local gyro = GetPartFromPort(1, "Gyro") -- Gets the player's info local function getPlayerInfo(playerName) -- TODO: replace this with a real function that fetches the player's info from the Roblox leaderboard API end -- Set up motor pins local motorPins = {12, 13, 14} -- {1:Left Motor, 2:Right Motor, 3:Vertical Motor} -- Set up speed for motors local speed = 50 -- speed value between 0 and 100 -- Target player to follow local targetPlayer = "Player" -- name of the player to follow -- Function to start targeting a player function target(playerName) targetPlayer = playerName print("Now following " .. targetPlayer .. " in leaderboard roblox list.") end -- Function to stop targeting a player function stopTargeting() targetPlayer = nil print("Stopped targetting the player in leaderboard roblox list.") end -- Set up the microphone local microphone = GetMicrophoneFromPort(2) -- Main loop while true do if targetPlayer then local playerInfo = getPlayerInfo(targetPlayer) if playerInfo then local targetAngle = math.atan2(playerInfo.Y - 50, playerInfo.X - 50) * 180 / math.pi gyro.targetRotationY(targetAngle) else print("Player not found in leaderboard roblox list.") end end -- Check if the microphone is activated if microphone.isActivated() then -- Start targeting the player specified by the microphone local detectedPlayerName = "Player" -- replace this with the actual detected player name target(detectedPlayerName) end wait(0.05) end