options: messageTnTOFF: &6&lTnT I Wagoniki Zostaly &c&lWylaczone &6&lPrzez &8&l--> &6&l%player% messageTnTON: &6&lTnT I Wagoniki Zostaly &2&lWlaczone &6&lPrzez &8&l--> &6&l%player% messagePermission: &6&l%player% &4&lNie Masz Permissji! PROCENTOBS: 33 PROCENTWODA: 20 messagePopolozeniu: &6&lTnT I Wagoniki Sa &c&lWylaczone blokOBS: air blokWODA: cobblestone variables: {tntRzuffik} = 0 on place of tnt: if {tntRzuffik} is 1: send "{@messagePopolozeniu}" on explode: if {tntRzuffik} is 1: loop blocks in radius 4 of event-location: loop-block is water or lava: if chance of 0%: set loop-block to cobblestone loop blocks in radius 4 of event-location: loop-block is obsidian: if chance of 0%: set loop-block to air cancel event on explode: if {tntRzuffik} is 0: loop blocks in radius 4 of event-location: loop-block is water or lava: if chance of {@PROCENTWODA}%: set loop-block to {@blokWODA} loop blocks in radius 4 of event-location: loop-block is obsidian: if chance of {@PROCENTOBS}%: set loop-block to {@blokOBS} command /tnt []: trigger: if player has permissions "tnt.Rzuffik": if arg 1 is not set: send "&8&l--> &5&lTnT Na Serwerze&7(&6By Rzuffik&7)" send "&8&l-> &6/TnT on &7&l<---&5Wlaczenie TnT" send "&8&l-> &6/TnT off &7&l<---&5Wylaczenie TnT" if arg 1 is "OFF": set {tntRzuffik} to 1 broadcast "{@messageTnTOFF}" if arg 1 is "ON": set {tntRzuffik} to 0 broadcast "{@messageTnTON}" else: send "{@messagePermission}"