#Skrypt by sosnax1 #Licencja Open Surce #Miłej zabawy z kodem! on skript load: wait 2 seconds send "&9>> &aba_bilety &8- &7zostal uruchomiony..." to the console command /daj: description: Sets message of the day trigger: message "Otrzymales bileset {motd} to argument" give paper of unbreaking 10 named "bilet" to the player command /check: description: Sets message of the day trigger: if player's money > 5: send "&6&o >> &AMasz %player's money%!" if player's money < 5: send "&6&o >> &4Masz tylko %player's money%!" on leftclick on a dropper: if name of the player's tool is "bilet": if player's tool is enchanted with unbreaking 10: remove 1 paper named "bilet" from the player send "&6&o >> &7Uzyles biletu!." teleport the player 1 meter south the player On Sign Change: if line 1 is "&1[Bilety]": send "&6&o >> &Stworzyles sklep z biletami!." on rightclick on a sign: if line 1 is "&1[Bilety]": if player's money > 35: send "&6&o >> &AOtrzymales Bilet!." remove 35 from player's account give paper of unbreaking 10 named "bilet" to the player if player's money < 35: send "&6&o >> &4Nie stac cie na bilet!"