{$CLEO .cs} 0000: 31@ = 0 alloc 14@ 260 alloc 15@ 260 alloc 16@ 260 alloc 17@ 260 :SAMP wait 0 if SAMP.Available() jf @SAMP if 0AAB: file_exists "CLEOinifind.ini" jf @notfound chatmsg "Auto Find V2 created by Ibrahim Jmel!" 0x3C92FF 0AF0: 1@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleoinifind.ini" section "FIND" key "ID" 0AF0: 19@ = get_int_from_ini_file "cleoinifind.ini" section "FIND" key "DELAY" 0AF4: 14@ = read_string_from_ini_file "cleoinifind.ini" section "STRINGS" key "SETFIND" 0AF4: 15@ = read_string_from_ini_file "cleoinifind.ini" section "STRINGS" key "DELAY" 0AF4: 16@ = read_string_from_ini_file "cleoinifind.ini" section "STRINGS" key "ACTIVATION" 0AF4: 17@ = read_string_from_ini_file "cleoinifind.ini" section "STRINGS" key "DEACTIVATION" :Commands wait 0 if Player.Defined(0) jf @Commands 0B34: samp register_client_command 14@ to_label @setfind 0B34: samp register_client_command 15@ to_label @delay 0B34: samp register_client_command 16@ to_label @Activation 0B34: samp register_client_command 17@ to_label @Deactivation :Body wait 0 if and 31@ == 1 0B61: samp is_local_player_spawned jf @Body say "/find %d" 1@ wait 19@ jump @Body //-----------------------------// Registered commands //----------------------------------------// :setfind wait 0 0B35: samp 0@ = get_last_command_params if 0AD4: 0@ = scan_string 0@ format "%d" 1@ //IF and SET jf @false_1 if 0B23: samp is_player_connected 1@ jf @false_2 3@ = SAMP.GetPlayerNickname(1@) 4@ = SAMP.GetPlayerPing(1@) 5@ = SAMP.GetPlayerScore(1@) chatmsg "Auto Find has been adjusted on %s | ID: %d | Level: %d | Ping: %d" -1 3@ 1@ 5@ 4@ 0AF1: write_int 1@ to_ini_file "cleoinifind.ini" section "FIND" key "ID" SAMP.CmdRet() :delay wait 0 0B35: samp 7@ = get_last_command_params if 0AD4: $NOT_USED = scan_string 7@ format "%d" 19@ //IF and SET jf @false_3 chatmsg "Auto Find delay has been adjusted to: %d ms" -1 19@ 0AF1: write_int 19@ to_ini_file "cleoinifind.ini" section "FIND" key "DELAY" SAMP.CmdRet() :Activation wait 0 31@ = 1 chatmsg "Auto Find V2 is {5eff00}Enabled!" -1 SAMP.CmdRet() :Deactivation wait 0 31@ = 0 chatmsg "Auto find V2 is {ff0000}Disabled!" -1 SAMP.CmdRet() //------------------------------------// Error messsages //------------------------------------------// :notfound wait 0 if 8AAB: not file_exists "CLEOinifind.ini" jf @SAMP 0ACD: "~r~Find.ini is missing therefore modification will not initiate." 4000 0A93: end_custom_thread :false_1 wait 0 chatmsg "{ff0000}Incorrect Usage:{FFFFFF} /find [id]" -1 SAMP.CmdRet() :false_2 wait 0 chatmsg "{ff0000}Error:{FFFFFF} Player is not connected!" -1 SAMP.CmdRet() :false_3 wait 0 chatmsg "{ff0000}Incorrect Usage:{FFFFFF} /delay [ms] (Example: 1000 ms = 1 second)" -1 SAMP.CmdRet()