#Na zlecenie Gibek123 variables: {excalibur.kille.%player%} = 0 command /excalibur: permission: excalibur.skript trigger: give 1 diamond sword named "&6&oExcalibur" with lore "&fWlasnosc : &6%player%||&fZabici gracze : &4%{excalibur.kille.%player%}%||&6Sila broni: &f17" to player send "&4Dostales &6&oExcalibur!" on damage: if attacker is player: if name of attacker's tool is "&6&oExcalibur": remove strength from attacker apply Strength 30 to attacker for 3 seconds on death: if victim is a player: if attacker is a player: add 1 to {excalibur.kille.%player%}