libname b "C:\Users\Asia\Desktop\sas"; /*zadanie 1*/ proc sort data=b.customer out=b.zad1; by miasto; run; data b.zad1; set b.zad1; by miasto; flaga = (wiek>=18); if first.miasto then liczba_klientow=0; liczba_klientow+flaga; if last.miasto then output; keep miasto liczba_klientow; run; /*zadanie 2*/ proc sql; create table b.zad2 as select our_party_no, count(polaczenia) as liczba_pol, sum(polaczenia) as sum_pol, round((calculated suma_pol)/(calculated liczba_pol)) as avg_pol from where call_type=1 and month(data_polaczenia)=2 group by our_party_no having liczba_pol>400; quit; /*zadanie 3 sql*/ proc sql; create table b.zad3 as select c.phone_no,, sum(polaczenia) as liczba_pol, round(sum(cost),0.01) as cost_pol from as c inner join b.customer as d on c.phone_no=d.our_party_no where upcase(city)="WŁOSZCZOWA" and call_type=1 group by phone_no; quit; /*zadanie 3 4gl*/ proc sort data=b.customer out=b.customer_sort; by phone_no; run; proc sort out=b.call_sort; by our_party_no; run; data b.zad3; merge b.call_sort (in=a where=(call_type=1)) b.customer_sort(in=b rename=(our_party_no=phone_no) where=(upcase(miasto)="WŁOSZCZOWA")); by phone_no; if a=b; if first.phone_no then do; liczba_pol=0; cost_pol=0; end; liczba_pol+polaczenia; cost_pol+cost; if last.phone_no then output; keep phone_no city liczba_pol cost_pol; run; /*zadanie 4*/ %macro klienci(miasto=,wiek=,typ=); proc sql; create table b.zad4_&miasto._&wiek._&typ. as select customer_id, phone_no, age, city, type from b.customer where upcase(miasto)=upcase("&miasto.") and age>=&wiek. and upcase(type)=upcase("&typ."); quit; %mend klienci; %klienci(miasto=Gdynia,wiek=18,typ=D); %macro klienci(miasto= ,wiek= , typ= ); Proc sql; Create table b.zad4_&miasto._&wiek._&typ as Select customer_id, phone_no, age, city, type From b.customer Where upcase(city)=”&miasto.” AND age >=&wiek. and type = &typ.; Quite; %Mend klienci; %klienci(miasto =’GDYNIA”, wiek=18, typ=”D”);