A: Both are! Actually, a more accurate explanation is that Google using multiple datacenters that provide results notice. The datacenter that is depends on your geographical property. It is typical to see a small difference in results depending the are. Sometimes, results will differ when you move just a few miles away on vacation! In my opinion, there are only three search engines on the internet; Google, Yahoo and MSN. The additional so called search engines have so little traffic that you can ignore them. Focus on Google, Yahoo and Bing. Google is the important search serp. In fact, it will be the search website. If your website is not indexed by Google than forget about getting search engine traffic. Google gets beyond 60% belonging to the search engine traffic it's share within the global internet searches is rising. Ignore it at your peril! I also learned that we are not alone seeing my Page Rank drop. It appears as though to definitely universal thing in Google world. A few saw their rankings go up, many web sites got kicked downstairs by the Google bossman. Makes me think of the thunder of Niagara Falls from all of the rankings dropping down. If you decide to also experienced this frustration, don't despair, just do what many to stop the move. Try this! I don't go out much since my hip crashed and i am walking with crutches for longer than a year now. So for if you pay 2 months I tend to be catching by way of my article writing. I've added almost 50 pages to my web site, and I've posted new articles to submission sites. Custom Headers and Footers: This is often a fabulous plugin that will enable you to add extra content below or above your posts and page content despite your web. This plugin keeps you from to be able to modify your theme's code and allows you to quickly devote items like header images or your copyright information and links to your terms of service, privacy statement and disclaimers. The best I could come up with, was the link in the PayPerShop list. The menu is, of course, on every PayPerShop page make sure meant that, overnight, ThePayrollBlog had Tens of thousands of incoming google index my site back. It was certainly a possibility. A real site getting so many links so quickly, whether or not they counseled me from one website, isn't exactly all-natural. So, my answer is - Google doesn't hate Datafeedr as being a tool or simply WordPress plugin, or even people that use it. What https://check.vhearts.net hates is people that abuse it, that create thin affiliate sites, of which don't have a real value or subject material.