If you are worried about your elderly loved one's safety, a GPS tracker may be an ideal solution. This device can help you find your loved one, monitor their health, and send alerts in the event of an emergency. There are various types of wearable GPS trackers available. You can choose from a fanny pack, a pendant, or a necklace. Some devices even come with a two-way speakerphone. If you're looking for the best option, you will have to do a bit of research before choosing a product. For instance, you will want to check out the features, the cost, and whether the product offers professional monitoring. One of the most useful features of a GPS tracker is the SOS/panic button. Most units have this feature, which makes it easier for your loved one to ask for help in an emergency. Wandering Alarms Another cool feature of a GPS tracker is the ability to set up "geo zones" to detect when your senior loved one is out of the area you have designated. When they leave the zone, they receive an alert. A small device, the Jiobit is a wearable GPS tracker that uses Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology. It allows you to mark the places you've deemed trustworthy and get instant notifications when you visit them. The device is built on a next-generation 5G compatible network. In the same vein, the Life360 tracker is a great choice for anyone who has a hard time handling a smartphone. This device combines a gps tracking smartwatch with a built-in microphone, speaker, and a few other handy features. Website: https://dementiadevices.com/wandering/