Section 3 – “Following the Tailwind” Ciel Confirming the current area’s situation. No biological reactions detected. This seems to be the right place... what should we do? Raabe Hmm... Raabe Will someone appear again just like Noel, or is the element hidden somewhere... Raabe At the very least, I’m not sensing any of the elements nearby. Raabe Let’s look around a bit. Hazama All things considered, it’s nice to be in such an open space again. Raabe You’re being optimistic. This is hardly the sort of level you’d want to have so much open air. Imagine if you were to be hit with a gust of wind from this height. You’d find yourself plummeting to the ground within seconds. Kazuma ......... >Is something wrong? Kazuma Ah, no, not at all. I’m just feeling a bit nostalgic. >It’s dangerous to be so absent-minded all the time, you know. Kazuma Ah, I’m sorry. I was just thinking a little. Kazuma Back in Ishana I was by myself a lot. Kazuma There was a place I’d often go to kill time that had a nice breeze just like this one... Kazuma This place reminds me of the time I spent there. Hazama Oh my, we must have something in common then. Hazama More specifically, I feel a strong connection with high places such as this one. Kazuma Saying that’s something we have in common is a bit much... I... don’t really think we’re all that similar. Hazama Oh dear, I’ve been shot down already. Raabe Perhaps the place Hazama remembers is just as shady as he is. Hazama Please don’t say such cruel things when I'm standing right here! Hazama I’d like it if you guys thought of me as a friend. Hazama Haah, this is so tragic. I just wanted to get along with Kazuma-san... Kazuma O-Oh... My apologies. Ciel Kazuma-san, your heart rate has been steadily increasing ever since we arrived. Are you feeling unwell? Kazuma It’s nothing like that... Kazuma I apologize for my sour attitude. I’m just not sure Hazama-san and I are a good fit for each other... ??? You likely never will be. [enter Rachel] Ciel Rachel-san. Ciel Could Rachel-san have the next key? Raabe She’s emitting a similarly strong reaction to the one Noel did. There’s no doubt. Rachel You two may seem very much alike, but in reality you are both quite different. Rachel It’s only natural that you would feel rejection and unease around him. Kazuma Hazama-san and I are alike? Um... I’m not sure I understand... Rachel I’ve just told you. You are as alike as you are different. No matter what you do, the two shall never intersect. You will never be the “same.” Kazuma You’re... What do you know about me? Rachel ......... Kazuma Please tell me. You know something about me, don’t you? Rachel I’m afraid I can’t tell you. Rachel If you wish to seek the truth, aim for the innermost part of this world. Kazuma The innermost part of this world...? What will I learn if I go there? Rachel Who knows? Rachel No matter your decision, you will need a key to get there. I presume you lot would like one? Hazama Yes, we certainly would. Hazama I personally would rather not spend the rest of my life here. Hazama Rei-san, if I could ask for your cooperation? Hazama This person as well... I feel like I won’t be much use here either. Please don’t expect too terribly much of my capabilities. >I’ll fight so we can get the key. Kazuma ...Yes. The innermost part of this world... I’m not sure what we’ll find there, but we need that key. Kazuma Let’s find the rest of the elements and get ourselves out of here. >I’m not sure I want to get involved in this one... Kazuma I understand how you feel but... Right now we need to find those elemental keys. Kazuma It may not be pleasant but... let’s do our best. So we can escape this world. Rachel Very good. A wise decision. Take this key and head for the innermost part of this world. Rachel This way I won’t have to do anything myself. Especially when it comes to dealing with you. Hazama Hmm? Me? Rachel Oh dear me, of course. I was honestly thinking about turning you into a nice flambé. It would certainly be the perfect opportunity to do so. Hazama W-Wait, doesn’t this development feel umcomfortably familiar? Is it too much to ask for things to be amicable for once...? Rachel Oh, do shut up. It would take much too long to explain why I despise you. Ciel Rachel-san’s battle level is increasing! Rachel Come... Show me how unsightly you are when you attempt to dance.