(how to climb the ranks) think about the enemy comp and how it is countered communicate and ping your teammates to help only play in suitable conditions, cool weather- after eating not before- not stressed/bored practice warding and gold management, keep playing games to develop a muscle memory focus on playing for performing rather than playing to win only play ranked when you are sure your fundementals are good to climb with, play normals if they aren't focus on countring your opponent adc more _____________________________________________________________________________________ (weapons' abilities names) gravitum q > eclipse calibrum q > Moonshot severum q > onslaught crescendum q > sentry Infernum q > Duskwave every ability that has gravitum as secondry weapon is named Binding every ability that has calibrum as secondry weapon is named Precision every ability that has severum as secondry weapon is named Resurgent every ability that has crescendum as secondry weapon is named Arcing every ability that has infernum as secondry weapon is named Incendiary _____________________________________________________________________________________ (runes) Conqueror {extended all in} Press the attack {short trades, single target dps} Lethal Tempo {match up winning, against lots of tanks} Fleet Footwork {against 2 pokes, instead of D shield} First strike {lane bully against 2 short range} Precision: overheal {sustain early, late game}- Presensce of mind {spell spam, extended lane perma fights} alacrity {damage option}- bloodline {if you lack healing} coup de grace {default}- cutdown {starting cull/long sword} sorcery (against scaling): (nimbus cloak- absolute focus), gathering storm {late game damage and mobility} Domination (against early): taste of blood (trading), Ingenious Hunter (galeforce, ER) inspiration (Hack advantages): magical footwear (Gold advantage) Biscuit delivery (use on low health-mana) cosmic insight (items and flash cooldown) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ runes combinations: domination tree + presence of mind {for early game} _____________________________________________________________________________________ (runes for bot match up playstyles) Peel vs (Burst, AoE) = conqueror, overheal, cutdown, SORCERY (cull, kraken/shieldbow) Burst vs (AoE, Sustain)= PTA, POM, Bloodline, coup de grace, DOMINATION (d blade, galeforce) AoE vs (Sustain, Poke) = Conq/fleet, coup de grace (d blade) Sustain vs (Poke, Peel) = LT/pta, overheal, INSPIRATION (heal/cull) Poke vs (Peel, Burst) = LT, overheal, coup de grace, INSPIRATION (d blade, galeforce) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (mythics) shieldbow: against burst - needs armor pen kraken slayer: damage - your team peels you - little threat of dives galeforce: snowballing - dodging dives (free flash) - cheating positioning _____________________________________________________________________________________ (lvl ups) max lvl damage first then either attackspeed or lethality (can alternate the leveling) Lethality when you rely on short trading, good with galeforce/shieldbow builds attackspeed when you rely on extended trading/all in, good with kraken _____________________________________________________________________________________ (legendaries) essence reaver: against a team of squishies, with galeforce Runaan's Hurricane: early item for perma push and stealing jungle, late clustered fights mortal reminder: (delay it) only buy executioner, against lifesteal and heal infinity edge: Core 3rd item Lord Dominik's Regards: Core item, 2nd 3rd or 4th scimitar: against heavy ap stormrazor: against squishies team, with kraken rapidfire cannon: goes against heavy ranged damage with troublesome melee opponents, great with grav and cali Phantom Dancer: can replace stormrazor, giving movement speed instead of slowing opponents, less damage collector: snowballing item, secures kills, good with red buff, good with chemtech Bloodthirster: good against poke edge of night: against unavoidable cc like vi,malph,naut.. Serpent fangs: against mountain drake soul and shields Guardian angel: when you have to initiate (4th-5th item) maw: against heavy ap deathdance: heavy ad _____________________________________________________________________________________ (builds) {note: qss is better than mr boots as an adc, go either tabis or berserkers, unless all the enemy team is magic} If no one is getting legendary armor item: mythic -> IE + 2 cloak -> Against full squishies: Galeforce -> ER -> IE -> LDR against stacking armor: Kraken -> LDR -> IE support getting the kills: noonquiver -> RH -> mythic -> LDR/IE _____________________________________________________________________________________ (starting items) cull/long sword if cutdown (can farm/poke safely)// doran's blade if coup de grace (default) on first back: if you are winning trades get pickaxe+long sword if you are losing trades get noonquiver if your opponent heals a lot get executioner asap if your opponent has catch/burst abilities BUY BOOTS _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (double combos explained) note: galeforce can affect the playstyle of these combos, there's a note under each combo note: numbers are rating of the combo usability common (1) to niche (10) _____________________________________________________________________________________ I_calibrum-severum {the hit and run} 6/5 good early game with PTA easy proc and triple combo, best usability and safety in late game you use calibrum for backline damage severum for safety and punishment works as a disengage in protect and split comps to be able to fire back after disengage ((galeforce enhances survivability, and make a cali q ult surprise combo)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ II_calibrum-gravitum {the bird hunter} 8 the best combo for poking calibrum and gravitum q can loop in early game if you time it right (only worth with conq) you use each weapon to set up with the other weapon's range and skillshot good for catch and siege, the combo is stronger with Runaan's ((galeforce enhances the catch ability with gravitum by dash->aa->q instead of calibrum q, it makes the combo mobile by using galeforce to kite after aa->q catch for an ambush)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ III_calibrum-infernum {the rain of fire} 2 Burst and DPS combo, eliminates aphelios weakness in early-mid game you w to calibrum if the target is out of range of infernum and is low, or to kite further you w to infernum if the targets are reachable and no risk of being dived good overall in comps but puts your other weapons in a bad state ((galeforce makes the combo mobile, it gives better infernum q landing on multiple targets, unlocks the aa q infernum burst combo which is good for catch with PTA)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ IV_calibrum-crescendum {the rain of blades} 1 a combo that controls fights and suprises enemies, has the best weapon synergy put the sentry in bushes that the enemy will come from to create HP gaps use calibrum ult to hunt down lower targets or use crescendum ult for crescendum dps you use each weapon to keep crescendum stacked or to get targets slightly out of range overall good in comps, except in attack without runaans ((galeforce gives it mobility)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ V_severum-gravitum {the deal with the devil} 10 movement control combo with lifesteal, good against melees focuses on controlling gaps using "binding onslaught" can save fights average early game, can farm but very sensitive to over stepping because it loses trades good in catch, can work in attack with grav ult and runaans, bad against siege and long range ((galeforce makes using gravitum easier with dash>aa>q)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ VI_severum-infernum {the Dawn and Dusk} 4 Best sustain combo, goes with sustain lane or peel lane farming with this combo is the fastest, but can deplete fast so you either wanna use it to farm or to teamfight use severum as a gap tool and infernum as dps, only use severum as dps against windwalls the ult is double sided coin which can save you or kill enemies good in attack comp or split/protect comp ((galeforce gives the option to dash > infernum q a lot of enemies for insta HP regen)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ VII_severum-crescendum {the shredder} 7 The power combo early game and objective clear, falls off later cuz of usability the combo is "Arcing onslaught" to stack crescendum mirrors and auto attack with crescendum get AS items or level w for effectivity, use sentry to get more health/dps, best against no cc good in protect/split and catch comps ((galeforce is great with this combo for gap closing a stacked crescendum, or you can try "Arcing onslaught" on a nearby champion and have galeforce as back up escape making it "better" for catch)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ VIII_gravitum-infernum {the tarred flame} 3 best combo for teamfighting because of the utility and dps the combo is aa > "binding eclipse" > w > aa > "binding duskwave" for best dps in early you can get creative with how you use the two weapons but always aa before duskwave if you can good over all in comps especially attack, bad in split ((galeforce makes this combo mobile and easier to execute a nice multi people root with "binding duskwave")) _____________________________________________________________________________________ IX_gravitum-crescendum {the deal with the dark} 5/6 gap creator, very useful for objective control and peeling, bush control is good against melee match ups where you don't want to close gaps can be paired with LT to give damage and heavy utlity in teamfights with sentry sentry can be used to make it easier for siege comp to land their abilities good in protect ((galeforce unlocks the root > crescendum ult > aa & dash combo, gives safety to deploy the sentry making it effective with siege)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ X_crescendum-infernum {the blazing blade} 8 immobile glass cannon, best dps in teamfights has the same spike as {the shredder} in early, you can use infernum to poke instead of all in the best usage of this combo is combining LT max stacks deploying sentry and infernum aa good in attack, protect, and siege because of double usage of the combo ((galeforce gives chase and kiting)) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ (laning basics) (tips) know your limits and play according to them watchout for your support type, you'll have to adapt his style to counter their support study minions behaviour to improve your farming learn the abilties and cooldowns of other champions to use to your favor (ally support formula) if your support focuses on poke: use calibrum to poke, use severum to farm, avoid all ins, slow push into poke if your support focuses on all in: drop calibrum as fast as possible if your support peels: play defensively (farm with calibrum) with cull until you reach the required spike for carrying if your support focuses on catches and burst: if they pressure use the pressure/ if they don't: farm safely if your support sustains: keep your distance with them when poking and backing, don't die by getting isolated (matchup formula) poke (long range), sustain (regen), peel (cc and shield), catch (burst), all in (commitment) poke > peel, burst peel > burst, all in burst > all in, sustain all in > sustain, poke sustain > poke, peel if you rely on trade and won't all in early drop severum first, if you rely on all ins only drop calibrum ranged vs melee (severum first) melee vs ranged (calibrum first) stalemate (balance the ammo) ranged > melee (lvl 1 poke) melee > ranged (when 80% hp under their tower) (jungle related) watch out for their jungler's path and beware of lvl 2 cheese if your jungler focuses on ganking and theirs focuses on farming play lane aggressively your jungler is farming and enemy jungler is ganker play defensively when you don't see him on the map for leashing hit the camp with 3-4 severum autos and fall back to lane with a calibrum auto if your enemy botlane is leashing you can deny them xp by cutting their wave and making the 6 minions focus you (weapon usage) -watch out your mana usage, be at half mana bar at all times, aa more if you have POM -you can hold out calibrum q aa after landing it to prolong having conquerer stacks if you auto attack moonmark the animation pause can be punished from the nearby wave or the enemy use calibrum mark to reset your auto attacks by attacking a different target then the mark -do not waste q ineffectively make it always for either poking, pushing, sometimes farming -watch out for minions aggro when you poke with auto attacks, sev will make out for it -infernum to shove/all in on lvl 3/poke - gravitum for kill pressure -don't commit on stacking crescendum if you can't use it, lvl 5 is a powerspike with crescendum -you can't cast ult mid infernum or severum animation (wards) early ward effectively for map info or lane info, like spotting an early cheese ward always before 4 mins in the game then before every 3 mins watch your LvL9 for blue ward purchase at base always have a control ward in stock for revealing an enemy in the bush, or use cali/infer/cres (dropping weapons) depleting severum first is optimal for a potential sev-cali-grav combo kill drop calibrum first if your lane focuses on all in, drop severum first if it focuses on short trading use infernum push for recalls/stealing jungle/ganking/drake, if you don't wanna hard push use the other weapon if you'll get sev-cres after grav-infer you can drop either grav/infern first, but you must balance the ammo if you'll get cres-cali after grav-infer you must drop grav first for a better triple combo (mechanics) when enemy uses all spells on your allies that's your cue to all in on their adc if you can match your support's range and aggro never commit to int fights, look for the window where the enemy oversteps count the enemies values to determine whether the fight is winnable or not use the bushes to your advantage to escape targetted skills or attacks (game knowledge) -a champion with no mana/just used his long cooldown spells has near 0 damage in fights except adcs -a huge minion wave counts as a champion, in terms or damage and gold -assist in killing dragons to gain legend stacks -being "weakside" means you are behind in matchup, level, gold, jungle focus, waveclear.. learn to play weakside -being "strongside" is being able to dominate your lane and transfer that to game, do it when you can -if you don't have safety in farming and will be getting dove learn to stick to someone to protect you even if you lose xp and gold in the process -stay away from bushes early if the enemy has a strong level 1 to avoid cheese -you can't cast exhaust in cc -always use farsight on bushes near you that are a threat to you, if there aren't use it to spot enemies or enemy wards -always stand in the opposing way of the enemy support (north side if support is south and vice versa) -play around the drake spawns in botlane, start slowpushing waves by attacking caster minions or keep 1 minion less on the enemy wave before 60 secs of drake spawn to crash a big wave before the drake fight -look for roam on top or mid after 10 mins -don't stop csing and good splitting in 15mins or 20 mins or 25 mins or 30 mins -time limits to get starter, first, second, and third items when even in lane are: 4:00 (1000 gold without kills perfect cs), 12:00, 18:00, 24:00 -when you prepare for drake by pushing and jungler did not, crash the wave then either do it alone or recall -always take out 1 caster minion from the enemy wave and poke the enemy out when waveclearing -you can flash the damage and effect of alistar's headbutt -not dying at moments where the enemy is strong gives an automatic win, be aware of when the enemy is at their strongest and their weakest. (map awareness) assign trigger actions to make you look at the map and check tab for 1 second, for example: (every last hit) or just stare at the map whenever you can (keep your eyes peeled) examples to what to look for on the map: where their jungler is, where your jungler is, where are the laners the lanes state and what's happening on them, if there's a gank opportunity for enemy or not where is the fog of war, where should you path/stand according to it where are the critical points on the map and where you should get and deny vision if it's ok to commit on a fight, if it's ok to step up for farming or pushing in lane, midlane, or sidelane if it's important to hard shove to rotate for a good fight before the enemy does if it's ok to splitpush, by looking out for who's away from that point from the enemy team and who you can 1v1 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ forbidden section: (if you somehow got this file please stay away from here): there will be consequences... i warned you... aphelios jungle: farm the camps with infernum or crescendum in hand, gank with grav or sev in hand use calibrum on wolves and get rid of it