->22:49:47 >>>> gibon` (thelounge@xn--ockyexc.jp) has joined #cSr ->22:50:09 flip connection ->22:50:10 lol ->22:50:11 usahdushds ->22:52:55 :) ->22:54:07 ;) ->22:54:15 :) ->22:56:05 Flip flap :) ->22:56:11 ziaf! :) ->22:56:23 dobranoc ->22:56:24 \o ->22:56:31 Paaaa ->22:56:36 papa gibi ->22:56:39 \o ->22:56:53 Papa o/ ->22:57:06 >>>> fratm (~rocks@rocks6.it) has quit [""] ->23:08:33 >>>> ViRuS is now known as virus ->23:09:04 Virus :) ->23:09:12 lamer :) ->23:10:08 >>>> mode/#cSr [+b *!thelounge@xn--ockyexc.jp] by virus ->23:10:31 >>>> mode/#cSr [+b *!x@xn--ockyexc.jp] by virus ->23:54:14 >>>> ||| (soniaczek@2603:1020:e01:2:0:0:0:3d) has joined #cSr ->23:54:20 <|||> bierz gibi ->23:54:30 <|||> wypchaj sie nim ->23:54:35 <|||> mam na to wyebane ->23:54:45 <|||> jestescie prosci, zepuci ->23:55:10 <|||> nie potrzebuje niczyjej pomocy zeby okreslic jak bardzo falszywi jestescie ->23:56:31 <|||> łaziles za mna po kanalach, wykorzystywales moje znajomosci, sam jestes nikim ->23:56:35 <|||> NIKIM ->23:56:39 <|||> you are no one ->23:57:12 <|||> wez sobie co chcesz, chcesz sie nazywac soniaczek? ->23:57:17 <|||> prosze bardzo ->23:57:24 <|||> ahh ->23:57:40 <|||> you keep that already Day changed to 05 Nov 2022 ->00:00:11 <|||> all of you are polish shit, never expected that ppl can be so badly for others, we invited you to our team,after all you just been weird ->00:00:42 <|||> one year later you betrayed angelo and t/o his chan ->00:01:05 <|||> you are nothing you are ZERO ->00:01:19 <|||> take my nick and put that on your ass ->00:02:09 <|||> and keep your hand away from me ->00:02:13 <|||> forever ->00:02:50 <|||> one year ->00:03:03 <|||> long time.. but you ever dont know him so long like me ->00:03:52 <|||> you even dont know that ppl ->00:04:04 <|||> you just walked around where i am ->00:04:07 <|||> like a child ->00:04:12 <|||> you are nothing ->00:04:30 <|||> fuck you ->00:06:45 <|||> all of you ->00:06:50 sama bylas dziewczyna e-dziewczyna gibiego, mxla i praktycznie kazdego ->00:06:53 <|||> get the fuck away on me ->00:06:58 kazdy juz cie mial ->00:07:01 :] ->00:07:06 <|||> co kurwa??? ->00:07:21 <|||> ja pierdole ->00:07:30 <|||> wiekszej glupoty nie slyszalam ->00:07:36 <|||> :DDDDDDDDDD ->00:07:38 i dziewvxuna mh ->00:07:43 <|||> tell me more ->00:07:43 <|||> ! ->00:08:21 <|||> go go go ->00:08:24 <|||> more more more ->00:08:34 <|||> nd with him i was? ->00:08:39 <|||> maybe with you also? ->00:08:41 <|||> :D ->00:08:51 lol ->00:08:51 <|||> cin cin! ->00:08:54 also w meeeeeeee ->00:09:02 XD ->00:09:02 <|||> aeee ->00:09:05 ahahah ->00:09:10 kelev let ppl talk ->00:09:14 but don't listen pls ->00:09:15 XD ->00:09:45 now she's has her life, let her live it ->00:09:47 <|||> o geeezzz ->00:09:47 plz ->00:10:17 <|||> good to know you know better than me ->00:10:24 everybody get her argue for lies they say ->00:10:27 <|||> prooof!!! ->00:10:32 <|||> :D ->00:10:48 i know just that if its real love, nobody can broke :D ->00:11:02 <|||> ah merda talking? ->00:11:06 <|||> dont care ->00:11:11 nono ->00:11:26 don't replies ->00:11:26 lol ->00:11:33 but np ->00:11:35 <|||> fuck them all ->00:11:38 we have our life ->00:11:45 that's important. ->00:11:47 <|||> i had ->00:11:51 no! ->00:12:06 <|||> now somone puts his fucking shitty feet on there ->00:12:15 time ->00:12:17 just time ->00:12:19 :D ->00:12:22 <|||> fuck time ->00:12:35 <|||> someone* ->00:12:39 i know but for what i know there's true love there! ->00:12:53 don't give up ->00:12:58 <|||> geloso puzza merda ->00:13:02 ahahah ->00:13:05 lovely ->00:13:09 italian babe ->00:13:20 wanna ste back ->00:13:22 grrr ->00:13:25 and all back ->00:13:53 but im sure nobody can broke ->00:13:57 :D ->00:14:15 just make angry some minutes ->00:14:19 soniaczka skoro gibi mowi ze mu sie nie podobasz i ze jestes wstertna , to czemu wysylasz mu swoje foty ? ->00:14:21 maybe ->00:14:33 gibi źle o tobie mowi, a ty mu lizorkujesz ->00:14:43 zachowac sie nie umiesz, jak normlana dziewczyna ->00:14:47 a glupie dziewuszysko ->00:14:52 i tyle mialem do powiedzenia ->00:15:05 :/ ->00:15:29 dobrze wiesz ze gibi to szuja ->00:16:20 <|||> DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ->00:16:26 she's not bas as u tryin to show us ->00:16:32 bad* ->00:16:40 not nice u come here and say thatt ->00:16:45 gibi rozpowaida ze jestes e-lachonem ->00:16:50 when a shit is posting on chans ->00:17:00 oraz ze teraz nie adorujesz mxla , a starego dziada mh ->00:17:04 ze mh to twoj chlopak ->00:17:08 <|||> DDDDDD ->00:17:41 <|||> fuck you ->00:17:46 <|||> fuck you all ->00:18:19 <|||> ofc i dont but if you belive what gibi say :DD enjoy ->00:18:38 <|||> xDDD ->00:18:44 ci hanno invasi? ->00:18:51 <|||> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKuxh0E9mSI ->00:18:53 i zapamietaj ze ja zle o tobie nie pisze bo cie nie znam do kurwy nedzy ->00:19:00 i mam w nosie czy mnie lubisz czy nie ->00:19:18 <|||> go to hell :D ->00:19:22 <|||> i dont like you ->00:19:27 <|||> i hate you :D ->00:19:31 <|||> fuck you ->00:19:38 <|||> you t/o angelo chan ->00:19:42 <|||> with gibi ->00:19:50 a spierdalaj ->00:19:50 <|||> after all daro comes ->00:19:58 kwasna kurwa gibi nie jest moim kolegą ->00:20:03 <|||> you guys just want to me destroy ->00:20:10 <|||> fuck you all ->00:20:15 wysrywy debilne piszesz ->00:20:51 <|||> and puts that all shit on your ass.. with gibi ->00:20:57 <|||> take my nick ->00:21:05 <|||> take my life ->00:21:09 <|||> destroy ->00:21:31 <|||> but you never destroy my character ->00:21:39 pisz do mnie po polsku ->00:21:44 <|||> no ->00:21:51 <|||> we ware on italian channel ->00:21:55 bo piszesz bzdury a te glupie włosi to łykaja jak pelikany ->00:21:58 <|||> i can speak to you in italian also ->00:22:01 bzdury o mnie wygadujesz ->00:22:04 <|||> GTFO ->00:22:08 bzdury o mnie wygadujesz ->00:22:18 ja cie nie znam, widze tylko co robisz ->00:22:26 <|||> all of you GTFO ->00:22:30 i wiem kim jest gibi ->00:22:31 <|||> ohh ->00:22:38 <|||> now you dont know me? ->00:22:43 zadawaj sie z normalnymi ludzmi ->00:22:49 <|||> and know you know who is gibi? ->00:22:53 nie nie znam cie ->00:22:59 <|||> from where is so change? ->00:23:06 <|||> omg ->00:23:08 podalem ci co pisze gibi o tobie ->00:23:13 same zle rzeczy ->00:23:15 <|||> :DDDDDD ->00:23:27 nie wysylaj mu fot, niech spierdala ->00:23:37 <|||> i keeps with normal ppl ->00:23:48 ja nie ogladam fot ludzi z irca i zyje ->00:23:49 <|||> for sure ->00:23:58 <|||> go away ->00:24:03 <|||> just go ->00:24:14 zachwoujesz sie tak debilnie ale to normalne czy tylko udajesz ? ->00:24:21 <|||> no ->00:24:27 <|||> you talking to me in polish ->00:24:33 <|||> and i repley in english ->00:24:44 <|||> go to school ->00:24:49 <|||> learn more ->00:25:03 <|||> its not polish chan ->00:25:05 nie zgrywaj intelektualistki ->00:25:10 <|||> its chan my friend sonik ->00:25:27 <|||> but i am smart ->00:25:29 daj mnie spokoj tylko ->00:25:33 <|||> no ->00:25:34 ja nic zlego nie robie ->00:25:36 <|||> you leave me alone ->00:25:41 <|||> all of you ->00:25:59 <|||> keeps your hands out of me ->00:26:23 nie ma znaczenia w jakim jezyk u piszesz ale na niskim poziomie ->00:26:26 motorycznym ->00:26:33 debilnym ->00:26:37 <|||> well.. ->00:26:39 zacznij sie normlanie zachowywac ->00:26:49 <|||> im a expert about eport ->00:26:53 <|||> x* ->00:27:12 <|||> we can talk about motoric ->00:27:30 <|||> but i dont want ->00:27:30 eport co to ? ->00:27:44 <|||> nothing ->00:27:52 <|||> you are to samll to understand ->00:27:57 <|||> small* ->00:28:03 export lol ->00:28:27 jestem normlany ->00:28:36 <|||> no you are not ->00:28:42 ale faktyznie nei trawie tekstu jakie wypisujesz ->00:28:55 <|||> me also ->00:29:16 jakby bylo jak ty mowisz, to bym siedzial w wiezieniu ->00:29:29 jakos nikomu nic nigdy nie zrobilem i tobie tez, koniec tematu na dzis. pa ->00:29:34 <|||> you should be there ->00:29:39 <|||> no ->00:29:44 <|||> you did it ->00:29:51 <|||> you and your bf ->00:30:00 <|||> gtfo from me ->00:30:02 who ->00:30:04 ? ->00:30:06 hahaha ->00:30:12 nie jestem gejem ->00:30:26 <|||> dont care who you are, for me, nothing ->00:30:45 ok i nara ->00:30:53 <|||> adieu ->00:31:05 <|||> take your bots with you ->00:37:22 >>>> ||| is now known as sony ->00:37:36 try now ->00:38:26 g go go! ->00:39:47 i go away for a while ->00:39:50 :* ->00:40:48 all strange ->00:41:23 gibi get my nick! ->00:41:29 gibon` ->00:41:42 you should be faster ->00:42:08 and tell me.. ->00:42:21 >>>> RycerzKadosh (thelounge@newtrend.com.pl) has left #cSr [The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat] ->00:42:25 i unignored you right now ->00:42:42 i was with you? rly? :DD ->00:42:48 holly crap ->00:42:51 tell me more ->00:43:11 about our reletionship ->00:43:17 i rly want to know ->00:43:38 :DDDDDDDD ->00:44:08 did we loved ourselfs? ->00:44:35 agrr.. i think no ->00:44:58 but i need more details ->00:45:32 tell meeeee :DDDDDDDD you are fucking asshole ->00:45:50 take that nick i will made new ->00:46:14 fuck YOU ->00:54:26 shit is silent or i was i unignored him bad ->00:55:37 i want to know more about my exbf ->00:56:09 can someone pokes him? i want to know with who i was ->00:57:41 >>>> sonik` (admin@2a01:4f9:c011:23e:dead:dead:dead:dead) has quit [EOF From client] ->00:58:10 tell me .. with who.. i dont love you thats you know right know ->00:58:35 but i need to know with who i was ->00:59:23 its fucking importante for my memories ->00:59:55 maybe i forgot :O ->01:00:31 * sony waiting ->01:01:08 come back and lets go talk in english ->01:01:33 :| ->01:01:42 please koro ->01:01:57 i have nothing to lose ->01:02:30 he broken us ->01:02:57 who? ->01:03:08 gibon` ->01:03:46 i hope so he have fun ->01:03:59 look at e know gibon` ->01:04:12 >>>> sony is now known as \\\ ->01:04:15 forget it do not write them and do not look at it .. you are better ... do as I do leave it alone ->01:04:25 <\\\> but he reading ->01:04:44 <\\\> no ->01:04:49 <\\\> he destroyed ->01:05:20 <\\\> he destroyed something important to e ->01:13:38 <\\\> gave me op.. i will kick him ->01:13:46 <\\\> and all ->01:14:11 >>>> mode/#cSr [+b *!*@xn--ockyexc.jp] by koro ->01:14:18 <\\\> grazie ->01:14:23 >>>> gibi^ was kicked from #cSr by koro [ciao]