prefix: '&cHAWK: &7' punishmentScheduler: userAdded: '&6%player% has been added to the punishment system.' userRemoved: '&6%player% has been removed from the punishment system.' userAuthorized: '&6%player% has been authorized for punishment.' userNotFound: '&6%player% was not found in the punishment system.' listEmpty: '&6The list is empty.' serverOverloaded: '&cError: The server is overloaded.' pingTooHigh: '&cError: %player%''s ping is too high.' flags: fighthitbox: '%player% failed combat hitbox. %type% VL: %vl%' phase: '%player% failed phase. Moved through %block%. VL: %vl%' fly: '%player% failed fly. VL: %vl%' blockbreakspeed: '%player% failed block break speed. Block: %block%, Time: %time%, VL: %vl%' tickrate: '%player% failed tickrate. VL: %vl%, ping: %ping%, TPS: %tps%' inertia: '%player% failed inertia, VL: %vl%' blockbreakhitbox: '%player% failed block break hitbox. %type% VL: %vl%' wrongblock: '%player% failed wrong block. VL: %vl%' groundspoof: '%player% failed ground spoof. VL: %vl%' fightspeed: '%player% failed attack speed. CPS: %cps%, VL: %vl%' fightaccuracy: '%player% may be using killaura (accuracy). Accuracy: %accuracy%, VL: %vl%' aimbotheuristic: '&8%player% may be using aimbot (heuristic), VL %vl%' fightnoswing: '%player% failed noswing. VL: %vl%' antivelocitybasic: '%player% may be using anti-velocity (basic), VL: %vl%' antivelocityjump: '%player% may be using anti-velocity (jump), VL: %vl%' invalidpitch: '%player% failed invalid pitch. VL: %vl%' fightreachapprox: '%player% failed fight reach (approximate). Reach: %distance%m VL: %vl%' fightdirectionapprox: '%player% failed fight direction. VL: %vl%' blockinteracthitbox: '%player% failed block interact hitbox. %type% VL: %vl%' blockplacespeed: '%player% failed block place speed. VL: %vl%' wrongblockface: '%player% failed wrongblockface; interacted on invalid block face, VL: %vl%' impossibleplacement: '%player% failed impossibleplacement, VL: %vl%' autopotion: '%player% may be using auto-potion, VL: %vl%' actiontogglespeed: '%player% failed action toggle speed, VL: %vl%' speed: '%player% failed movement speed, VL: %vl%' smallhop: '%player% failed small-hop, VL: %vl%' fastfall: '%player% failed fast-fall, VL: %vl%' multiaction: '%player% failed multi-action, VL: %vl%' sprintdirection: '%player% failed sprint direction, VL %vl%' swimvertical: '%player% failed swim vertical, VL: %vl%' clickduration: '%player% failed click duration. Autoclicker? VL: %vl%' fightspeedconsistency: '%player% failed click consistency. Autoclicker? VL: %vl%' aimbotprecision: '%player% may be using aimbot (precision), VL: %vl%' itemusespeed: '%player% failed item-use speed, VL: %vl%' fightsync: '%player% may be using killaura (sync). VL %vl%' fightmulti: '%player% failed fight multi, VL %vl%' unknownCommandMsg: Unknown command. Type "/help" for help.