[ { "usecase": { "name": "Employee Job Search", "scenario": "Employee searches for job opportunities on the platform.", "actors": "Employee", "preconditions": "Employee is registered on the platform.", "steps": [ "Employee enters search criteria (e.g., job title, location).", "System displays relevant job listings." ] }, "testcases": [ { "name": "Valid Job Search", "description": "Verify that an employee can successfully search for job opportunities.", "input": { "searchCriteria": "Software Engineer" }, "expected": { "outcome": "Job listings displayed", "resultsCount": ">0" } }, { "name": "Empty Search Criteria", "description": "Verify that the system handles the case where the employee provides an empty search criteria.", "input": { "searchCriteria": "" }, "expected": { "outcome": "All jobs displayed", "resultsCount": ">0" } } ] }, { "usecase": { "name": "Filter Job Search", "scenario": "Employee narrows down job search results using filters.", "actors": "Employee", "preconditions": "Employee has performed a job search.", "steps": [ "Employee applies filters (e.g., industry, salary range).", "System updates job listings based on applied filters." ] }, "testcases": [ { "name": "Valid Filter Application", "description": "Verify that an employee can successfully apply filters to narrow down job search results.", "input": { "filters": { "industry": "Technology", "salaryRange": "$70,000 - $100,000" } }, "expected": { "outcome": "Filtered job listings displayed", "resultsCount": ">0" } }, { "name": "No Results with Filters", "description": "Verify that the system handles the case where no jobs match the applied filters.", "input": { "filters": { "industry": "Healthcare", "salaryRange": "$80,000 - $120,000" } }, "expected": { "outcome": "No matching jobs found", "resultsCount": "0" } } ] }, // ... other use cases and test cases ]