command /crate [] [] [] []: aliases: /c trigger: if player have permission "admin.crate": if arg-1 is not set: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Kommando'er" send " &7- &a/crate key " send " &7- &a/crate chest " if arg 1 is not "key" or "chest": send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Ukendt Kommando" if arg 1 is "chest": if arg 2 is "iron", "gold" or "diamond": send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du fik &6%arg 2%" give player 1 chest named "&6%arg 2%" else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Craten findes ikke" if arg 1 is "key": if arg 2 is "iron": if arg 3 is not set: if arg 4 is a integer: if arg 4 is a integer: give player arg-4 of 421 named "&7Iron Key" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du gav dig selv en &r&lIRON &7key" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du kan kun skrive et nummer ind" stop else: give player 1 of 421 named "&7Iron Key" stop else: give player 1 of 421 named "&7Iron Key" stop if arg 2 is "gold": if arg 3 is not set: if arg 4 is set: if arg 4 is a integer: give player arg-4 of 421 named "&6Gold Key" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du gav dig selv en &6&lGOLD &7key" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du kan kun skrive et nummer ind" stop else: give player 1 of 421 named "&6Gold Key" stop else: give player 1 of 421 named "&6Gold Key" stop if arg 2 is "diamond": if arg 3 is not set: if arg 4 is set: if arg 4 is a integer: give player arg-4 of 421 named "&3Diamond Key" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du gav dig selv en &3&lDIAMOND &7key" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du kan kun skrive et nummer ind" stop else: give player 1 of 421 named "&3Diamond Key" stop else: give player 1 of 421 named "&3Diamond Key" stop if arg 2 is "iron": if arg 3 is online: if arg 3 is set: if arg 4 is set: if arg 4 is a integer: give arg-3 arg-4 of 421 named "&7Iron Key" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du gav &a%arg 3% &7(&7&a%arg 4%&7) &r&lIron &7key's" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du fik &7(&7&a%arg 4%&7) &r&lIron &7key's af &a%player%" to arg-3 stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du skal skrive et nummer" stop else: give arg-3 1 of 421 named "&7Iron Key" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &6%arg 3% &7er ikke online" stop if arg 2 is "gold": if arg 3 is online: if arg 3 is set: if arg 4 is set: if arg 4 is a integer: give arg-3 arg-4 of 421 named "&6Gold Key" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du gav &a%arg 3% &7(&7&a%arg 4%&7) &6Gold &7key's" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du fik &7(&7&a%arg 4%&7) &6Gold &7key's af &a%player%" to arg-3 stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du skal skrive et nummer" stop else: give arg-3 1 of 421 named "&6Gold" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &6%arg 3% &7er ikke online" stop if arg 2 is "diamond": if arg 3 is online: if arg 3 is set: if arg 4 is set: if arg 4 is a integer: give arg-3 arg-4 of 421 named "&3Diamond Key" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du gav &a%arg 3% &7(&7&a%arg 4%&7) &3Diamond &7key's" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du fik &7(&7&a%arg 4%&7) &3Diamond &7key's af &a%player%" to arg-3 stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du skal skrive et nummer" stop else: give arg-3 1 of 421 named "&3Diamond Key" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &6%arg 3% &7er ikke online" stop on rightclick on chest: if {crate::iron} is location of block: cancel event if player is holding 421 named "&7Iron Key": remove 1 421 named "&7Iron Key" from player's inventory wait 5 ticks chance of 0.5%: add 2000 to player's balance broadcast "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &6%player% &7har vundet &6&lJACKPOT &7i &r&lIRON &7craten" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &6&lJACKPOTEN &7(&7Pris: &a2000&7)" stop chance of 10%: add 750 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a750&7)" stop chance of 12.5%: add 500 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a500&7)" stop chance of 50%: add 350 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a350&7)" stop chance of 80%: add 100 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a100&7)" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du skal bruge en &r&lIron &7key" if {crate::gold} is location of block: cancel event if player is holding 421 named "&6Gold Key": remove 1 421 named "&6Gold Key" from player's inventory wait 5 ticks chance of 0.5%: add 5000 to player's balance broadcast "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &6%player% &7har vundet &6&lJACKPOT &7i &6&lGOLD &7craten" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &6&lJACKPOTEN &7(&7Pris: &a5000&7)" stop chance of 10%: add 1000 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a100&7)" stop chance of 12.5%: add 750 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a750&7)" stop chance of 50%: add 500 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a500&7)" stop chance of 80%: add 350 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a350&7)" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du skal bruge en &6&lGOLD &7key" if {crate::diamond} is location of block: cancel event if player is holding 421 named "&3Diamond Key": remove 1 421 named "&3Diamond Key" from player's inventory wait 5 ticks chance of 0.5%: add 10000 to player's balance broadcast "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &6%player% &7har vundet &6&lJACKPOT &7i &3&lDIAMOND &7craten" send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &6&lJACKPOTEN &7(&7Pris: &a10000&7)" stop chance of 10%: add 2500 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a2500&7)" remove 1 421 named "&3Diamond Key" from player's inventory stop chance of 12.5%: add 950 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a7950&7)" stop chance of 50%: add 750 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a750&7)" stop chance of 80%: add 500 to player's balance send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du vandt &7(&7Pris: &a500&7)" stop else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du skal bruge en &3&lDIAMOND &7key" on place of chest: if player has permission "admin.crate": if player's tool is chest named "&6Iron": set {crate::iron} to location of block send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &2Iron &7craten er sat" else: if player's tool is chest named "&6Gold": set {crate::gold} to location of block send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &2Gold &7craten er sat" else: if player's tool is chest named "&6Diamond": set {crate::diamond} to location of block send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &2Diamond &7craten er sat" else: send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Nægtet adgang" on leftclick on chest: if player has permission "admin.crate": if {crate::iron} is location of block: if player is sneaking: delete {crate::iron} send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du har slettet &r&lIRON &7craten" if {crate::gold} is location of block: if player is sneaking: delete {crate::gold} send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du har slettet &6&lGOLD &7craten" if {crate::diamond} is location of block: if player is sneaking: delete {crate::diamond} send "&8&l| &a&lCRATE &8&l| &7Du har slettet &3&lDIAMOND &7craten" if {crate::diamond} is location of block: cancel event open chest with 1 rows named "&3Diamond &6Chancer" to player format slot 0 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 1 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 7 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 8 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 4 of player with emerald named "&610000DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &60.5%%" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with paper named "&6900DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &680%%" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with paper named "&62500DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &650%%" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with paper named "&6500DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &685%%" to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with paper named "&6750DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &612.5%%" to be unstealable if {crate::gold} is location of block: cancel event open chest with 1 rows named "&6Gold &6Chancer" to player format slot 0 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 1 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 7 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 8 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 4 of player with emerald named "&65000DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &60.5%%" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with paper named "&61000DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &680%%" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with paper named "&6750DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &650%%" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with paper named "&6500DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &685%%" to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with paper named "&6350DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &650%%" to be unstealable if {crate::iron} is location of block: cancel event open chest with 1 rows named "&r&lIron &6Chancer" to player format slot 0 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 1 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 7 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 8 of player with 166 named "&4Luk" to close format slot 4 of player with emerald named "&62000DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &60.5%%" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with paper named "&6750DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &680%%" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with paper named "&6500DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &650%%" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with paper named "&6100DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &685%%" to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with paper named "&6350DK" with lore "&7Chancer: &650%%" to be unstealable