How did you come up with the name “Yeatle”? there was an episode of the cartoon show spongebob where Patrick shouts out the iconic phrase “leedle leedle lee” trying to come up with a unique word I start to replace the first letter in leedle and eventually came across “yeedle” which doesn’t look good or roll off the tongue well but one way or another it becomes “yeatle”. Do you stream full-time? Yes, I am a full time streamer who probably wouldn’t exist on YouTube if it weren’t for the good people that support me on twitch. So if you enjoy my videos consider supporting them at Has anyone ever told you that you look like… yes. yes they have told me. Why Ludicolo? Honestly, I just find his facial expression very relatable Previous FPS experience? I was a console pleb who played halo casually before overwatch. Overwatch is my first PC FPS game. Who did you play before ball? I didn’t play PC overwatch until season 2 which at the time I was a diamond rein main who was formerly a reddit lucio on console. Slowly but surely I realized my calling as an OFFTANK player and in season 5 I got GM, season 6 I ran it down main on DPS and season 7 onwards I bounce in and out of 4500. Then wrecking ball comes out and the rest is history. Sometimes I’ll still play offtank on my alt account yeatlet for the funsies. What made you start playing ball? I thought ball would be an offtank so I made it my goal to try and be the best. How many hours do you have on ball? At this point in time I have at least 1000 hours on him. Do you ever get bored of playing ball? Yes, but boredom comes and goes. Anyone who says they don’t get bored of playing one hero all day just hasn’t played enough. Do you do coaching? I used to do coaching but not anymore, I’d rather be streaming or making a video. Favorite OWL team? I was a fan of the OG seoul dynasty roster just because it was practically the OWWC korean team and the black and gold pattern was easily the coolest but now in days I don’t keep up with OWL. Would you ever go pro? I probably wouldn’t turn down a good offer but I definitely don’t plan on grinding path to pro. Any tips for x player trying to get out of x rank? Yes, watch my videos and play the game a lot. Best tanks with ball? I always tell my teammates to pick their best tank because that’s what wins ranked games. I also think every tank has good synergy with ball in the right context. But if I had to give an A or B answer I’d say Winston. How to play vs sombra? Keep track of her. If you know where she’s at you can cancel hack or go the other way. If she’s invisible she’ll have to de-stealth to hack you which in most cases should give you enough time to use all your abilities and at that point a hack won’t really matter. Best ball map? The best ball map is Lijiang Tower. Why? Because we never lose on Lijiang baby LETS GO. But in all seriousness most KOTH maps are the best ball maps, being the fastest hero in the game Wrecking Ball has a massive advantage in the first fight. He can scout what the enemy team is running, where they’re going and as an added bonus he can boop them somewhere they don’t want to be. Worst ball map? The difficulty of a map can change greatly depending on what teams are running but I think for me personally Havana, Rialto and Kings Row are my lowest winrate maps. Both Havana and Rialto have phases with some of the best sniper sightlines in the game as for King’s Row I find it harder to isolate people. When to swap off ball? If you’re not winning and you think swapping will make you win then that’s probably a good time to swap. Keybinds/Settings/Specs/Mouse/Sens for ball? all my keybinds are default. I play the game on all low settings, render scale 75% and all other settings are available if you type the command for them in chat. !settings !specs !mouse !sens What buffs/nerfs does ball need? I think Wrecking Ball is in a good spot. I wouldn’t touch him unless he becomes a must pick. But if I can sneak some buffs in his reload resetting in between forms would be gone and both minefield and adaptive shields would have zero cast time.