Unofficial rules of LOL from 2011 (some stuff has changed, most havent Don't chase Singed. DON'T chase Singed. Garen is immortal while positioned in a bush. Always assume Eve, Shaco, and Twitch are MIA. Mundo goes where he pleases. Yes Cho's feast is up and yes he is going to eat you. Shouting Demacia, either irl or in /all, has been known to improve your game play. The only way to play Teemo is to instalock him and call mid. Playing Teemo also comes with the accepted burden of having a global taunt. The Blitz on your team will never land his grabs, but the one on the other team will. If you don't see fiddle make sure to... CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW Janna has and always will be the **** of assist. Yes you were just bursted down by a giant purple cow. Don't ask questions. Yes you can use Rupture on Annie and knock her up. ಠ_ಠ Rolling your face on the keyboard to play Sona is more effective then trying to play her. It's assumed Jax is a TMNT, but Riot refuses to really tell us what he is. The enemy's Ashe arrow is heat seeking and will find you, but yours isn't. Yeti's have somehow obtained the ability to puke ice balls. All women have huge boobs according to this game. Yes he's fat, drunk, and carrying a barrel, but he is going to catch you. Armadillos can only say OK. Every champions /dance was modeled after one of Phreak's many dance moves. If you make fun of Pantheon Tamat will man drop your house. Morello will nerf your favorite champion. Deal with it. It's rumored Lima Bean's cat eats leavers so don't do it. Rule 26 is a lie. The enemy always runs faster than you. No exceptions. Vayne is buffy. This is accepted and she will eventually fade out, just like the show. Your skill shots are perfectly accurate when laning, but always miss in team fights. There are no 'women' in LoL. In regards to 30, I lied. Yes, Master Yi WILL backdoor you. Get over it. The enemy Twisted Fate is alwats watching you. Not your team, just you. Be aware of this. If you are a carry, you will get focus fired. No one in chat will be surprised by this. Sarcasm lightens the game up, but too much just pisses people off. Just because you're losing doesn't mean you are the best on your team, it means you are losing, too. Yi will always insta-lock and call mid. Or else he'll feed. Your Ult will do enough damage to bring Garen to 95% health. If you hear a "DEMACIA!" and don't have a Demacian on your team, you are dead. Udyr is a schitzo zoophiliac. And doesn't like PETA. Or peta bread Ok Your turrets do 10 damage a shot, theirs deal 2000 a shot. Adding your assists to your kills does not count towards K : D ratio. (I'd say 3 assists=1kill if you want to) If you are alone for more than 10 seconds, the entire enemy team is in that bush next to you. Ganks always work fo the other team. Ganks never go as planned for your team. Yes, they have wards. No, you don't. If you have an Oracle's elixir, you are dead. Most importantly, yes, they Have Baron warded. No, I don't want to go for him at the moment. Tryndamere's right arm is alot stronger than his left arm.