remove nausea from the victim apply nausea to victim for 10.9 seconds on damage: if name of attacker's tool is "&9Smocza Wlocznia": remove hunger from the victim apply hunger 40 to victim for 10.9 seconds command /topor: permission: essentials.item trigger: execute console command "/give %player% gold_axe 1 name:&eTopor_Tyranow lore:&2+_Ofiara_traci_kontrole_(ROZMYTY_EKRAN),_gdy_ja_zaatakujesz" enchant tool with unbreaking 100 enchant tool with sharpness 25 enchant tool with knockback 5 enchant tool with fire aspect 5 command /wlocznia: permission: essentials.item trigger: execute console command "/give %player% stick 1 name:&9Smocza_Wlocznia lore:&2+_Podczas_ataku_wyzwala_umiejetnosc_'ATAK_GLODU'|&2+_Niezniszczalna_Bron" enchant tool with sharpness 35 enchant tool with knockback 5