on place chest: if name of player's tool is "&8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8]": cancel event remove 1 chest named "&8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8]" from player chance of 50%: set {_z} to random integer from 0 to 2 if {_z} is 0: give 1 diamond to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 1 diament" to player if {_z} is 1: give 5 diamond to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 5 diamentow" to player if {_z} is 2: give 16 diamond to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 16 diamentow" to player chance of 100%: set {_a} to random integer from 0 to 2 if {_a} is 0: give 5 gold ingot to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 5 sztabke zlota" to player if {_a} is 1: give 15 gold ingot to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 15 sztabke zlota" to player if {_a} is 2: give 32 gold ingot to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 32 sztabke zlota" to player chance of 40%: set {_f} to random integer from 0 to 2 if {_f} is 0: give 1 emerald to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 1 emerald" to player if {_f} is 1: give 2 emerald to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 2 emerald" to player if {_f} is 2: give 5 emerald to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 5 emerald" to player chance of 100%: set {_c} to random integer from 0 to 2 if {_c} is 0: give 1 gold ingot to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 5 sztabke zelaza" to player if {_c} is 1: give 1 gold ingot to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 20 sztabke zelaza" to player if {_c} is 2: give 1 gold ingot to player send "&8[&a&lF&f&lQ&8] &7Gracz &e%player% &7otworzyl &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8] &7i zdobyl 32 sztabke zelaza" to player command /dajcase []: trigger: if player has permission "admin" or "*": if arg 1 is not set: send "&cPoprawne uzycie: /dajcase " if arg 1 is "sobie": send "&7Dales sobie &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8]" to player give 1 of chest named "&8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8]" to player if arg 1 is "all": send "&7Administrator &c%player% &7dal calemu serwerowi &8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8]" to player give 1 of chest named "&8[&a&lPREMIUM&f&lCASE&8]" to all players