Bosses: SKELETON: # The key used in AutoSpawns and /giveegg command. Item: # Customization towards the spawn item. type: '383:51' # The itemstack type for the spawn item. name: '&c&lJajko spawnujace boss nr.1' # The name on the spawn item. lore: # The lore on the spawn item. - '&7Kliknij prawym przyciskiem aby' - '&7zrespic bossa w tym miejscu.' Boss: # Customization towards the boss itself. type: SKELETON # The entity type of the boss? All types are here: name: '&c&l&nKrol Popek' # The display name above the boss. health: 100 # The bosses custom health amount. Armor: # Customization towards the Armor on the boss. enabled: true # Give the boss armor? true? false? type: DIAMOND # The type of armour. enchants: # The enchants to put on the armour. - PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:4 - DURABILITY:3 Weapon: # Customization towards the weapon. enabled: true # Give the boss a custom boss? true? false? type: DIAMOND_SWORD # The type for the weapon. enchants: # The enchants to put on the weapon. - KNOCKBACK:3 - DURABILITY:3 - DAMAGE_ALL:5 Skills: # ConfigurationSection for skills. overallChance: 30.0 # Overall chance to spawn a skill. message: '&6&l{boss} &7used &e{skill}' # The message to use when a skill is procced. skills: # A list of all custom skills. If you do {number out of 100}:{skill} it will have an individual chance to do that skill. - 30:KNOCKBACK1 - 40:CAGE1 - 70:CAGE2 Potions: # Which potions to apply to the boss. '1': type: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE level: 3 duration: -1 Drops: NaturalDrops: false # Drop Natural Drops or CustomDrops. DropTable: # This is the new entry for the bosses, which is where all the custom drop tables will be added. enabled: true # Whether or not to use the custom drop tables or to use the old method. table: SkeletonTable1 # If enabled, which table to use. RandomCustomDrop: false # Choose RandomCustomDrop(s)? (ONLY USED IF DROPTABLE IS NOT ENABLED!!!) MaxCustomDrops: 5 # Maximum amount of CustomDrops (ONLY USED IF DROPTABLE IS NOT ENABLED!!!) customdrops: # The list of CustomDrops. (ONLY USED IF DROPTABLE IS NOT ENABLED!!!) - Chance:60 Item:Item1 - Chance:40 Item:Item2 Messages: onSpawn: - '&4' - '&a&lA &6&l{boss} &a&lhas been spawned in the warzone!' - '&4' onDeath: - '&4' - '&8&m---------&8&l[ &a&l{boss}&r &a&lKilled &8&l]&r&8&m---------' - '&aKillers: &r{format}' onDeathFormat: ' &6&l{position} &e{player} &7(&b{%}%&7) /n' ZOMBIE: Item: type: '383:54' name: '&6&lZombie King Boss Spawn Egg' lore: - '&7Right click a block to spawn' - '&7the boss as that location.' Boss: type: ZOMBIE name: '&6&l&nZombie King Boss' health: 100 Armor: enabled: true type: DIAMOND enchants: - PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:4 - DURABILITY:3 Weapon: enabled: true type: DIAMOND_AXE enchants: - KNOCKBACK:3 - DURABILITY:3 Skills: overallChance: 30.0 message: '&6&l{boss} &7used &e{skill}' skills: - '50:KNOCKBACK2' - '40:DISARM1' - '70:MINIONS1' Potions: '1': type: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE level: 3 duration: -1 Drops: NaturalDrops: false DropTable: enabled: true table: ZombieTable1 Messages: onSpawn: - '&4' - '&a&lA &6&l{boss} &a&lhas been spawned in the warzone!' - '&4' onDeath: - '&4' - '&8&m---------&8&l[ &a&l{boss}&r &a&lKilled &8&l]&r&8&m---------' - '&aKillers: &r{format}' onDeathFormat: ' &6&l{position} &e{player} &7(&b{%}%&7) /n' GIANT: Item: type: '383:54' name: '&6&lGiant Boss Spawn Egg' lore: - '&7Right click a block to spawn' - '&7the boss as that location.' Boss: type: GIANT name: '&6&l&nGiant King Boss' health: 500 Armor: enabled: false type: DIAMOND enchants: - PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL:20 - DURABILITY:20 Weapon: enabled: true type: DIAMOND_AXE enchants: - KNOCKBACK:3 - DURABILITY:3 Skills: overallChance: 15.0 message: '&6&l{boss} &7used &e{skill}' skills: - '70:WARP1' - '70:EXPLOSION1' - '70:MINIONS2' Potions: '1': type: DAMAGE_RESISTANCE level: 4 duration: -1 Drops: NaturalDrops: false DropTable: enabled: true table: GiantTable1 Messages: onSpawn: - '&4' - '&a&lA &6&l{boss} &a&lhas been spawned in the warzone!' - '&4' onDeath: - '&4' - '&8&m---------&8&l[ &a&l{boss}&r &a&lKilled &8&l]&r&8&m---------' - '&4' - '&r{format}' onDeathFormat: ' &6&l{position} &e{player} &7(&b{%}%&7) /n'