Who were the victims of the Holocaust? * Anyone who was viewed as not being apart of the "master race" (the Aryans) fell victim to the Holocaust. The majority of the victims were followers of the Jewish religion, homosexuals, Germany's political enemies, slavic peoples Who were members of the "master race"? * Aryans, or those who were the "perfect life form." Aryans were composed of blonde, blue-eyed people. What were the Nuremburg Laws? * The Nuremburg Laws stripped several rights away from Jews, including not allowing a Jew to be a citizen of Germany and forbidding Jews to marry a non-Jew. What happened on the night of November 9, 1938? * This date is referred to as "Kristallnacht," where Jewish synagogues were attacked and vandalized. Almost 100 people died during Kristallnacht. What was Hitler's "final solution"? * The "Final Solution" was to completely erradicate the Jewish race. Hitler viewed the Jews as unearthly and deemed that they should have been erased. This included stationing a massive amount of Jews in death camps, or concentration camps, and gassing the Jews to death. Where did German Jews try to migrate to find safety from Nazi terror? * Most Jews planned to escape to the Soviet Union in order to be safe from the Nazi's wrath. Where were Jews forced to live in Polish cities? * Jews were forced to live in an area called Ghettos. These areas housed the Jewish minority and had different setups in the different locations. Some were competely enclosed, and (mainly before the war) others were nearly completely open. Where were the concentration camps? * They were located in Poland, with the first concentration camp being named Chelmno. There were over 1000 camps in total, with the most famous being Auschwitz-Birkenau. Why did Hitler believe that Jews and other "subhumans" had to be exterminated? * Hitler viewed them as inferior, as he was trying to preserve the Aryans, or the master race. Why did Germans build extermination camps? * The extermination camps were one of few steps in the Final Solution. Said camps sped up the rate of exterminating those viewed as inferior subjects. (homosexuals, jews, slavs, etc.) When did the final stage of the Final Solution begin? * The Final Solution had been in effect since 1941, but the final stage began in early 1942. This final step occurred in the areas that Germany had first taken over when they invaded other countries. Those areas were as such: Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Poland and the Netherlands. How did non-Jewish people try to save Jews from the horrors of Nazism? * The non-Jewish people hid Jews in their homes, or even attempted to smuggle them to more neutral countires. How many Jews died in the Holocause? * Nearly or over 6 million Jews died during the Holocaust, with 9-11 million others also succumbing to the Holocaust. Identify the term Holocaust * The Holocaust was the mass slaughter of Jews and other civilians. It was acted out by the Nazi government before and during the events of World War II. Who were the Aryans? * The Aryans were viewed as the "perfect life form" by the Nazis. They were the master race, who mainly consisted of people with blonde hair and blue eyes. What were ghettos? * Ghettos were neighborhoods and, in some cases, entire cities that Jews were forced to live in during the events of the Holcaust. What is genocide? * It is the systematic killing of a large group of people, mainly due to religious preference, sexual orientation or ethnicity.