local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://pastebin.com/raw/qwdPKKDN"))() local venyx = library.new("HAMEWARE", 5013109572) local themes = { Background = Color3.fromRGB(24, 24, 24), Glow = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0), Accent = Color3.fromRGB(10, 10, 10), LightContrast = Color3.fromRGB(20, 20, 20), DarkContrast = Color3.fromRGB(14, 14, 14), TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255) } --Coded by Tyris & Doiv (void) local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse() local BodyParts = {'LeftFoot', 'LeftHand', 'LeftLowerArm', 'LeftLowerLeg', 'LeftUpperArm', 'LeftUpperLeg', 'LowerTorso', 'RightFoot', 'RightHand', 'RightLowerArm', 'RightLowerLeg', 'RightUpperLeg', 'RightUpperArm', 'UpperTorso', 'Head'} local invitecode = "" local HAMEWARE_Chatspam = {"HAMEWARE ON TOP!", "OWNING ANY OTHER CHEAT THEN HAMEWARE MAKES YOU AN IDIOT LIBERAL", "HAMEWARE PENCE 2020", "HAMEWARE WINNING", "GET GOOD GET HAMEWARE", "discoard.gg/"..invitecode.." discoard.gg/"..invitecode.." discoard.gg/"..invitecode.." discoard.gg/"..invitecode.." discoard.gg/"..invitecode.." discoard.gg/"..invitecode.." discoard.gg/"..invitecode.." discoard.gg/"..invitecode.." discoard.gg/"..invitecode, "HAMEWARE | TWO STUDS AHEAD OF THE GAME"} local Furry_Chatspam = {'UwU Sowwiez! Im using hameware and owning youwww :c', '>.< I am tapping eyes closed with hameware~', ':3 come get hameware! discoard.gg/'..invitecode, 'OvO hameware is slotted!! C:', 'UvU no challenge for hameware! = xd then bodyname = 'Head' else bodyname = 'Head' end local yeet = GetTarget() if yeet then target = yeet else target = hed end if Show_SILENTAIMFOV then circle.Visible = true circle.Thickness = SilentAimFOV_Thickness circle.NumSides = SilentAimFOV_Numsides circle.Radius = SilentAim_FOV circle.Filled = SilentAimFOV_Filled circle.Position = defaultvector circle.Color = SilentAimFOV_Color circle.Transparency = SilentAimFOV_Transparency / 100 else circle.Visible = false end end if ArmChams then if not workspace.Camera:FindFirstChild("Arms") then wait() else for i,v in pairs(workspace.Camera.Arms:GetDescendants()) do if v.Name == 'Right Arm' or v.Name == 'Left Arm' then if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Material = Enum.Material[ArmMaterial] v.Color = ArmChams_Color end elseif v:IsA("SpecialMesh") then if v.TextureId == '' then v.TextureId = 'rbxassetid://0' v.VertexColor = convert_rgb_to_vertex(ArmChams_Color) end elseif v.Name == 'L' or v.Name == 'R' then v:Destroy() end end end end if WeaponChams then if not workspace.Camera:FindFirstChild("Arms") then wait() else for i,v in pairs(workspace.Camera.Arms:GetDescendants()) do if v:IsA("MeshPart") then v.Material = Enum.Material[WeaponMaterial] v.Color = WeaponChams_Color end end end end game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() end