const { operations } = require('../db'); const searchCtrl = require('../controllers/searchCtrl'); /** * This function is a middleware that handles HTTP requests and passes them to a given entity function * * @param {function} entity - The function that will handle the HTTP request * @returns {function} - A function that takes in an express request and response object and processes the request using the `entity` function */ function reqCtrl(entity) { return function (req, res) { const httpRequest = { token: req.token, user: req.user, // if the data submited with formData then the data will be in json format inside data field. body: (req.method === 'POST' || req.method === 'PUT' || req.method === 'PATCH') ? (( &&'{') &&'}')) ? JSON.parse(req.body?.data || '{}') : req.body) : {}, files: req.files, query: req.query, params: req.params, ip: req.ip, method: req.method, path: req.path, origin: req.headers['origin'], headers: { 'Content-Type': req.headers['Content-Type'], 'Referer': req.headers['referer'], 'User-Agent': req.headers['user-agent'] } } entity({ req: httpRequest, db: operations, searchCtrl }) .then((resp = {}) => { if (resp?.token || resp.token === null) { resp.token === null ? res.clearCookie('token') : res.cookie('token', resp.token, { httpOnly: true, sameSite: 'None', secure: true, expires: new Date( + 172800000/*2 days*/), }); delete resp.token; } res.status(isNaN(resp?.status) ? 200 : resp?.status).send(Object.freeze(resp)) }) .catch(err => res.status(400).send(Object.freeze({ error: err.message }))); } } module.exports = reqCtrl;