>As Twintails prepared to leave David's house, she noticed something. >"Oh, you have a rock collection." >Twintails could have sworn David rolled his eyes at her. >She... had used them in one of his nightmares, she realized. >"Right, I forgot about that. How about you borrow Rocky here, and we let bygones be bygones?" >David was a bit surprised as Twintails plucked a rock out of her pocket, and placed it in his palm. >"Take good care of him!", she said as she left. >David took a look at the rock. It was as ordinary a rock as you could find, except for the glued on googly eyes. >One of the eyes looked old and worn, but the other looked new, as if it had just been replaced. >"If she was carrying around a pet rock, then maybe she really was lonely.", David mused. >He turned the rock over in his hand, and noticed something scrawled in a young child's handwriting on the back of it. It looked like a name. >Not too far away, Fanny Hammarlund, the twin-tailed Marra, had a feeling she had just made a terrible mistake.