// ==UserScript== // @name karaunlocker // @namespace karachan.org // @description A po szkole wchodziliśmy na kurahen :) // @version 1.3 // @downloadURL https://gist.github.com/lanceq1337 // @grant GM_addStyle // @match *://*.karachan.org/* // @exclude http://www.karachan.org/*/src/* // @exclude https://www.karachan.org/*/src/* // @exclude http://karachan.org/*/src/* // @exclude https://karachan.org/*/src/* // @match *://*.karachan.co/* // @exclude http://www.karachan.co/*/src/* // @exclude https://www.karachan.co/*/src/* // @exclude http://karachan.co/*/src/* // @exclude https://karachan.co/*/src/* // @match *://* // @exclude*/src/* // @exclude*/src/* // @exclude*/src/* // @exclude*/src/* // ==/UserScript== /*jshint curly:true, noarg:true, indent:4, trailing:true, forin:true, noempty:true, quotmark:single, eqeqeq:true, undef:true, bitwise:true, browser:true, devel:true, nonbsp:true */ /*global GM_addStyle:false */ document.cookie="usuń=to"; localStorage.xD ="xD"; document.cookie="zjedzmielone=1"; var FormValidator = (function () { function FormValidator() { this.setSubmitAction(); } FormValidator.prototype.setSubmitAction = function () { var _this = this; document.getElementById('submit').addEventListener('click', function (ev) { if (!_this.isFileInputFilled() && !_this.isPostTextFilled()) { ev.preventDefault(); alert('Napisz post lub dodaj śmieszny obrazek'); return; } if (document.cookie.indexOf('in_mod') === -1 && _this.getCaptchaFieldTextLenght() !== 6) { ev.preventDefault(); alert('Ale kapcze to popraw'); return; } if (_this.getFileSize() > _this.getMaxFileSize()) { ev.preventDefault(); alert('Plik zbyt duży'); return; } if (UrlChecker.isCurrentWebpageThread()) { if (_this.isFileInputFilled() && !_this.isAllowedFileExt()) { _this.reactToNotAllowedFileExt(ev); } return; } if (!_this.isNoFileAllowed() && !_this.isFileInputFilled()) { ev.preventDefault(); alert('Wybierz plik'); return; } if (!_this.isFileInputFilled() && !_this.isNoFileChecked()) { if (confirm('Wysłać bez pliku?')) { _this.setNoFile(); 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}; return FormValidator; })(); var KurahenPremium = (function () { function KurahenPremium() { this.formValidator = new FormValidator(); var currentBoardName = UrlChecker.getCurrentBoardName(); if (currentBoardName === '' || UrlChecker.isCurrentPage404()) { return; } else if (currentBoardName === 'b') { this.changeBoardTitle(customBBoardTitle); } this.updatePageTitle(); this.disableNightStyle(); this.setCookie('regulamin', 'accepted'); this.insertButtonBar(); this.replaceEmailFieldWithSelect(); this.showAllPostersEmails(); this.fixScrollingToTarget(); this.fixAllExternalLinks(); this.fixAllHiders(); this.fixAllExpanders(); if (boardsWithId.indexOf(currentBoardName) > -1 && UrlChecker.isCurrentWebpageThread()) { this.colorizeAndNamePosters(); } if (enableBetterFonts) { this.changeFonts(); } if (deleteTextUnderPostForm) { this.removeTextUnderPostForm(); } if (biggerOnlineCountFont) { this.enlargeOnlineCountFont(); } /* variable used to change "highlight posts" button state */ this.nowHighlightedPostsUserId = false; this.threadsWatcher = new ThreadsWatcher(); } KurahenPremium.prototype.changeBoardTitle = function (newTitle) { document.title = newTitle; document.getElementsByClassName('boardTitle')[0].textContent = newTitle; }; KurahenPremium.prototype.updatePageTitle = function () { var page = parseInt(window.location.pathname.split('/')[2]); var prefix = ''; if (UrlChecker.isCurrentWebpageThread()) { prefix = this.getTopicFromFirstPostContent(); } else if (!isNaN(page)) { prefix = 'Strona ' + page; } if (prefix.length > 0) { prefix += ' - '; } document.title = prefix + document.title; }; KurahenPremium.prototype.setCookie = function (name, value) { document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value) + '; path=/; max-age=2592000'; }; KurahenPremium.prototype.changeFonts = function () { var newLink = document.createElement('link'); newLink.href = '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext'; newLink.rel = 'stylesheet'; var existingLink = document.getElementsByTagName('link')[0]; existingLink.parentNode.insertBefore(newLink, existingLink); document.body.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif'; }; KurahenPremium.prototype.getTopicFromFirstPostContent = function () { var postMessage = document.querySelector('.thread .postMessage').cloneNode(true); var backlinks = postMessage.getElementsByClassName('backlink'); if (backlinks.length > 0) { postMessage.removeChild(backlinks[0]); } var links = postMessage.getElementsByClassName('postlink'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].parentNode.removeChild(links[i]); } var quoteLinks = postMessage.getElementsByClassName('quotelink'); for (var j = 0; j < quoteLinks.length; j++) { postMessage.removeChild(quoteLinks[i]); } var postContent = postMessage.textContent.trim(); if (postContent === '') { return '(brak treści posta)'; } return postContent.substr(0, Math.min(postContent.length, 70)); }; KurahenPremium.prototype.disableNightStyle = function () { var optionNight = document.querySelector('#stylechanger option[value$="night.css"]'); optionNight.disabled = true; var optionNight2 = document.querySelector('#stylechanger option[value$="night2.css"]'); optionNight2.disabled = true; }; KurahenPremium.prototype.replaceEmailFieldWithSelect = function () { var emailField = document.querySelector('#postform input[name="email"]'); var select = document.createElement('select'); select.name = 'email'; select.style.margin = '0'; select.style.width = '236px'; select.addEventListener('change', function () { // noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidUsageOfThis if (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value === 'custom') { var textField = document.createElement('input'); textField.type = 'text'; textField.className = 'board-input'; textField.name = 'email'; select.parentNode.replaceChild(textField, select); textField.focus(); } }, false); var optionBump = document.createElement('option'); optionBump.value = ''; optionBump.selected = true; optionBump.textContent = 'Podbij'; select.appendChild(optionBump); var optionSage = document.createElement('option'); optionSage.value = 'sage'; optionSage.textContent = 'Saguj'; select.appendChild(optionSage); var optionCustom = document.createElement('option'); optionCustom.value = 'custom'; optionCustom.textContent = 'Wpisz własny...'; select.appendChild(optionCustom); emailField.parentNode.replaceChild(select, emailField); }; KurahenPremium.prototype.showAllPostersEmails = function () { var postersEmails = document.getElementsByClassName('useremail'); for (var i = 0; i < postersEmails.length; i++) { postersEmails[i].textContent += ' (' + this.parseMailto(postersEmails[i].getAttribute('href')) + ') '; postersEmails[i].removeAttribute('href'); } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.fixScrollingToTarget = function () { if (window.location.hash.length > 1) { setTimeout(function () { document.querySelector(window.location.hash).scrollIntoView(true); }, 1000); } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.fixAllHiders = function () { var hiders = document.getElementsByClassName('hider'); for (var i = 0; i < hiders.length; i++) { var hiderTextContent = hiders[i].textContent; if (hiderTextContent === '[-]') { hiders[i].textContent = '[—]'; } else if (hiderTextContent === '[+]') { hiders[i].textContent = '[ + ]'; } } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.fixAllExpanders = function () { var expanders = document.getElementsByClassName('expander'); for (var i = 0; i < expanders.length; i++) { expanders[i].textContent = 'Rozwiń'; } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.fixAllExternalLinks = function () { var links = document.getElementsByClassName('postlink'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].setAttribute('href', links[i].getAttribute('href').replace('https://href.li/?', '')); links[i].setAttribute('target', '_blank'); links[i].setAttribute('rel', 'noreferrer'); } this.inlineVideoAndAudioLinks(links); }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.parseMailto = function (mailto) { return mailto.replace('mailto:', ''); }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.inlineVideoAndAudioLinks = function (links) { for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var url = links[i].getAttribute('href'); if (url.indexOf('http://vocaroo.com') > -1) { var vocarooId = url.substr(url.length - 12, 12); var vocarooContainer = document.createElement('div'); vocarooContainer.innerHTML = '' + '' + ''; if (links[i].nextSibling) { links[i].parentNode.insertBefore(vocarooContainer, links[i].nextSibling); } else { links[i].parentNode.appendChild(vocarooContainer); } links[i].style.display = 'none'; } } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.colorizeAndNamePosters = function () { var postersIds = document.getElementsByClassName('posteruid'); var postersStats = {}; var opId; for (var i = 0; i < postersIds.length; i++) { var posterId = this.parsePosterId(postersIds[i].textContent); postersIds[i].title = posterId; posterId = posterId.replace(/[\.|\/|\+|\-]/g, '_'); if (i === 0) { opId = posterId; } postersIds[i].className += ' poster-id-' + posterId; if (roundedIdBackground) { postersIds[i].className += ' id-rounded'; } if (posterId === opId) { postersIds[i].textContent = '\u00a0OP nitki'; } else { postersIds[i].textContent = '\u00a0' + posterId; } if (typeof postersStats[posterId] === 'undefined') { postersStats[posterId] = [postersIds[i]]; } else { postersStats[posterId].push(postersIds[i]); } } var style = ''; for (var id in postersStats) { if (postersStats.hasOwnProperty(id) && postersStats[id].length > 1) { style += '.poster-id-' + id + '{color:#000;background-color: ' + this.getNextColor() + ';}\n'; var numeral; if (postersStats[id].length < 5) { numeral = ' posty'; } else { numeral = ' postów'; } if (showPostCountNearId) { style += '.poster-id-' + id + ':after{content:" ('; style += postersStats[id].length + numeral + ')\u00a0"}\n'; } if (enableHighlightPostsButton) { this.setHighlightPostsButton(postersStats[id], id); } if (enableJumpButtons) { this.setJumpButtons(postersStats[id]); } } } if (roundedIdBackground) { style += '.id-rounded { font-size: 11px; border-radius: 6px; padding: 0px 6px 0px 2px;}\n'; } style += '.small-icon { font-size: 16px; vertical-align: middle }\n'; style += '.post-animated { transition: opacity 0.4s}\n'; style += '.hiden-post { opacity: ' + unhighlightedPostOpacity + '}\n'; style += '.highlighting-button { font-size: 11px; cursor:pointer}\n'; style += '.highlighting-button:hover { color: orange;}\n'; GM_addStyle(style); var allUserPosts = document.getElementsByClassName('postContainer'); for (i = 0; i < allUserPosts.length; i++) { allUserPosts[i].classList.add('post-animated'); } var firstPostBar = document.querySelector('.opContainer .postInfo'); var threadPostersStats = document.createElement('span'); threadPostersStats.textContent = ' (' + postersIds.length + ' postów od ' + Object.keys(postersStats).length + ' anonów)'; firstPostBar.appendChild(threadPostersStats); }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.getNextColor = function () { if (colors.length > 0) { return colors.shift(); } else { return '#' + Math.random().toString(16).substr(-6); } }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.parsePosterId = function (text) { return text.trim().substr(5, 8); }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.getPostNo = function (userPost) { var id = userPost.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('id'); return id.substr(2, id.length - 2); }; KurahenPremium.prototype.setButtonLabelsForId = function (userId, buttonLabel, newTitle) { var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('[highlight-button-id="' + userId + '"]'); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { buttons[i].textContent = buttonLabel; buttons[i].title = newTitle; } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.highlightPostsById = function (userId) { if (this.nowHighlightedPostsUserId) { var showPostsStr = ' Pokaż posty'; if (showPostCountNearHighlightPostsButton) { showPostsStr += ' (' + document.getElementsByClassName('poster-id-' + userId).length + ')'; } this.setButtonLabelsForId(this.nowHighlightedPostsUserId, showPostsStr, 'Podświetl posty tego użytkownika'); } if (this.nowHighlightedPostsUserId === userId) { this.showAllPosts(); this.nowHighlightedPostsUserId = false; } else { this.setButtonLabelsForId(userId, ' Pokaż wszystkie', 'Wróć do widoku wszystkich postów'); this.hideAllPostsExcept(userId); this.nowHighlightedPostsUserId = userId; } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.hideAllPostsExcept = function (userId) { // lower opacity for all posts except these with given id var allPosts = document.getElementsByClassName('postContainer'); for (var i = 0; i < allPosts.length; i++) { if (this.getIdFromPostContainer(allPosts[i]) === userId) { allPosts[i].classList.remove('hiden-post'); continue; } allPosts[i].classList.add('hiden-post'); } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.showAllPosts = function () { // set normal opacity for all posts var allPosts = document.getElementsByClassName('postContainer'); for (var i = 0; i < allPosts.length; i++) { allPosts[i].classList.remove('hiden-post'); } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.getIdFromPostContainer = function (postContainer) { // depends on modified page src var idElement = postContainer.getElementsByClassName('posteruid')[0]; for (var i = 0; idElement.classList.length; i++) { if (idElement.classList.item(i).indexOf('poster-id-') > -1) { return idElement.classList.item(i).substr('poster-id-'.length, 8); } } return null; }; KurahenPremium.prototype.setHighlightPostsButton = function (userPosts, userId) { var self = this; var highlightPostsCallback = function () { self.highlightPostsById(userId); }; for (var i = 0; i < userPosts.length; i++) { var showPostsButton = document.createElement('span'); var showPostsStr = ' Pokaż posty'; if (showPostCountNearHighlightPostsButton) { showPostsStr += ' (' + userPosts.length + ')'; } showPostsButton.textContent = showPostsStr; showPostsButton.title = 'Podświetl posty tego użytkownika'; showPostsButton.className = 'highlighting-button'; showPostsButton.setAttribute('highlight-button-id', userId); showPostsButton.addEventListener('click', highlightPostsCallback, false); userPosts[i].parentNode.appendChild(showPostsButton); } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.setJumpButtonForPost = function (post, prev, next) { var newButtonsContainer = document.createElement('span'); newButtonsContainer.style.marginLeft = '3px'; if (prev !== null) { var upButton = document.createElement('a'); upButton.className = 'fa fa-chevron-up small-icon'; upButton.title = 'Poprzedni post tego użytkownika'; upButton.href = '#p' + prev; newButtonsContainer.appendChild(upButton); } if (next !== null) { var downButton = document.createElement('a'); downButton.className = 'fa fa-chevron-down small-icon'; downButton.title = 'Następny post tego użytkownika'; downButton.href = '#p' + next; newButtonsContainer.appendChild(downButton); } post.parentNode.appendChild(newButtonsContainer); }; KurahenPremium.prototype.setJumpButtons = function (userPosts) { var postsNo = []; for (var i = 0; i < userPosts.length; i++) { postsNo.push(this.getPostNo(userPosts[i])); } this.setJumpButtonForPost(userPosts[0], null, postsNo[1]); this.setJumpButtonForPost(userPosts[userPosts.length - 1], postsNo[postsNo.length - 2], null); for (i = 1; i < userPosts.length - 1; i++) { this.setJumpButtonForPost(userPosts[i], postsNo[i - 1], postsNo[i + 1]); } }; KurahenPremium.prototype.insertButtonBar = function () { var postForm = document.getElementById('postform'); var textarea = document.querySelector('#postform textarea'); var buttonBar = document.createElement('div'); buttonBar.style.textAlign = 'center'; this.insertTextFormattingButtons(textarea, buttonBar); this.insertSpecialCharButtons(textarea, buttonBar); this.insertWordfilterList(textarea, buttonBar); postForm.insertBefore(buttonBar, postForm.firstChild); }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.insertTextFormattingButtons = function (textarea, buttonBar) { var onButtonClick = function () { var startTag = '[' + this.value + ']'; var endTag = '[/' + this.value + ']'; var textBeforeSelection = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart); var selectedText = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.selectionEnd); var textAfterSelection = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = textBeforeSelection + startTag + selectedText + endTag + textAfterSelection; textarea.focus(); textarea.selectionStart += startTag.length; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart + selectedText.length; }; for (var i = 0; i < bbCodes.length; i++) { var button = document.createElement('input'); button.type = 'button'; button.value = bbCodes[i]; button.style.padding = '0 7px'; button.addEventListener('click', onButtonClick, false); buttonBar.appendChild(button); } }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.insertWordfilterList = function (textarea, buttonBar) { var wordfiltersSelect = document.createElement('select'); var defaultOption = document.createElement('option'); defaultOption.value = ''; defaultOption.disabled = true; defaultOption.selected = true; defaultOption.textContent = 'WORDFILTRY'; wordfiltersSelect.appendChild(defaultOption); wordfiltersSelect.addEventListener('change', function () { // noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidUsageOfThis var textToInsert = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; var textBeforeEndOfSelection = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionEnd); var textAfterEndOfSelection = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = textBeforeEndOfSelection + textToInsert + textAfterEndOfSelection; textarea.focus(); textarea.selectionStart = textBeforeEndOfSelection.length + textToInsert.length; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart; // noinspection JSPotentiallyInvalidUsageOfThis this.selectedIndex = 0; }, false); for (var j = 0; j < wordfilters.length; j++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = wordfilters[j][0]; option.textContent = wordfilters[j][1]; wordfiltersSelect.appendChild(option); } buttonBar.appendChild(wordfiltersSelect); }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.insertSpecialCharButtons = function (textarea, buttonBar) { var onButtonClick = function () { var injectedChar; for (var i = 0; i < specialCharacters.length; i++) { if (specialCharacters[i].buttonLabel === this.value) { injectedChar = specialCharacters[i].contentToInsert; break; } } var beforeSelect = textarea.value.substring(0, textarea.selectionStart); var afterSelect = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = beforeSelect + injectedChar + afterSelect; textarea.focus(); textarea.selectionStart += 1; textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart; }; for (var i = 0; i < specialCharacters.length; i++) { var button = document.createElement('input'); button.type = 'button'; button.value = specialCharacters[i].buttonLabel; button.title = specialCharacters[i].buttonTitle; button.style.padding = '0 7px'; button.addEventListener('click', onButtonClick, false); buttonBar.appendChild(button); } }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.removeTextUnderPostForm = function () { var rules = document.querySelector('tr.rules'); if (rules !== null) { rules.parentNode.removeChild(rules); } }; /** * @private */ KurahenPremium.prototype.enlargeOnlineCountFont = function () { var counter = document.getElementById('counter'); var online = counter.lastChild.textContent; counter.removeChild(counter.lastChild); var newElement = document.createElement('b'); newElement.textContent = online; counter.appendChild(newElement); var container = counter.parentElement; container.style.fontSize = '20px'; }; return KurahenPremium; })(); var UrlChecker; (function (UrlChecker) { 'use strict'; function isCurrentWebpageThread() { return window.location.pathname.split('/')[2] === 'res'; } UrlChecker.isCurrentWebpageThread = isCurrentWebpageThread; function isCurrentPage404() { return document.title === '404 Not Found'; } UrlChecker.isCurrentPage404 = isCurrentPage404; function getCurrentBoardName() { var shouldBeBoard = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; if (shouldBeBoard === 'menu.html') { return ''; } if (shouldBeBoard === 'news.html') { return ''; } return shouldBeBoard; } UrlChecker.getCurrentBoardName = getCurrentBoardName; })(UrlChecker || (UrlChecker = {})); var ThreadsWatcher = (function () { function ThreadsWatcher() { this.loadWatchedThreads(); this.insertThreadsListWindow(); this.addWatchButtonsToPosts(); } ThreadsWatcher.prototype.loadWatchedThreads = function () { var item = localStorage.getItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads'); if (item === null || item === 'null') { this.watchedThreads = {}; } else { this.watchedThreads = JSON.parse(item); } }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.saveWatchedThreads = function () { // Protection from concurrent modification var savedWatchedThreads = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads')) || {}; this.mergeWatchedThreads(savedWatchedThreads, this.watchedThreads); localStorage.setItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads', JSON.stringify(savedWatchedThreads)); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getWatchedThreadsWindowTopPosition = function () { var item = localStorage.getItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads_Top'); if (item === null || item === '') { return '35px'; } else { return item; } }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.setWatchedThreadsWindowTopPosition = function (position) { localStorage.setItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads_Top', position); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getWatchedThreadsWindowLeftPosition = function () { var item = localStorage.getItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads_Left'); if (item === null || item === '') { return '4px'; } else { return item; } }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.setWatchedThreadsWindowLeftPosition = function (position) { localStorage.setItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads_Left', position); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getWatchedThreadsWindowCssPosition = function () { var item = localStorage.getItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads_CSS_Position'); if (item === null || item === '') { return 'absolute'; } else { return item; } }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.setWatchedThreadsWindowCssPosition = function (positionProperity) { localStorage.setItem('KurahenPremium_WatchedThreads_CSS_Position', positionProperity); }; /** * @private */ ThreadsWatcher.prototype.mergeWatchedThreads = function (originalObject, objectToAppend) { for (var item in objectToAppend) { if (objectToAppend.hasOwnProperty(item)) { // Add not removed threads if (objectToAppend[item] !== null) { originalObject[item] = objectToAppend[item]; } else if (originalObject[item] !== null) { delete originalObject[item]; } } } }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getThreadObject = function (postId, boardName) { return this.watchedThreads['th_' + boardName + '_' + postId]; }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.addThreadObject = function (postId, boardName, lastReadPostId, topic) { this.watchedThreads['th_' + boardName + '_' + postId] = { 'id': postId, 'boardName': boardName, 'lastReadPostId': lastReadPostId, 'topic': topic }; }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.updateThreadObject = function (postId, boardName, lastReadPostId) { this.watchedThreads['th_' + boardName + '_' + postId].lastReadPostId = lastReadPostId; }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.removeThreadObject = function (postId, boardName) { this.watchedThreads['th_' + boardName + '_' + postId] = null; }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.threadObjectExists = function (postId, boardName) { return typeof this.watchedThreads['th_' + boardName + '_' + postId] === 'object' && this.watchedThreads['th_' + boardName + '_' + postId] !== null; }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.threadsSize = function () { return Object.keys(this.watchedThreads).length; }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getWatchedThreadsList = function () { return this.watchedThreads; }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.insertThreadsListWindow = function () { var _this = this; this.threadsListWindow = document.createElement('div'); this.threadsListWindow.id = 'watcher_box'; this.threadsListWindow.className = 'movable'; this.threadsListWindow.style.height = 'auto'; this.threadsListWindow.style.minHeight = '100px'; this.threadsListWindow.style.width = 'auto'; this.threadsListWindow.style.minWidth = '250px'; this.threadsListWindow.style.position = this.getWatchedThreadsWindowCssPosition(); this.threadsListWindow.style.top = this.getWatchedThreadsWindowTopPosition(); this.threadsListWindow.style.left = this.getWatchedThreadsWindowLeftPosition(); this.threadsListWindow.style.padding = '5px'; var threadsListWindowTitle = document.createElement('small'); threadsListWindowTitle.textContent = 'Obserwowane nitki'; this.threadsListWindow.appendChild(threadsListWindowTitle); var threadsListWindowSticker = document.createElement('img'); threadsListWindowSticker.src = '/img/sticky.gif'; threadsListWindowSticker.style.position = 'absolute'; if (this.threadsListWindow.style.position === 'absolute') { threadsListWindowSticker.style.opacity = '0.25'; } else { threadsListWindowSticker.style.opacity = '1.0'; } threadsListWindowSticker.style.right = '0px'; threadsListWindowSticker.style.cursor = 'default'; threadsListWindowSticker.onclick = function (ev) { var stick = ev.toElement; if (stick.style.opacity === '1') { stick.style.opacity = '0.25'; _this.threadsListWindow.style.position = 'absolute'; _this.setWatchedThreadsWindowCssPosition('absolute'); var newtop = parseInt(_this.threadsListWindow.style.top) + document.body.scrollTop; _this.threadsListWindow.style.top = newtop + 'px'; } else { stick.style.opacity = '1'; _this.threadsListWindow.style.position = 'fixed'; _this.setWatchedThreadsWindowCssPosition('fixed'); newtop = parseInt(_this.threadsListWindow.style.top) - document.body.scrollTop; _this.threadsListWindow.style.top = newtop + 'px'; } }; this.threadsListWindow.appendChild(threadsListWindowSticker); this.threadsHtmlList = document.createElement('ul'); this.threadsHtmlList.id = 'watched_list'; this.threadsListWindow.appendChild(this.threadsHtmlList); var threads = this.getWatchedThreadsList(); for (var item in threads) { if (threads.hasOwnProperty(item) && threads[item] !== null) { this.addThreadListWindowEntry(threads[item].id, threads[item].boardName, threads[item].lastReadPostId, -1, threads[item].topic); } } var self = this; this.threadsListWindow.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { self.setWatchedThreadsWindowTopPosition(self.threadsListWindow.style.top); self.setWatchedThreadsWindowLeftPosition(self.threadsListWindow.style.left); }, false); document.body.appendChild(this.threadsListWindow); var script = document.createElement('script'); script.textContent = '$("#watcher_box").drags();'; document.body.appendChild(script); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.addThreadListWindowEntry = function (id, boardName, lastReadPostId, unreadPostsNumber, topic) { var entry = document.createElement('li'); entry.id = 'wl_' + boardName + '_' + id; var link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = '/' + boardName + '/res/' + id + '.html#p' + lastReadPostId; entry.appendChild(link); var unreadPostsSpan = document.createElement('span'); unreadPostsSpan.className = 'unreadPostsNumber'; unreadPostsSpan.textContent = '[' + (unreadPostsNumber >= 0 ? unreadPostsNumber : 'Ładowanie...') + '] '; link.appendChild(unreadPostsSpan); var linkTextSpan = document.createElement('span'); linkTextSpan.textContent = '/' + boardName + '/' + id + ': ' + topic; link.appendChild(linkTextSpan); this.threadsHtmlList.appendChild(entry); var self = this; if (this.getCurrentBoardName() === boardName && id === this.getCurrentThreadId()) { lastReadPostId = this.getNewestPostIdFromThread(id); unreadPostsSpan.textContent = '[0] '; self.updateThreadObject(id, boardName, lastReadPostId); this.saveWatchedThreads(); } else if (unreadPostsNumber < 0) { this.getNumberOfNewPosts(boardName, id, lastReadPostId, function (boardName, threadId, lastReadPostId, numberOfNewPosts, forceUpdate, status) { if (status === 200 && (numberOfNewPosts > 0 || !hideThreadsWithNoNewPosts)) { self.updateThreadListWindowEntry(threadId, boardName, lastReadPostId, numberOfNewPosts); } else if (status === 200 && hideThreadsWithNoNewPosts && numberOfNewPosts === 0) { self.removeThreadListWindowEntry(threadId, boardName); } else if (status === 404) { self.removeThreadListWindowEntry(threadId, boardName); self.removeThreadObject(threadId, boardName); self.saveWatchedThreads(); } else { unreadPostsSpan.textContent = '[?] '; } if (forceUpdate) { self.updateThreadObject(threadId, boardName, lastReadPostId); self.saveWatchedThreads(); } }); } }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.updateThreadListWindowEntry = function (id, boardName, lastReadPostId, unreadPostsNumber) { var entry = document.getElementById('wl_' + boardName + '_' + id); if (entry === null) { console.error('Cannot update nonexistent thread /' + boardName + '/' + id); return; } var link = entry.querySelector('a'); link.href = '/' + boardName + '/res/' + id + '.html#p' + lastReadPostId; var unreadPostsSpan = link.querySelector('.unreadPostsNumber'); unreadPostsSpan.textContent = '[' + (unreadPostsNumber >= 0 ? unreadPostsNumber : 'Ładowanie...') + '] '; }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.removeThreadListWindowEntry = function (id, boardName) { var entry = document.getElementById('wl_' + boardName + '_' + id); if (entry === null) { return; } this.threadsHtmlList.removeChild(entry); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.addWatchButtonsToPosts = function () { var postsBars = document.querySelectorAll('.opContainer .postInfo'); var self = this; var toggleWatchLabel = function () { if (this.textContent === 'Nie obserwuj') { this.textContent = 'Obserwuj'; } else { this.textContent = 'Nie obserwuj'; } self.addRemoveWatchedThread(parseInt(this.getAttribute('data-post-id')), self.getCurrentBoardName()); }; for (var i = 0; i < postsBars.length; i++) { var postId = this.parsePostId(postsBars[i]); var watchButton = document.createElement('a'); watchButton.style.cursor = 'pointer'; watchButton.setAttribute('data-post-id', postId.toString()); watchButton.addEventListener('click', toggleWatchLabel, false); var watchButtonContainer = document.createElement('span'); watchButtonContainer.className = 'watch-button-container'; watchButtonContainer.appendChild(watchButton); var currentBoardName = this.getCurrentBoardName(); if (this.threadObjectExists(postId, currentBoardName)) { watchButton.textContent = 'Nie obserwuj'; } else { watchButton.textContent = 'Obserwuj'; } var postNum = postsBars[i].querySelector('span.postNum'); postNum.insertBefore(watchButtonContainer, postNum.querySelector('span')); } GM_addStyle('.watch-button-container:before {content: " [";}\n' + '.watch-button-container:after{content: "] ";}'); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.addRemoveWatchedThread = function (postId, boardName) { // Add new thread to watchlist if (!this.threadObjectExists(postId, boardName)) { var newestPostId = this.getNewestPostIdFromThread(postId); var topic = this.getTopicOfThread(postId); this.addThreadObject(postId, boardName, newestPostId, topic); this.addThreadListWindowEntry(postId, boardName, newestPostId, 0, topic); } else { this.removeThreadListWindowEntry(postId, boardName); this.removeThreadObject(postId, boardName); } this.saveWatchedThreads(); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getNewestPostIdFromThread = function (threadId) { var posts = document.querySelectorAll('.thread[id$="' + threadId + '"] .postContainer'); return parseInt(posts[posts.length - 1].id.substr(2)); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getNumberOfNewPosts = function (boardName, threadId, lastPostId, callback) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', '/' + boardName + '/res/' + threadId + '.html', true); var self = this; request.onload = function () { var forceUpdate = false; // On error if (request.status !== 200) { callback(boardName, threadId, lastPostId, -1, forceUpdate, request.status); return; } // On success var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(request.responseText, 'text/html'); var postsContainers = doc.getElementsByClassName('postContainer'); var numberOfNewPosts = 0; for (var i = 0; i < postsContainers.length; i++) { if (self.parsePostId(postsContainers[i]) === lastPostId) { numberOfNewPosts = postsContainers.length - 1 - i; break; } } // When last read post was deleted if (numberOfNewPosts === 0) { var lastDetectedPostId = self.parsePostId(postsContainers[postsContainers.length - 1]); if (lastDetectedPostId !== lastPostId) { lastPostId = lastDetectedPostId; forceUpdate = true; } } callback(boardName, threadId, lastPostId, numberOfNewPosts, forceUpdate, 200); }; request.send(); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getNumberOfNewPostsJSON = function (boardName, threadId, lastPostId, callback) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open('GET', '/' + boardName + '/res/' + threadId + '.json'); request.onload = function () { var forceUpdate = false; // On error if (request.status !== 200) { callback(boardName, threadId, lastPostId, -1, forceUpdate, request.status); return; } // On success var posts = JSON.parse(request.responseText).posts; posts.shift(); // If only op post if (posts.length === 0) { callback(boardName, threadId, lastPostId, 0, forceUpdate, request.status); } posts.sort(function (a, b) { return parseInt(a.no) - parseInt(b.no); }); var numberOfNewPosts = 0; for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) { if (parseInt(posts[i].no) === lastPostId) { numberOfNewPosts = posts.length - 1 - i; break; } } // When last read post was deleted if (numberOfNewPosts === 0) { var lastDetectedPostId = parseInt(posts[posts.length - 1].no); if (lastDetectedPostId !== lastPostId) { lastPostId = lastDetectedPostId; forceUpdate = true; } } callback(boardName, threadId, lastPostId, numberOfNewPosts, forceUpdate, request.status); }; request.send(); }; /** * @private */ ThreadsWatcher.prototype.parsePostId = function (htmlElement) { return parseInt(htmlElement.id.substr(2)); }; /** * @private */ ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getCurrentBoardName = function () { return document.querySelector('meta[property="og:boardname"]').getAttribute('content'); }; /** * @private */ ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getCurrentThreadId = function () { if (window.location.pathname.split('/')[2] !== 'res') { return -1; } return parseInt(document.querySelector('.thread .opContainer').id.substr(2)); }; ThreadsWatcher.prototype.getTopicOfThread = function (threadId) { var postMessage = document.querySelector('.thread[id$="' + threadId + '"] .postMessage').cloneNode(true); var backlinks = postMessage.getElementsByClassName('backlink'); if (backlinks.length > 0) { postMessage.removeChild(backlinks[0]); } var links = postMessage.getElementsByClassName('postlink'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].parentNode.removeChild(links[i]); } var quoteLinks = postMessage.getElementsByClassName('quotelink'); for (var j = 0; j < quoteLinks.length; j++) { postMessage.removeChild(quoteLinks[i]); } var postContent = postMessage.textContent.trim(); if (postContent === '') { return '(brak treści posta)'; } return postContent.substr(0, Math.min(postContent.length, 25)); }; return ThreadsWatcher; })(); // Konfiguracja var customBBoardTitle = '/b/ - Random'; var enableBetterFonts = true; var deleteTextUnderPostForm = false; var biggerOnlineCountFont = false; var hideThreadsWithNoNewPosts = false; var enableHighlightPostsButton = true; // postów danego użytkownika var enableJumpButtons = true; // Zaawansowana konfiguracja var unhighlightedPostOpacity = 0.3; // użytkownika; 0 - niewidoczny, 1 - nieprzezroczysty var bbCodes = ['b', 'i', 'u', 'code', 'spoiler']; var specialCharacters = [{ contentToInsert: '\u2026', buttonTitle: 'Wielokropek', buttonLabel: '\u2026' }, { contentToInsert: '\u200b', buttonTitle: 'Spacja o zerowej szerokości', buttonLabel: 'ZWSP' }]; var wordfilters = [ ['#nowocioty', 'STAROCIOTY PAMIĘTAJĄ'], ['#gimbo', 'xD'], ['#penis', 'pisiorek'], ['#wagina', 'cipuszka'], ['#m__b', 'groźny WYKOPEK wykryty'], ['#Lasoupeauxchoux', 'kapuśniaczek'], ['#homoś', 'pedał'], ['#korwinkrulempolski', 'kongres nowej prawicy'], ['#1%', 'groźny LEWAK wykryty'], ['#mylittlefaggot', 'PRZYJAŹŃ JEST MAGIĄ'], ['hizume', 'Mała Księżniczka'], ['#tetetka', 'ALE ZAPIERDALA'], ['/r/pcmasterrace', '/r/pcmasterrace'] ]; var boardsWithId = ['b', 'fz', 'z']; var colors = [ '#ff8080', '#ffdd80', '#80ffb7', '#80d0ff', '#c680ff', '#ffae80', '#d5ff80', '#80fffd', '#8097ff', '#ff80ca', '#ff7f7f', '#779aef', '#b0de6f', '#cc66c0', '#5cb9a9', '#f3bb79', '#8d71e2', '#6dd168', '#be5f7e', '#7bc8f6' ]; 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