[00:08:26 INFO]: Azorias issued server command: /mm debug 4 [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- ? Checking SkillTrigger TIMER == TIMER [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: skill{s=OmenPlates_Toll;sync=true} @self ~onTimer:240 ?wearing{s=BODY;m=OmenPlates}) [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is a META mechanic. Executing... [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- ! Skill usable! [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- Running Skill OmenPlates_Toll Sync from MetaSkillMechanic [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- ! Skill usable! [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic effect:particles{particle=reddust;amount=15;hS=5;vS=5;speed=1;color=#240047} @self [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: effect:particles{particle=reddust;amount=15;hS=5;vS=5;speed=1;color=#240047} @self) [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic accepts multiple types... [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic sound{s=block.bell.use;v=1;p=0.9} @self [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: sound{s=block.bell.use;v=1;p=0.9} @self) [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic accepts multiple types... [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic sound{s=block.bell.use;v=0.5.1;p=0.25} @self [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: sound{s=block.bell.use;v=0.5.1;p=0.25} @self) [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic accepts multiple types... [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic sound{s=block.bell.resonate;v=0.2;p=0.5} @self [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: sound{s=block.bell.resonate;v=0.2;p=0.5} @self) [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic accepts multiple types... [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic skill{s=OmenPlates_Toll_CheckTarget;sync=true} @MobsInRadius{r=8;types=GenericEnemy} [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: skill{s=OmenPlates_Toll_CheckTarget;sync=true} @MobsInRadius{r=8;types=GenericEnemy}) [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 0 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- Returning 0 targets [00:08:33 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is a META mechanic. Executing... [00:08:33 INFO]: |----- ! Skill not usable: TargetConditions failed. [00:08:33 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic delay 40 [00:08:35 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic damage{amount=12;element=MENTAL;preventimmunity=true;preventknockback=true} @self [00:08:35 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:35 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: damage{amount=12;element=MENTAL;preventimmunity=true;preventknockback=true} @self) [00:08:35 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:35 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:35 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:35 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:38 INFO]: Azorias issued server command: /heal [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- ? Checking SkillTrigger TIMER == TIMER [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: skill{s=OmenPlates_Toll;sync=true} @self ~onTimer:240 ?wearing{s=BODY;m=OmenPlates}) [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is a META mechanic. Executing... [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- ! Skill usable! [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- Running Skill OmenPlates_Toll Sync from MetaSkillMechanic [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- ! Skill usable! [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic effect:particles{particle=reddust;amount=15;hS=5;vS=5;speed=1;color=#240047} @self [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: effect:particles{particle=reddust;amount=15;hS=5;vS=5;speed=1;color=#240047} @self) [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic accepts multiple types... [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic sound{s=block.bell.use;v=1;p=0.9} @self [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: sound{s=block.bell.use;v=1;p=0.9} @self) [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic accepts multiple types... [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic sound{s=block.bell.use;v=0.5.1;p=0.25} @self [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: sound{s=block.bell.use;v=0.5.1;p=0.25} @self) [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic accepts multiple types... [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic sound{s=block.bell.resonate;v=0.2;p=0.5} @self [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: sound{s=block.bell.resonate;v=0.2;p=0.5} @self) [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic accepts multiple types... [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic skill{s=OmenPlates_Toll_CheckTarget;sync=true} @MobsInRadius{r=8;types=GenericEnemy} [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: skill{s=OmenPlates_Toll_CheckTarget;sync=true} @MobsInRadius{r=8;types=GenericEnemy}) [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 0 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- Returning 0 targets [00:08:45 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is a META mechanic. Executing... [00:08:45 INFO]: |----- ! Skill not usable: TargetConditions failed. [00:08:45 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic delay 40 [00:08:47 INFO]: +--- + Evaluating SkillMechanic damage{amount=12;element=MENTAL;preventimmunity=true;preventknockback=true} @self [00:08:47 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:47 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 1 (line: damage{amount=12;element=MENTAL;preventimmunity=true;preventknockback=true} @self) [00:08:47 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:47 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:47 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:47 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:51 INFO]: Azorias issued server command: /heal [00:08:53 INFO]: |----- ? Checking SkillTrigger ARMOR_UNEQUIP == ARMOR_UNEQUIP [00:08:53 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:53 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 0 (line: auraremove{aura=OmenPlatesResistPhysical} @self ~onUnEquip) [00:08:53 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:53 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:53 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:53 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:55 INFO]: |----- ? Checking SkillTrigger ARMOR_EQUIP == ARMOR_EQUIP [00:08:55 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:55 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 0 (line: onDamaged{auraName=FlawlessAventurineRingResistMental;d=9999999;mergeAll=true;damageMods="MENTAL<&sp>0.65"} @self ~onEquip) [00:08:55 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:55 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:55 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:55 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:56 INFO]: |----- ? Checking SkillTrigger ARMOR_UNEQUIP == ARMOR_UNEQUIP [00:08:56 INFO]: |----- + SkillMechanic usable! [00:08:56 INFO]: |----- Executing SkillMechanic with power 0 (line: auraremove{aura=FlawlessAventurineRingResistMental} @self ~onUnEquip) [00:08:56 INFO]: |------- : EntityTargeter found 1 targets [00:08:56 INFO]: +--- + Applying entity target filters [00:08:56 INFO]: |----- Returning 1 targets [00:08:56 INFO]: |------- : SkillMechanic is an ENTITY skill. Executing... [00:08:59 INFO]: Azorias issued server command: /mm debug 0