#this is a property file format. You can put all these entries in a jsonarray [{..},{...}] as well. #save this as myFile.crawljob #Start a new entry with anything but a comment (#...) or key=. An empty line would be ok as well ->NEW ENTRY<- chunks=0 #a comment extractPasswords=["Password1","Password2"] enabled=null text=http://www.hornoxe.com/kreuzfahrtschiff-wird-verlaengert-zeitraffer/ packageName=MyPackageName autoStart=TRUE extractAfterDownload=UNSET downloadFolder=null priority=DEFAULT forcedStart=UNSET downloadPassword=null #use only if text contains one single link filename=null overwritePackagizerEnabled=false comment=null autoConfirm=UNSET deepAnalyseEnabled=false addOfflineLink=true ->NEW ENTRY<- #properties that are not required can be ignored. This is absolutly fine: text=http://www.hornoxe.com/katze-nimmt-die-post-entgegen/