"language.name": "English", "language.region": "United States", "language.code": "en_us", "version": "21", "command.cancel": "cancel", "command.expired": "expired", "command.help": "help", "command.menu": "menu", "command.reload": "reload", "command.return": "return", "command.search": "search", "command.sell": "sell", "command.selling": "selling", "command.sold": "sold", "console.command.invalid_player": "Player is offline or invalid!", "console.command.player_only": "This command can only be run by a player!", "console.command.reloaded": "AuctionHouse reloaded", "discord.sell.player.listed_item": "**{0} listed {1}x {2} for ${3} on the auction house!**", "discord.sell.player.item_sold": "**{0} sold {1}x &f{2} to {3} for ${4} on the auction house!**", "discord.prefix": ":shopping_cart: ", "message.active_listings.admin_click": " \n&cShift-Right-Click to cancel.", "message.active_listings.click": "&aClick here to purchase.\n ", "message.active_listings.howto.desc1": "&aTo list an item on the auction house, just hold", "message.active_listings.howto.desc2": "&athe item in your hand and type &b/ah sell .", "message.active_listings.info.desc1": "&aThis is the auction house. Here you can", "message.active_listings.info.desc2": "&alist items for sale, and purchase items", "message.active_listings.info.desc3": "&athat others have listed for sale.", "message.active_listings.info.desc4": "&aThe auction is also a great way to make", "message.active_listings.info.desc5": "&amoney by selling farmable items other", "message.active_listings.info.desc6": "&aplayers may be interested in buying.", "message.active_listings.title": "Auction House", "message.active_listings.unavailable": "&6You can not purchase this item.\n ", "message.cancel.admin_success": "&6{0} has &ecancelled &6your auction of &e{1}x &f{2}!", "message.cancel.info": "&6Return cancelled and expired items from &b/ah expired&6.", "message.cancel.success": "&6You have &ecancelled &6an auction.", "message.cancel_all.failed": "&6You have no active auctions.", "message.cancel_all.success": "&6You have &ecancelled &6all your auctions.", "message.command.reloaded": "&fAuctionHouse reloaded", "message.config.reload": "Reloading configuration", "message.confirm_listing.title": "Pay ${0} Listing Fee?", "message.expired_listings.button.desc1": "&aClick here to view and optionally return any", "message.expired_listings.button.desc2": "&aitems you have cancelled or that have expired.", "message.expired_listings.button.title": "&6Return Expired / Cancelled Items", "message.expired_listings.click": "&aClick here to return to you.", "message.expired_listings.info.desc1": "&aThis page shows all of your cancelled and", "message.expired_listings.info.desc2": "&aexpired items. When a listing is cancelled", "message.expired_listings.info.desc3": "&aor expires you will be able to return that", "message.expired_listings.info.desc4": "&aitem back to you from menu.", "message.expired_listings.info.desc5": "&aJust click on the item and if you have enough", "message.expired_listings.info.desc6": "&ainventory space you will receive the item.", "message.expired_listings.notice1": "&cYou have expired items in AuctionHouse.", "message.expired_listings.notice2": "&6Use &e/ah return &6to return your expired items", "message.expired_listings.return.desc1": "&aClick here to return all cancelled", "message.expired_listings.return.desc2": "&aand expired item to your inventory.", "message.expired_listings.title": "Cancelled / Expired Listings", "message.help.ah": "&9/ah &8- &6Open the auction house.", "message.help.ah_cancel": "&9/ah cancel &8- &6Cancel all your auctions.", "message.help.ah_expired": "&9/ah expired &8- &6View your expired items to return.", "message.help.ah_menu": "&9/ah menu &8- &6Open the auction house in menu mode.", "message.help.ah_return": "&9/ah return &8- &6Return all your expired items.", "message.help.ah_search": "&9/ah search &8- &6View filtered items in the auction house.", "message.help.ah_sell": "&9/ah sell &8- &6Sell the item you are holding.", "message.help.ah_selling": "&9/ah selling &8- &6View the items you are selling.", "message.help.ah_sold": "&9/ah sold &8- &6View the items you have sold.", "message.listing.buyer.key": "Buyer:", "message.listing.buyer.value": "&9Buyer: &e{0}", "message.listing.expire.key": "Expire:", "message.listing.expire.value": "&9Expire: &e{0}", "message.listing.fee.value": "&9Listing Fee: &e${0}", "message.listing.horizontal.rule.bottom": "&8------------------------------", "message.listing.horizontal.rule.top": "&8------------------------------", "message.listing.item_expired": "&cItem Has Expired!", "message.listing.order.highest_price": "Highest Price First", "message.listing.order.lowest_price": "Lowest Price First", "message.listing.order.newest": "Newest First", "message.listing.order.oldest": "Oldest First", "message.listing.order.value": "&9Order: &e{0}", "message.listing.price.key": "Price:", "message.listing.price.value": "&9Price: &e${0}", "message.listing.purchased.key": "Purchased:", "message.listing.purchased.value": "&9Purchased: &e{0} ago", "message.listing.returnable.key": "Returnable:", "message.listing.returnable.value": "&9Returnable: &e{0}", "message.listing.seller.key": "Seller:", "message.listing.seller.value": "&9Seller: &e{0}", "message.listing.selling.key": "Selling:", "message.listing.selling.value": "&9Selling: &e{0}", "message.listing.sold.value": "&9Sold Items: &e{0}", "message.listing.sold_items.key": "Sold Items:", "message.log.item_cancelled": "{0} cancelled an auction for {1}x {2}{3} for ${4} on {5}", "message.log.item_dropped": "Dropped {0}'s expired listing of {1}x {2}{3} for ${4} at their feet on {5}", "message.log.item_listed": "{0} listed {1}x {2}{3} for ${4} on {5}", "message.log.item_purged": "Purged {0}'s abandoned listing of {1}x {2}{3} for ${4} on {5}", "message.log.item_returned": "Returned {0}x {1}{2} to {3} on {4}", "message.log.item_sold": "{0} sold {1}x {2} to {3}{4} for ${5} on {6}", "message.menu.back": "&6Back", "message.menu.cancel": "&cCancel", "message.menu.confirm": "&aConfirm", "message.menu.exit": "&6Exit", "message.menu.howto_sell": "&6How To Sell An Item", "message.menu.info": "&6What Is This Page?", "message.menu.page.next": "&6Next Page", "message.menu.page.previous": "&6Previous Page", "message.menu.return_all": "&6Return All", "message.menu.sort_listings": "&6Sort Listings", "message.menu_item.removed": "Removed a menu item {0}x {1} [{2}] from {3}'s inventory!", "message.player_listings.button.desc1": "&aClick here to manage all of the items you", "message.player_listings.button.desc2": "&aare currently selling on the auction.", "message.player_listings.button.title": "&6Items You're Selling", "message.player_listings.click": "&cClick here to cancel.\n ", "message.player_listings.info.desc1": "&aThese are your current listings, all of", "message.player_listings.info.desc2": "&athe items you currently have listed on", "message.player_listings.info.desc3": "&athe auction house are displayed here.", "message.player_listings.info.desc4": "&aYou can cancel and view you listing's", "message.player_listings.info.desc5": "&aexpire time here.", "message.player_listings.title": "Your Current Listings", "message.purchase.after_taxes": " &6after taxes", "message.purchase.buyer_balance": "&eBalance: &a${0}", "message.purchase.earnings": "&fYou earned &b${0}{1}&f!", "message.purchase.notify": "&f{0} &6purchased your auction of &e{1}x &f{2}&6!", "message.purchase.seller_balance": "&eBalance: &a${0}", "message.purchase.success": "&6You purchased &e{0}x &f{1} &6for &c${2}&f!", "message.purchase_item.title": "Purchase Item: Are you sure?", "message.return.success": "&6Item &ereturned &6to your inventory.", "message.return_all.success": "&6Items were &ereturned &6to your inventory.", "message.sell.fee": "&fA fee of &c${0} &fwas charged", "message.sell.listed_item": "&6You have listed &e{0}x &f{1} &6for &b${2} &6on the auction house!", "message.sell.player.listed_item": "&e{0} &6listed &e{1}x &f{2} &6for &b${3} &6on the auction house!", "message.sell.player.item_sold": "&e{0} &6sold &e{1}x &f{2} &6to &e{3} for &b${4} &6on the auction house!", "message.sell.seller_balance": "&eBalance: &a${0}", "message.sold_items.button.desc1": "&aClick here to view recent items you have", "message.sold_items.button.desc2": "&asold and the details.", "message.sold_items.button.title": "&6Recently Sold Items", "message.sold_items.clear.button.desc1": "&aClick here to clear all sold items.", "message.sold_items.clear.button.desc2": "&cItems will be permanently removed!", "message.sold_items.clear.button.title": "&6Clear Sold Items", "message.sold_items.info.desc1": "&aThese are your recent sold items, all", "message.sold_items.info.desc2": "&aof the items you have sold recently on", "message.sold_items.info.desc3": "&athe auction house are displayed here.", "message.sold_items.info.desc4": "&aYou can view the buyer and time since", "message.sold_items.info.desc5": "&athe purchase here.", "message.sold_items.title": "Recently Sold Items", "warning.command.disabled_world": "This command is disabled in this world!", "warning.command.sell.no_permission": "&cYou do not have permission to sell.", "warning.command.sleeping": "You can not run this command while sleeping!", "warning.command.unknown": "&cUnknown command. Type \"/help\" for help.", "warning.expired_listings.return.none": "&cYou have no items to return.", "warning.listing.expired": "&cThis item is no longer listed.", "warning.player_listings.none": "&cYou have not listed any items.", "warning.purchase.insufficient_funds": "&cYou cannot afford this item.", "warning.purchase.no_inventory": "&cYou don't have enough inventory space.", "warning.purchase.own_item": "&cYou cannot purchase your own item.", "warning.purchase.problem": "&cThere was an issue completing the transaction, please try again!", "warning.return.no_inventory": "&cInventory full, dropping item.", "warning.return.not_cancelled": "&cThis item is not cancelled.", "warning.return.problem": "&cCould not return item.", "warning.return_all.failed": "&6You have no items to return.", "warning.return_all.no_inventory": "&cInventory full, dropping items.", "warning.return_all.problem": "&cCould not return all items.", "warning.sell.blacklist": "&cThat item is not allowed to be put on the auction house!", "warning.sell.creative": "&cYou cannot sell items while in creative.", "warning.sell.damaged_item": "&cDamaged items are not allowed to be put on the auction house!", "warning.sell.insufficient_funds": "&cYou do not have enough money to list the auction.", "warning.sell.max_listings": "&cYou cannot list more than &f{0} &citems at a time.", "warning.sell.min_price": "&cYou can not list an item with a price lower than ${0}", "warning.sell.max_price": "&cYou can not list an item with a price higher than ${0}", "warning.sell.negative_price": "&cDon't you like making money?", "warning.sell.no_item": "&cYou are not holding an item in your hand.", "warning.sell.spectator": "&cYou cannot sell items while in spectator.", "warning.sell.unavailable": "&cYou are not permitted to sell items.", "warning.sold_items.cleared": "&cYou have cleared all your sold items.", "warning.sold_items.none": "&cYou have not sold any items recently.", "warning.unclaimed_listings.notice": "&cUnclaimed AuctionHouse items were dropped at your feet!", "warning.listing.cooldown": "&6You must wait &e{0} &6before listing again."