const axios = require('axios'); module.exports.config = { name: "delete", version: "1.0.0", hasPermssion: 0, credits: "JARiF", description: "Delete a question", commandCategory: "admin", usages: "[name]", cooldowns: 3 }; = async function({ api, event, args }) { const { threadID, messageID } = event; const question = args.join(" "); if (!question) { return api.sendMessage("Provide a question to delete.", threadID, messageID); } try { const res = await axios.get( `${encodeURIComponent(question)}` ); api.sendMessage("Question deleted successfully.", threadID, messageID); } catch (error) { console.log(error); api.sendMessage("Sorry, Not found in the server or the server is busy.", threadID, messageID); } };