command /cobblex []: aliases: cx trigger: if player have 576 of cobble_stone: remove 576 cobble_stone from player give 1 mossy_cobble_stone of unbreaking 10 named "&b&lCobbleX" to player send "&aOtrzymałeś/aś &e1x &b&lCobbleX&a!" to player send "&aPostaw na ziemi, by go użyć!" to player send "&4&lUWAGA: &cOtwierając &b&lCobbleX&c, musisz mieć wolne miejsce w ekwipunku! Inaczej nie otrzymasz żadnego przedmiotu!" to player else: send "&cPotrzebujesz &e576 sztuk (9 stacków) &ccobblestone'a!" to player on place of mossy_cobble_stone: if name of player's tool is "&b&lCobbleX": set block to air send "&a&lLosowanie nagrody..." to player wait 2 seconds send "&aPomyślnie wykorzystano &b&lCobbleX&a!" to player set {a_} to random integer from 1 to 13 if {a_} is greater than 1: if {a_} is 2: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:MHF_Cactus" stop else: if {a_} is 3: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:MHF_Melon" stop else: if {a_} is 4: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:PARTY_P01S0N" stop else: if {a_} is 5: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:Chuzard" stop else: if {a_} is 6: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:JL2579" stop else: if {a_} is 7: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:Edna_I" stop else: if {a_} is 8: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:Goodle" stop else: if {a_} is 9: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:Pablo_Penguin" stop else: if {a_} is 10: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:Bendablob" stop else: if {a_} is 11: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:Tereneckla" stop else: if {a_} is 12: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:Laserpanda" stop else: if {a_} is 13: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:CurXXx" stop else: if {a_} is 1: execute console command "give %player% 397:3 1 player:MHF_OakLog" stop