In The Lomilomi and Indigenous Massage of Oceania, edited by Diana Kerr, the contributors to this publication bring together countless expertise and imagination to provide an original perspective on the healing ability of lomilomi. The book includes essays that explore the background of lomi-lomi, the doctrine behind it, the practice of lomi-lomi, the healing forces of the shell and the practice of the therapeutic massage. Illustrations and photographs support the text and increase its visual appeal. The editors provide various readings, each focusing on a remedy or a spiritual objective. The publication consists of Hawaiian healing ceremonies that focus on the significance of the art of lomi-lomi. It explains the symbolic meaning behind each ritual, including the association between the sun and the body. The illustrations include a shaman at a cure trance, and the sacred lotus blossom. The editors also explain the many forms of lomi-lomi and supply examples of every one, for instance, particular therapeutic effects and reasons for using each one. The usage of lomi-lomi in Western cultural and spiritual rituals is documented throughout the book. Examples are a leisiperrimo (traditional way) ceremony, where guests get a loofah soaked in green soap and also wrapped in a sarong; and hale po'e (hygiene and cleanliness in early times), where guests bathe in hot water out of a stone basin known as a hale po'e. Illustrations show the tools and utensils used during these rituals and explain their importance. The book concludes with an introduction to the healing properties of lomi-lomi. In his introduction, Dr. Morris describes the history of this custom of lomi-lomi and describes the benefits of this ancient technique. He includes a report on the source of lomi-lomi and its particular significance in Mayan civilization and clarifies the use of this sacred lotus blossom and its symbolism from lomi-lomi along with other Hawaiian massage treatments. While it's been argued that the lotus is really a creation of their Oriental, Dr. Morris provides archaeological evidence supporting his argument. He further describes the many sorts of lomi-lomi, which include the normal methods of Hawaiian massage, and explains each method in wonderful detail. One chapter focuses on the use of Oahu massage in Hawaii. Dr. Morris explains the 2 sorts of Oahu massage, one utilized by the tourists and some other performed by therapists at the state university and private clinics. The descriptions are more detailed and illustrative and cover the essential places, like the spine, shoulder, neck, arms, and facearea. Examples of the descriptions of methods include placing the palms from the center, using the pliers to stimulate the nostrils, rolling the ankle and rubbing the thighs, using pressure to the navel, applying pressure to the abdomen as well as also the groin, applying pressure to the lower spine, holding the knee in the fist, palm manipulation and twisting. Each chapter ends with a short description of the technique as well as the advantages associated with each one. Another important element of the novel is your massage therapist's manual. This is a short work detailing the correct method to execute lomi-lomi along with other Hawaiian massage techniques. It includes the best way to acquire a client and where to go for massage treatment through the day and through the night. It also includes important information regarding pricing and also what to use in the event you choose to become a massage therapist. The book includes photographs and a table of contents, making it a very easy to read workbook. Lomilomi and Native Massage of Oceania are a really thorough manual which covers all areas of Hawaiian massage therapy. Although nearly all the novel is composed in English, there are lots of pages which have been translated into many languages, particularly Italian and Thai. There are also several pages which have been specially created to correspond with the different massage treatments found in the publication. These contain an introduction into the meaning of body awareness, the various types of massage therapy practiced in Hawaii and Oceania, descriptions of the many types of hand placements used, as well as the use of flower therapy. The publication also contains several pages which describe the foundation of the art of massage along with the source of lomilomi. The best aspect of the book, nevertheless, is the bonus chapters which Lomilomi and Native American massage therapists can access as members of this online Registry. They include short biographies of the massage therapists, that subsequently take some opportunity to write a brief paragraph on themselves. Every one these bonus features make Lomilomi and Native massage treatment a unique and valuable resource. So as to be a member of this Registry, though, a person should pay a one-time enrollment fee. This little fee permits the individual access to the pages which contain information not just on Lomilomi and Native Hawaiian massage therapists but also about massage therapy generally.