command /zestawy []: trigger: if arg isn't set: open chest inventory with 2 rows named "&b&lZestawy" to player play sound "" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at player for player loop 18 times: set slot loop-number - 1 of current inventory of player to blue glass pane named "" set slot 2 of current inventory of player to stone pickaxe named "&a&lGracz" with lore "&7Kliknij, aby odebrac zestaw." and "&7Zestaw mozesz odebrac co &c24 godziny" set slot 4 of current inventory of player to diamond pickaxe named "&e&lVIP" with lore "&7Kliknij, aby odebrac zestaw." and "&7Zestaw mozesz odebrac co &c48 godzin" set slot 6 of current inventory of player to blaze rod named "&b&lF&6&lB Coin" with lore "&7Kliknij, aby odebrac zestaw." and "&7Zestaw mozesz odebrac co &c48 godzin" stop else: send "&b&lFree&6&lBuild &7&l>> &cPoprawne uzycie &a/zestawy" on inventory click: if inventory name of current inventory of player is "&b&lZestawy": if clicked slot is 2: set {_czas} to difference between {zestaw::gracz::%player%} and now if {_czas} is less than 24 hours: play sound "entity.blaze.death" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at player for player send "&b&lFree&6&lBuild &7&l>> &cAby odebrac ten zestaw musisz poczekac: %{_}%&a%difference between %{_hours}% and {_czas}%" else: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at player for player close player's inventory give 1 stone sword to player give 1 stone pickaxe to player give 1 stone axe to player give 1 stone shovel to player give 32 steak to player set {zestaw::gracz::%player%} to now cancel event if clicked slot is 4: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at player for player close player's inventory cancel event if clicked slot is 6: play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" with volume 1 and pitch 1 at player for player close player's inventory cancel event else: cancel event