0 && activeItem == null && !params?.contentType) { typeList[typeList.length - 1].active = true; currentType = typeList[typeList.length - 1].type; currentTitle = typeList[typeList.length - 1].title; menuItemId = typeList[typeList.length - 1].id activeItem = typeList[typeList.length - 1]; console.log("first::::", params); } else if (params?.contentType) { //deeplink use case when user have fav and without fav item set to active tab item currentType = params?.contentType; currentTitle = params?.cTitle; menuItemId = params?.menuItemId; activeItem = { id: params?.menuItemId, title: params?.cTitle, }; console.log("second::::", params); } favIndex = typeList.length - 1; break; } } //if typelist length is less than 2 then there won't be 2nd index in type list array if (currentType == "" || currentTitle == "" || currentType == null) { for (var m = 0; m < typeList.length; m++) { typeList[m].active = false; } if (typeList[0].containsContent) typeList[0].active = true; typeList[0].isExpanded = true; currentType = typeList[0].type; currentTitle = typeList[0].title; menuItemId = typeList[0].id } else { this.updateTempList(typeList, activeItem, true) currentTitle = activeItem == null ? typeList[0].title : activeItem.title; menuItemId = activeItem == null ? typeList[0].id : } var tempFilters = this.state.pubFilters; console.log("shouldFetchContentList:::::", shouldFetchContentList) if (shouldFetchContentList) { this.callbackFun(tempFilters, true); this.clearParams(); // if (!params?.contentType) { // this.callbackFun(tempFilters, true); // // this.clearParams(); // console.log("if:::::") // } else { // this.callbackFun(tempFilters); // console.log("else:::::") // } } }); } } //get biblio content list getBiblioContentList() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var shouldFetchContentList = true; conProvider.getBiblioSql().then((data) => { if (data.length > 0) { shouldFetchContentList = false; resolve(data); } conProvider.getBiblioListGraph().then((resJson) => { //updating the typeList if (resJson.length > 0) { resolve(resJson); } else { if (shouldFetchContentList) reject(); } }).catch((error) => { if (shouldFetchContentList) reject(error); }); }).catch(() => { reject(); }); }); } //get biblio content list getMenuItemsList() { currentRandomTypeId = apiProvider.generateUUID(); var localRandomId = currentRandomTypeId; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var shouldFetchContentList = true; conProvider.getMenuItemSql().then((data) => { if (data.length > 0) { this.insertIntoTypeList(data, localRandomId, true); shouldFetchContentList = false; resolve(data); } conProvider.getMenuItemsGraph().then((resJson) => { //updating the typeList if (resJson.length > 0) { this.insertIntoTypeList(resJson, localRandomId, shouldFetchContentList); resolve(resJson); } else { if (shouldFetchContentList) reject(); } }).catch((error) => { if (shouldFetchContentList) reject(error); }); }).catch(() => { reject(); }); }); } //root error message on full screen showError(msg, imagePath) { this.drawer.closeDrawer(); graphError = "" this.setState({ accessDenied: true, deniedMessage: msg, contentLoading: false, contentLength: 0, errorModal: true, drawerLockMode: "locked-closed", isButton: false, imagePath: imagePath, errorLoading: false }); varProvider.drawerLockMode = "locked-closed"; } openMenu() { this.drawer.openDrawer(); } changeView() { this.setState({ isCardView: !this.state.isCardView }); } callbackFun(activeFilters, isBgContent) { var isFilter = false; var appliedFilter = []; var topKey, bottomKey, dataKey, dataValue; for (var i = 0; i < activeFilters.length; i++) { if (activeFilters[i].active) { isFilter = true; // if (i == 0) { topKey = "$searchText: String"; bottomKey = "libTitle_contains: $searchText"; dataKey = "searchText"; dataValue = activeFilters[0].value; // } appliedFilter.push({ "topKey": topKey, "bottomKey": bottomKey, "dataKey": dataKey, "dataValue": dataValue, }); } } if (appliedFilter.length == 0) { this.setState({ "isFilter": false, appliedFilter: appliedFilter }); } else { this.setState({ "isFilter": true, appliedFilter: appliedFilter }); } var tempJson = { "isFilter": isFilter, "appliedFilter": appliedFilter, "skip": 0, "menuItemId": menuItemId } this.initContentList(tempJson, activeFilters, isBgContent); } initContentList(tempJson, activeFilters, isBgContent) { //console.log("initContentList::::", isBgContent); if (!isBgContent) { //console.log("isBgContent", isBgContent, contentList?.length); contentList = []; graphError = "" this.setState({ contentLoading: true, contentLength: 0, pubFilters: activeFilters, accessDenied: false, errorModal: false, drawerLockMode: "unlocked", refreshTypes: !this.state.refreshTypes, errorLoading: false }); varProvider.drawerLockMode = "unlocked"; noMoreData = false; } else { //console.log("isBgContent else", isBgContent, contentList.length); noMoreData = false; //fetch content list from sqlite and compare it with new list fetched via graph query //if there isn't any change than no need to reset content list if (contentList.length != 0 && connection.isConnectedFun()) { //console.log("noMoreData"); //return function here so that next lines does not execute tempJson["type"] = currentType; tempJson["shouldDelete"] = "check"; tempJson["first"] = contentList.length; return this.loadContentList(tempJson); } } tempJson["type"] = currentType; tempJson["shouldDelete"] = "true"; tempJson["first"] = pagingCount; if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { //console.log("connection.isConnectedFun"); this.loadContentList(tempJson); } } callbackFavorite(isFavorite) { if (currentType == staticConfig.favorite && !isFavorite) { this.removeItem(cloneIt); } else { cloneIt.isFavorite = isFavorite; this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } } openFilters() { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('ConFilters', { "callbackFun": this.callbackFun, "pubFilters": this.state.pubFilters, "contentType": currentType }); } openContent(item) { // console.log(item); cloneIt = item; const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; if (item.type == staticConfig.journal) { if (this.state.isVPNConfigAccepted || this.state.isVPNOptional) { if ((item.issn || item.eissn) && shouldShowJournalDetail == "true") { navigate('JournalArticles', { "journalItem": item, "callbackFavorite": this.callbackFavorite, "refScreen": varProvider.currentScreen }); } else { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { var pubApiUrl = item.url; if (pubApiUrl.includes(config.pubApiShort)) { pubApiUrl = pubApiUrl.replace(/:token/g, varProvider.lastToken); } navigate('BrowserView', { "url": pubApiUrl, "refScreen": varProvider.currentScreen }); this.logContentOpenEvent(item.type, } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } } else { addVPNPopup = true; this.setState({ permissionModal: true }); } } else { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { if (this.state.isVPNConfigAccepted || this.state.isVPNOptional) { if (item.url) { // checking if multiUrl is present for database only if (item.multiUrls !== null && item.multiUrls.length > 0 && item.type === staticConfig.database) { if (item.multiUrls.length === 1) { this.openContentUrl(item.multiUrls[0].url, false, item.type, // false represent that there are no multi urls OR only one multi url } else { multiUrlsList = [] => { multiUrlsList.push({ title:, onPressFun: this.openContentUrl.bind(this, multiUrlsitem.url, true, item.type, }) // true represent that there are more then one multiUrl }) this.setState({ multiUrlsView: true }) } } else { this.openContentUrl(item.url, false, item.type, // false represent that there are no multi urls OR only one multi url } } } else { addVPNPopup = true; this.setState({ permissionModal: true }); } } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } } openContentUrl = (url, isMultiUrl, type, id) => { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; if (isMultiUrl) { this.setState({ multiUrlsView: false }) multiUrlsList = [] } var pubApiUrl = url if (pubApiUrl.includes(config.pubApiShort)) { pubApiUrl = pubApiUrl.replace(/:token/g, varProvider.lastToken); } navigate('BrowserView', { "url": pubApiUrl, "refScreen": varProvider.currentScreen }); this.logContentOpenEvent(type, id) } logContentOpenEvent(type, eResourceId) { let contentOpenJson = { "type": type, "eResourceId": eResourceId } analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("eResourceOpen", contentOpenJson); } logPdfScreenViewEvent(isNavigatingBack) { let screenViewJson = { "name": isNavigatingBack ? currentType : screenNames.PDFView, "previous": isNavigatingBack ? screenNames.PDFView : currentType }; analyticsProvider.logAnalyticsJson("ScreenView", screenViewJson); } iosPdfEvent(pdfObject) { const viewerDismissedSubscription = pdfObject.addListener( 'ViewerWillDismiss', (highlightObject) => { // console.log("ViewerWillDismiss Collection screen"); // console.log(highlightObject); viewerDismissedSubscription.remove(); this.logPdfScreenViewEvent(true); varProvider.currentScreen = screenNames.Content; } ); } removeFilter(item) { var tempFilters = this.state.pubFilters; for (var i = 0; i < tempFilters.length; i++) { if (item.value == tempFilters[i].value) { tempFilters[i].active = false; break; } } this.callbackFun(tempFilters); } viewDetails(item) { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('ContentDescription', { "item": item, "openContent": this.openContent }); } favoriteContent(item) { if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { var action; if (item.isFavorite) { item.isFavorite = false; action = "UNFAVORITE"; } else { item.isFavorite = true; action = "FAVORITE"; } var secondArg = false; var tempJson = {}; var contentIds = []; var id = item.contentType == staticConfig.customInstituteContent ? item.customInsContentId : contentIds.push(id); tempJson["contentIds"] = contentIds; tempJson["action"] = action; tempJson["isFavorite"] = item.isFavorite; tempJson["type"] = item.type; if (currentType == staticConfig.favorite && !item.isFavorite) { this.removeItem(item); } conProvider.favoriteContentGraph(tempJson, secondArg).then((data) => { if (item.type == staticConfig.journal && item.isFavorite) { jaProvider.cacheJournalArticles(); } }).catch((error) => { }); this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } removeItem(item) { for (var i = 0; i < contentList.length; i++) { if (contentList[i].id == { contentList.splice(i, 1); break; } } this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }); } FlatListItemSeparator = () => { return ( ); } // to handle scroll pagination to load more content handleLoadMore = () => { if (contentList.length > pagingCount - 1) { if (!noMoreData) { if (!isInfiniteOn) { this.setState({ footerLoading: true }); isInfiniteOn = true; var skipCount = contentList.length; var tempJson = { "isFilter": this.state.isFilter, "appliedFilter": this.state.appliedFilter, "skip": skipCount, "first": pagingCount, "type": currentType, "shouldDelete": "false", "menuItemId": menuItemId } console.log("handleLoadMore", tempJson); this.loadContentList(tempJson); } } } else { if (isListFromGraph) noMoreData = true; } }; closeGuide = () => { this.setState({ showGuide: false }) setProvider.closeGuide("iseResourcesGuideShown"); } hideModalCallback = () => { this.checkIfVPNCreated() } callbackVpnInfo() { this.setState({ permissionModal: true }); } openVpnInfo() { this.setState({ permissionModal: false }); const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; navigate('VpnInfo', { "isModal": true, "shouldShowDNSSetting": false, "callbackVpnInfo": this.callbackVpnInfo, "refScreen": screenNames.Content }); } renderFooter = () => { if (!this.state.footerLoading) return null; return ( ); }; renderEmpty = () => { console.log("renderEmpty:::", currentType, currentTitle, contentList?.length); var imagePath, isButton, buttonText, buttonFunction, title, text = "" if (currentType == staticConfig.favorite) { imagePath = imageJson.fav_content_empty; title = this.state.isFilter ? translate("FAV_FILTER_EMPTY") : translate("FC_EMPTY"); text = this.state.isFilter ? translate("FAV_FILTER_EMPTY_DATA") : translate("FC_EMPTY_DATA1"); isButton = true buttonText = translate("VIEW_MORE") buttonFunction = this.openMenu; // we have to change this , so i have not included it in en.json } else if (currentType == staticConfig.database) { imagePath = imageJson.content_empty; title = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_DATABASE_FILTER_EMPTY") : translate("CONTENT_DATABASE_EMPTY"); text = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_DATABASE_FILTER_EMPTY_DATA") : translate("CONTENT_DATABASE_EMPTY_DATA", { currentTitle: currentTitle }); } else if (currentType == staticConfig.journal) { imagePath = imageJson.content_empty; title = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_JOURNAL_FILTER_EMPTY") : translate("CONTENT_JOURNAL_EMPTY"); text = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_JOURNAL_FILTER_EMPTY_DATA") : translate("CONTENT_JOURNAL_EMPTY_DATA", { currentTitle: currentTitle }); } else if (currentType == staticConfig.ebook) { imagePath = imageJson.content_empty; title = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_EBOOK_FILTER_EMPTY") : translate("CONTENT_EBOOK_EMPTY"); text = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_EBOOK_FILTER_EMPTY_DATA") : translate("CONTENT_EBOOK_EMPTY_DATA", { currentTitle: currentTitle }); } else if (currentType == staticConfig.customInstituteContent) { imagePath = imageJson.content_empty; title = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_CUSTOMINSCON_FILTER_EMPTY") : translate("CONTENT_CUSTOMINSCON_EMPTY") text = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_CUSTOMINSCON_FILTER_EMPTY_DATA") : translate("CONTENT_CUSTOMINSCON_EMPTY_DATA", { currentTitle: currentTitle }) } else if (currentType == staticConfig.customLink) { imagePath = imageJson.content_empty; title = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_CUSTOMLINK_FILTER_EMPTY") : translate("CONTENT_CUSTOMLINK_EMPTY") text = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_CUSTOMLINK_FILTER_EMPTY_DATA") : translate("CONTENT_CUSTOMLINK_EMPTY_DATA", { currentTitle: currentTitle }) } else if (currentType == staticConfig.filtered) { imagePath = imageJson.content_empty; title = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_FILTERED_FILTER_EMPTY") : translate("CONTENT_FILTERED_EMPTY") text = this.state.isFilter ? translate("CONTENT_FILTERED_FILTER_EMPTY_DATA") : translate("CONTENT_FILTERED_EMPTY_DATA", { currentTitle: currentTitle }) } return ( {this.state.errorLoading ? : this.state.isFilter ? : } ); } renderEmptyDrawer = () => { return ( {this.state.errorLoading ? {translate("BIBLIO_FAILED")} : } ); } downloadFromLink = (item, retry) => { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; this.setState({ isLinkLoading: true }); conProvider.getDownloadURlFromS3(item).then((url) => { this.setState({ isLinkLoading: false }); navigate('BrowserView', { "url": url, "refScreen": varProvider.currentScreen }); this.logContentOpenEvent(item.type, }).catch((error) => { if (retry) { this.downloadFromLink(item, false) } else { this.setState({ isLinkLoading: false }); setTimeout(() => { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("ERROR_UNKNOWN_DESC")); }, 400) } }); } checkS3Url = (item) => { if (this.state.isVPNConfigAccepted || this.state.isVPNOptional) { if (item.url.includes("s3://")) { this.downloadFromLink(item, true) } else { this.openContent(item) } } else { addVPNPopup = true; this.setState({ permissionModal: true }); } } _renderContentCard = ({ item }) => ( ) hideActionSheetModal = () => { multiUrlsList = [] this.setState({ multiUrlsView: false }); } closeActionSheetModal = () => { multiUrlsList = [] this.setState({ multiUrlsView: false }); } render() { var renderFavFooter = (typeList && typeList.length > 0) ? this.menuItemPress(typeList[favIndex], true)} > {typeList[favIndex]?.title} : null; var menu = {translate("ALL_CONTENT")} { this.state.noData ? :} ListEmptyComponent={this.renderEmptyDrawer} renderItem={({ item, index }) => item.type !== staticConfig.favorite && this.menuItemPress(item, true)} > {item.title} {item.childMenuItems.length >= 1 && } {item.isExpanded && item.childMenuItems.length >= 1 &&, key) => this.menuItemPress(item, true)} > {item.title} )} } /> {renderFavFooter} } var headerBar = this.openMenu()}> {currentTitle} this.openFilters()}> return ( { this.drawer = _drawer; varProvider.conDrawer = _drawer; }} onDrawerClose={() => { this.onDrawerClose() }} drawerPosition={DrawerLayout.positions.Left} drawerLockMode={this.state.drawerLockMode} renderNavigationView={() => menu}> {/* to hide the header bar when there is any error modal on page*/} {!this.state.errorModal && headerBar} {, key) => ( { && this.removeFilter(item)} /> } )) } { this.state.contentLoading ? : {this.state.accessDenied ? {this.state.deniedMessage} : } } {this.state.errorModal && {this.state.imagePath && } {this.state.deniedMessage} {this.state.isButton && {this.state.bottomText} {translate("READ_OFFLINE")} } } {addVPNPopup ? translate("VPN_NOT_CONFIGURED") : translate("VPN_PERMISSION")} {addVPNPopup ? translate("VPN_NOT_CONFIGURED_DATA") : translate("VPN_PERMISSION_DATA")} { this.openVpnInfo() }}> {translate("VPN_LEARN_MORE")} { this.proceedWithVPNPermission() }}> {addVPNPopup ? translate("VPN_NOT_CONFIGURED_BUTTON") : translate("VPN_PERMISSION_BUTTON")} ); } async proceedWithVPNPermission() { this.setState({ permissionModal: false }); addVPNPopup = false; if (Platform.OS == "ios") { let isVPNConfigAccepted = await conProvider.updateProxyDetailsForIos(true); this.setState({ isVPNConfigAccepted: varProvider.enableProxy ? isVPNConfigAccepted : true }); } else { setTimeout(async () => { let isVPNConfigAccepted = await conProvider.updateProxyDetailsForAndroid(true); this.setState({ isVPNConfigAccepted: isVPNConfigAccepted }); if (isVPNConfigAccepted) { this.logVPNEvent(true); AsyncStorage.setItem("isVPNLogged", "true"); } }, 1000); } } clearParams() { const { params } = this.props.route; if (params != undefined && !params?.contentType) { console.log("clearParams:::::"); params.contentType = null; params.menuItemId = null; params.cTitle = null; } } menuItemPress(item, isClicked) { this.clearParams(); //clear params for deeplink when using other menu item press to avoid re render deeplink tab issue ((item.childMenuItems == null || item.childMenuItems?.length == 0) && item.containsContent) && this.drawer.closeDrawer(); if (connection.isConnectedFun()) { item.isExpanded = !item.isExpanded; if (item.containsContent) { this.updateTempList(typeList, item) currentTitle = item.title; menuItemId =; // added currentTiTle to display correct name on top of the content screen when menuitem is pressed if (isClicked) this.logScreenViewEvent(false); var tempFilters = this.state.pubFilters; this.setState({ refreshTypes: !this.state.refreshTypes }); setTimeout(() => { currentType = item.type; // changed title to type this.callbackFun(tempFilters); }, 450) } else { this.setState({ refresh: !this.state.refresh }) } } else { Toast.showShortCenter(translate("PLEASE_CONNECT")); } } updateTempList = (typeList, item, expandActiveItem) => { if (typeList) { var result = false; for (var i = 0; i < typeList.length; i++) { if (typeList[i].childMenuItems?.length > 0) { result = this.updateTempList(typeList[i].childMenuItems, item) if (result || typeList[i].id === { typeList[i].active = typeList[i].containsContent || result ? true : false if (expandActiveItem) typeList[i].isExpanded = expandActiveItem } else { typeList[i].active = false typeList[i].isExpanded = false } } else if (typeList[i].id === { typeList[i].active = true result = true } else { typeList[i].active = false typeList[i].isExpanded = false } } return result; } } onDrawerClose() { // console.log("on drawer close"); } }