Section 2 – “Starting Beneath the Dim Light” Fuzzy Ah, that was fun! I enjoyed that more than I thought I would! Ciel Fun... I guess you meant combat when you said you wanted to “play.” Fuzzy But there’s nothing more fun, don’t you think? Don’t you? Fuzzy There aren’t many people who play with me anymore. Everyone always breaks before we’re finished. Fuzzy Well, I didn’t exactly give my best performance this time either. But you guys played with me until the end so I guess you pass. Raabe I thought the goal was to get know each other better, not an all out battle. Such bloodthirst is unbecoming. Raabe Although... we seem to have passed the test. We probably shouldn’t worry too much about what he says. Fuzzy Ahahaha, don’t be such a stick in the mud. It’s not like I actually tried to kill you, you know. Fuzzy Besides, what better way to get to know one another than to have some fun? Fuzzy So now I know more about you and you guys know a little more about me. Right? Fuzzy Especially you... Rei. Raabe Admittedly I was able to collect some valuable data. In any case, please hurry and tell us where we can find the elements. Fuzzy Okay~. Fuzzy If you keep heading straight down this road, the scenery should start to change a bit. It’s over there. Hazama Just keep going straight? You can’t give us a bit more of a detailed explanation? Hazama Do you not trust us or are you simply handling the situation as you see fit? Hazama Ah, I’m not trying to sound overly skeptical here or anything. Fuzzy You can take your doubts and shove ‘em. You’ll be fine, the city isn’t that big anyway. Fuzzy It’s not that far and you’ll know it when you see it. Probably. Kazuma "You think?" I can’t speak for Hazama-san, but I can’t say I feel overly comfortable with this either... Fuzzy-san... Kazuma Is this really okay? Fuzzy Who knows? I’m just following the role I was given. You don’t know if I’m lying to you but you also don’t know what the truth is either, do you? Fuzzy Well, whether you believe me or not is up to you guys. Isn’t it? Raabe That’s a logical way of looking at it. We don’t know anything about this world so whether or not we believe you we don’t have much of a choice other than to do what you say. Fuzzy Now you’re getting it. What’s the harm in just going along with it? I’ll tell you everything I know. Fuzzy After that, you’re on your own~! [Fuzzy leaves] Ciel Doesn’t matter whether he’s coming or going, it’s impossible to tell where Fuzzy-san is. Raabe What an undesirable trait. Saying whatever they want and then vanishing without a trace. Raabe The information we were given might have been hard to digest, but our options do appear to be limited. Raabe We still need to find a way out of here. If gathering these elements is our only lead, then that’s our best option going forward. Ciel Roger. Hazama Please allow me to accompany you. I don’t think I could stand being left alone again in this unfamiliar place. Hazama I’m counting on you. Kazuma ...If you ask me, this guy may be better than Fuzzy-san but he still seems like a piece of work... Hazama I must admit I was surprised, though. Ciel What do you mean? Hazama I wasn’t expecting you guys to be so skilled in combat. Ciel Thank you for the compliment. Hazama On the contrary, I’m much more ashamed such skills are outside my range of expertise. Hazama I’m much more suited to infiltration and reconnaissance. Or, that is to say, I get the feeling I would be anyway. Hazama Nevertheless, I must be lucky to have met up with such strong individuals. Kazuma-san is even a magician! How cool is that? Kazuma A-Ah... is that so... Hazama As long as I’m with you guys, collecting these elements should be a breeze. It’s a real confidence booster. Raabe ......... Hazama My, you’ve been staring at me rather intensely for a while now. Is there something on my face? Raabe ...No. I was merely ruminating on our situation. Don’t worry about it. If I feel I must say something, rest assured I will speak my mind. Hazama Oh, is that all? I won’t look into it too much then. Feel free to ruminate to your heart’s content. Raabe ...Hey, Rei. Raabe Do you think Kazuma is real? >I think he’s real. Raabe Really... If you think that’s the case then you’re probably right. >What do you mean? Raabe ...No, it’s probably nothing. Tell me if you start to notice anything off. Raabe We have so little to go on right now and everyone we’ve met, including Kazuma, have been cryptic so far. Raabe For now, I would be wary of our allies. Ciel Just like Fuzzy-san said, the scenery has changed. Ciel If he’s to be believed, one of the keys... the elements, should be here. Kazuma At first glance, nothing seems particularly suspicious. Kazuma Since this place is so big, should we split up to look for it? Hazama We still don’t know what these elements are supposed to look like. Splitting up would probably be unwise. Hazama It would be nice if it turned out to be something simple like an actual key but... I doubt things will end up being that easy. Raabe I agree. For all we know, it might not even be visible. Hazama I do so hope he didn’t forget to let slip that these “keys” are potentially dangerous. Ciel Kagami-san once called this sort of thing a “flag.” Raabe Hey, don’t just say that. You’ll end up making it come true. Kazuma ......... Hazama Kazuma-san? You’ve had this distressed look on your face ever since earlier. Is something bothering you? Kazuma Aah, no, that’s not it. I’ve just had a lot to think about. Hazama That’s understandable. All of this happened out of nowhere, after all. Hazama I can see how you’d be overwhelmed. Hazama We’ve all gotten caught up in this awful situation. Kazuma Haha, you’ve got a point... Hazama Does this sort of bizarre thing happen to you guys often? Hazama You’ve remained very composed this whole time, analyzing things, and you seemed accustomed to combat as well. Raabe How observant of you. Where did you cultivate such a discerning eye? Raabe You had said before that you were skilled at infiltration and reconnaissance. What sort of work do you do? Hazama Aw, now that’s not very fair. I’ve forgotten everything about myself. What I can remember is vague at best. Hazama I told you earlier. I just have a feeling that I would be good at investigation. There’s really no deeper meaning to it. Hazama It’s nothing more than an educated guess. Raabe Is that so. Well let me tell you something you may have forgotten then. It’s hardest to trust those who speak the loudest. You would do well to remember that one. Hazama Ahaha... So harsh. Ciel ...! Ciel I’m picking up a biological reaction! It’s coming closer--! [gunshot] Hazama Gyaaeehh! Ciel That was an interesting scream. Hazama I don’t care about that right now! Did you not see me almost get shot to death!? Raabe You’re still alive, aren’t you? Ciel, where is the enemy located? Ciel In front of us, at 12 ‘o clock! [enter Noel] Ciel Noel-san? Ciel What are you doing here, Noel-san... Were you brought here, just like us? Noel Who are you? Why do you know who I am? Raabe This doesn’t seem to be like Kazuma’s case. Raabe No, wait... this reaction... Raabe I figured it out. This is the element. Noel Vermillion possesses the element of fire. Ciel Why would Noel have one of the keys Fuzzy-san was talking about? Raabe It feels like she has more than just possessing it. Raabe Rather than being Noel Vermillion herself, the element may have overwritten Noel’s very existence here. Noel Excuse me, but if you have nothing to do with me would you please stand down? I have business with Hazama-san. Hazama Eh? Me? With me? Uh, now hold on just a minute. Hazama I’m very sorry but I have no idea who you are. ...Then again, perhaps I should know who you are. Hazama Yes, could you please tell me? What is my relationship with you? Noel How dare you say such a thing...! Noel How could you have already forgotten what you did to me and my friend! Raabe She’s not being very reasonable. What did you do? Hazama How am I supposed to know!? I wanna know just as much as you do! Hazama Uh, Miss... Noel, was it? I think you may have mistaken me for someone else... Noel I’m NOT mistaken! Hazama Even if you say that... I really don’t remember anything so I don’t know what you expect me to do... Kazuma Since she’s already so angry, why don’t you just go ahead and apologize for now? Ciel I’ve heard that it’s always important to apologize. Hazama I don’t really understand the point of apologizing for something I don’t remember doing but... I guess it can’t be helped. Sometimes it’s an adult’s job to take the high road... Hazama Um, Noel-san, correct? Hazama I offer my sincerest apologies. I must have hurt you deeply. Hazama It’s regrettable that I don’t know who you are, but from the bottom of my heart I apologize. Noel There’s no emotion in your words... they have no meaning. Noel Were you even going to apologize in the first place!? No, you can’t just apologize and expect me to forgive you. Noel I must defeat you...! You’re my enemy! Hazama Uh, wait, isn’t this going a little differently than expected? I apologized and now things have gotten worse! Hazama At any rate, would you mind putting the guns down? They’re scaring me. Ciel Noel-san’s battle level is increasing and she’s getting more hostile by the second. Hazama You think I can’t see that!? Noel Don’t bother trying to resist! [gunshot] Hazama Aaaiiii! Noel I will never forgive you! [gunshot] Hazama W-Wait a second! Surely we can talk this out! Noel Talk... there’s nothing here that needs to be talked about...! [gunshot] Hazama Owaah--!? Kazuma Do you think he’ll be okay...? Hazama Do I look okay to you!? I don’t get along well with people like this! Hazama This girl is a fire type, right? I’m a dark type. Fundamentally we just aren’t compatible. Hazama You understand, don’t you, Kazuma-san? Since you’re a wind type you’re also no good at this kind of thing, right? Kazuma Eh? Me? I... that’s... Hazama Ohhhhh this is bad! Hazama I leave this up to you guys! >What!? Hazama Don’t give me that look! Surely you knew something like this would happen eventually. >Even if you leave it to us... Hazama You guys are my only hope! I’m counting on you! Hazama That’s it, Ciel-san should know how to handle this, right? Hazama She’s a light type, after all. Noel What are you whispering about...! Noel You there! Please hand over Hazama-san quietly! Noel Otherwise, I will have to use force...! [gunshot x3] Raabe Oh dear. It would appear that there’s no use trying to talk things out. Raabe I guess it’s unavoidable. Ciel, Rei, prepare for battle. Ciel Roger! Initiating elimination of target. [static] Raabe ...she disappeared? Ciel Noel’s reaction is no longer within range. However, in her place is... [a sphere with the fire symbol appears] Kazuma That’s... a mass of mana, isn’t it? That’s the feeling I’m getting from it. Kazuma I can feel it radiating the power of fire. Hazama Perhaps this is the fire elemental key. Fuzzy Ding ding ding! You’re absolutely correct! [enter Fuzzy] Raabe You were watching us from somewhere. You’re timing is too perfect. Fuzzy Hm? Whatever could you be talking about? Fuzzy Rather than that, aren’t you more interested in where the next key is? Aren’t you? Kazuma I don’t think... Fuzzy Aren’t you curious? You are, right? Fuzzy I’ll tell you about it. There’s a building down at the end of this road – the rooftop is your next stop. Raabe Once again you are awful with giving directions... So we’ll find the next element if we head there? Fuzzy Probably. I think so anyway. Raabe You think so... Take a little responsibility for your words. Fuzzy Ahaha, you’re funny. I’m plenty responsible. Fuzzy I hope you manage to get the next one too. If I feel like it, I might even come watch again. Alright? Fuzzy Well, good luck getting there! [Fuzzy leaves] Kazuma So... should we start heading that way? Hazama We should do that. We can’t expect to make any progress if we just stand here. Hazama I wonder which elemental key we’ll find next?