Section 6 – “A Blinding Light” Raabe For the love of... we’re right back where we were just a while ago. The next element is still probably a ways off. Ciel Raabe-san, could I ask you something? Raabe What’s on your mind? Ciel I’ve been wondering for a while now but... is this place a Phantom Field? Ciel I’m positive the Phantom Field we dived into was Ishana’s. Ciel That world should have only been made up of that one island. Ciel It shouldn’t have been possible to leave the island and this entire city doesn’t seem like it’s connected to Ishana in any way. Ciel ...Is it possible we moved to a different Phantom Field from the one we initially dived into? Raabe Ah, my little Ciel has grown so much to be able to come to such conclusions... Raabe You’re definitely on the right track. The next element looks to still be a bit further ahead so I have time to tell you a little about what I’ve been thinking. Raabe A Phantom Field that has lost its Observer becomes little more than a collection of stagnated information. Raabe Other Observers can then access and tamper with that information. Raabe Ishana no longer has an Observer. It would be much easier for an Observer from the outside to interfere in affairs here than if there was still an Observer present. Ciel So what you’re saying is... another Observer intervened in Ishana. Ciel That’s probably the source of the foreign intervention the Takamagahara System detected then. Raabe Exactly. There’s no doubt that something happened back in that Phantom Field. Raabe As a result, it’s possible that someone created a new world by using the information that made up Ishana. Raabe Alternatively, a new Observer could have taken control of the Phantom Field and transformed it into a different world altogether. Raabe As long as someone possesses the power of Observation, it would be simple enough to overtake this place using Ishana as a foundation. Ciel Then... even if it’s impossible to ascertain the structure of this world, it is still highly likely that there’s an Observer here. Ciel But who’s the Observer? Raabe As of right now, I would say it’s either Hazama or Fuzzy. Kazuma is also a possibility. Raabe More importantly than that, I’m worried about how the world isn’t actively trying to dispose of us since we would be classified as “foreign material.” Raabe The “innermost part of this world” that Fuzzy keeps alluding to is probably where the Cauldron is located. Raabe Phantom Field Observers generally have the ability to restrict access to the Cauldron. Raabe Although in this situation, all we need to do to reach the “innermost part” is to collect these keys. There haven’t been any other major obstacles in our way. Raabe There’s still too many things I don’t understand. For now all I can say with certainty is “don’t trust anyone.” Raabe The moment you start to feel that something is off don’t hesitate to tell us. And remember to stay vigilante. Got it? Ciel Yes, roger that. [enter Tsubaki] Tsubaki I’ve been waiting for you, Captain Hazama. Ciel Tsubaki-san! Does this mean Tsubaki-san has an element as well? Tsubaki ...? What are you talking about? Tsubaki I don’t know who you are but if you have no business with me, please step aside. My target is Captain Hazama. Hazama Haah, another one? Seems to be a theme around here. ...At least I have good taste. Tsubaki Captain Hazama. You’ve taken away everything I hold dear. I will never forgive you. Tsubaki No, not just for myself... I will condemn you for all the sins you have committed here and now. Kazuma Condemnation doesn’t sound like it’ll be peaceful... Hazama-san, what sort of horrible thing did you do to her? Hazama I’m telling you, it’s not me. You’ve gotta believe me, I don’t know anything about this. Hazama I’m not sure how you guys see me, but I truly am on your side in all this. Hazama We’ve joined forces to try and escape this strange place so shouldn’t you believe in the me that’s already in front of you right now? Hazama We’ve made it this far by working together as comrades! Raabe On the contrary, your whimsical attitude only makes you sound more suspicious. Tsubaki ...Comrades. I understand now. Tsubaki If Captain Hazama refers to you as “comrades” then I can’t overlook your own transgressions. Raabe Eh? No no, Hazama’s just talking out his ass... Tsubaki Resistance is futile. The fact stands that you and Captain Hazama have arrived here together. Tsubaki If he’s going to continue to play innocent, then I’ll just have to force him to comply. Kazuma She’s not including us in all of that, is she...? Fuzzy Ahahaha, you guys really are a riot. Fuzzy She’s got the light element so don’t you need to defeat her anyway if you want to move on? Fuzzy Surely you’ve figured out that much, right? You have, right? Kazuma Still, it makes my skin crawl to be held to the same level as Hazama-san... Kazuma That said, it’s true that we can’t move on without getting that element. Tsubaki An ally of Captain Hazama’s is merely another enemy to me. Tsubaki The time for smalltalk is over. I’ve heard... more than enough. Tsubaki Now, atone for your sins!