options: time_antylogout: 30 material: 35:red reloading: 0.3 region: spawn on damage: set {antylogout::%attacker%} to {@time_antylogout} set {antylogout::%victim%} to {@time_antylogout} every {@reloading} second: loop all players: if {antylogout::%loop-player%} is not set: if "%region at loop-player%" contains "{@region}": loop all blocks in radius 6 around loop-player: if loop-block is {@material}: set block 1 above loop-block to air set block 2 above loop-block to air set block 3 above loop-block to air set block 4 above loop-block to air set block 5 above loop-block to air set block 6 above loop-block to air set block 7 above loop-block to air set block 8 above loop-block to air if {antylogout::%loop-player%} < 0: if "%region at loop-player%" contains "{@region}": loop all blocks in radius 6 around loop-player: if loop-block is {@material}: set block 1 above loop-block to air set block 2 above loop-block to air set block 3 above loop-block to air set block 4 above loop-block to air set block 5 above loop-block to air set block 6 above loop-block to air set block 7 above loop-block to air set block 8 above loop-block to air delete {antylogout::%loop-player%} send action bar with "&a&mANTY LOGOUT" to loop-player if {antylogout::%loop-player%} is set: remove {@reloading} from {antylogout::%loop-player%} if "%region at loop-player%" contains "{@region}": loop all blocks in radius 3 around loop-player: if loop-block is {@material}: set block 1 above loop-block to {@material} set block 2 above loop-block to {@material} set block 3 above loop-block to {@material} send action bar with "&cANTY LOGOUT" to loop-player wait 10 ticks send action bar with "&4ANTY LOGOUT" to loop-player