movim_1 | Phinx by CakePHP - movim_1 | movim_1 | using config file ./phinx.php movim_1 | using config parser php movim_1 | using migration paths movim_1 | - /var/www/html/database/migrations movim_1 | using seed paths movim_1 | - /var/www/html/database/seeds movim_1 | warning no environment specified, defaulting to: movim movim_1 | using adapter pgsql movim_1 | using database movim movim_1 | ordering by creation time movim_1 | movim_1 | All Done. Took 0.0288s movim_1 | movim_1 | The configuration key username has been updated from admin to admin movim_1 | The configuration key password has been updated from $2y$10$7KN7ip/0q.yZNRL1Utd5l.PHQBbkpadzk/.BnzYo/5JQ7AUj57KXe to $2y$10$oudDI34sFlZaF.NbqhSKIOL/44BkblkqX71LQMcFan.w482nG7sfa movim_1 | An error occured, check syslog for more information movim_1 | [16-Jan-2020 14:37:51] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 30 movim_1 | [16-Jan-2020 14:37:51] NOTICE: ready to handle connections movim_1 | movim_1 | The database needs to be migrated before running the daemon movim_1 | To migrate the database run movim_1 | php vendor/bin/phinx migrate movim_movim_1 exited with code 0