variables: {walka.%player%} = false on damage of player: if attacker is player: if victim is false: if {walka.%victim%} is false: set {walka.%victim%} to true send "&cJedstes podczas pvp" to victim wait 15 seconds send "&cNie jestes juz podczas pvp" to victim set {walka.%victim%} to false if {walka.%attacker%} is false: set {walka.%attacker%} to true send "&cJedstes podczas pvp" to attacker wait 15 seconds send "&cNie jestes juz podczas pvp" to attacker set {walka.%attacker%} to false on quit: if {walka.%player%} is true: kill player broadcast "&6Gracz &c%player%&6 wylogowal sie podczas walki"