dodaj tak : Wybieranie itemy z gui MASZ KOD: on inventory close: wait 30 tick if {bot::%player%} is true: kick player due to "&a&lKliknij na zielona welne aby udowodnic ze nie jestes botem" on join: wait 40 tick set {bot::%player%} to true set {menu} to a random integer between 0 and 8 open chest with 1 rows named "&cAntyBot" to player wait 1 tick loop 9 times: format slot (loop-number - 1) of player with red wool named "&4&lJESTEM BOTEM" to close then run [run player cmd "kick &5&l%player% &c&lJestes botem!" as op] format slot {menu} of player with 1 of light green wool named "&6NIE JESTEM BOTEM" to close then run [run player cmd "/anty-bot" as op] set {_time::%player%} to 11 loop 10 times: wait 1 second if {bot::%player%} is false: stop if {bot::%player%} is true: set {_time::%player%} to {_time::%player%}-1 {_time::%player%} is 0: kick player due to "&a&lKliknij na zielona welne aby udowodnic ze nie jestes botem" stop else: send " &f&lPozostalo czasu %colored random color% &l%{_time::%player%}%" if {bot::%player%} is true: kick player due to "&a&lKliknij na zielona welne aby udowodnic ze nie jestes botem" stop command /anty-bot: trigger: if {bot::%player%} is true: set {bot::%player%} to false send "&aWeryfikacja powiodla sie. Milej gry" else: send "&c&lWeryfikacja byla juz przeprowadzona" stop