function wait() --Anytime in seconds you want sleep(15) end --Harvests potato in front of it then drops all the potatos in selected slot except 1. function dig() turtle.dig() turtle.suck() for i = 1,turtle.getItemCount() - 1, 1 do turtle.dropDown() end end --Checks if potato is planted, if so checks if its ready for harvesting function inspect() local booleanValue, potatoInfo = turtle.inspect() if (not booleanValue) then for i = 1, 16, 1 do turtle.getItemDetail(i) print(turtle.getItemDetail(i)) if(turtle.getItemDetail(i) ~= nil) then if (turtle.getItemDetail(i).name == "minecraft:potato") then break end end end else if (potatoInfo.state.age == 7) then dig() next() else wait() inspect() end end end --Moves forward and checks next potato, if it detects a block in front of it, turns around and goes back to start function next() turtle.turnLeft() if (turtle.inspect() == false) then turtle.forward() turtle.turnRight() inspect() else turtle.turnLeft() turtle.turnLeft() while (turtle.inspect() == false) do turtle.forward() end turtle.turnLeft() inspect() end end inspect()