Available Commands: bank Bank models a set of accounts with currency balances bulkingest bulkingest testdata is designed to produce a skewed distribution of KVs when ingested (in initial import or during later indexing) indexes Indexes writes to a table with a variable number of secondary indexes interleavedpartitioned Tests the performance of tables that are both interleaved and partitioned json JSON reads and writes to keys spread (by default, uniformly at random) across the cluster kv KV reads and writes to keys spread randomly across the cluster. ledger Ledger simulates an accounting system using double-entry bookkeeping movr MovR is a fictional vehicle sharing company querybench QueryBench runs queries from the specified file. The queries are run sequentially in each concurrent worker. querylog Querylog is a tool that produces a workload based on the provided query log. queue A simple queue-like application load: inserts into a table in sequence (ordered by primary key), followed by the deletion of inserted rows starting from the beginning of the sequence. rand random writes to table roachmart Roachmart models a geo-distributed online storefront with users and orders schemachange schemachange randomly generates concurrent schema changes sqlsmith sqlsmith is a random SQL query generator tpcc TPC-C simulates a transaction processing workload using a rich schema of multiple tables tpcc-checks tpcc-checks runs the TPC-C consistency checks as a workload. tpcds TPC-DS is a read-only workload of "decision support" queries on large datasets. tpch TPC-H is a read-only workload of "analytics" queries on large datasets. ycsb YCSB is the Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark