on chat: replace all "<3" with "❤" in message replace all "->" with "➡" in message replace all "{star}" with "✩" in message replace all "{flower}" with "✿" in message replace all "{yingyang}" with "☯" in message replace all "{correct}" with "✔" in message replace all "{fail}" with "✖" in message command /emotki []: trigger: send "&r " to player send "&8&m&l----------&6&l HBMC.PL &e&l- Emotki &8&m&l----------" to player send "&aLista emotek:" to player send "&e• &f<3 &e➜ &f❤" to player send "&e• &f-> &e➜ &f➡" to player send "&e• &f{star} &e➜ &f✩" to player send "&e• &f{flower} &e➜ &f✿" to player send "&e• &f{yingyang} &e➜ &f☯" to player send "&e• &f{correct} &e➜ &f✔" to player send "&e• &f{fail} &e➜ &f✖" to player send "&e• &f<3 &e➜ &f❤" to player send "&e• &f<3 &e➜ &f❤" to player