Variables: {pkt.%player%} = 0 {zabojstwa.%player%} = 0 {smierci.%player%) = 0 on death: attacker is a player victim is a player add 1 to {zabojstwa.%attacker%} send "&c----------------------------------------------------" to attacker send "&7Zabiles gracza&9: %victim% &7w nagrode dostajesz [&91 lvlPvp&7]" to attacker send "&c----------------------------------------------------" to attacker add 1 to {pkt.%attacker%} on death of player: add 1 to {smierci.%victim%} send "&c-----------------------------------------------------" to victim send "&7Zostales zabity przez gracza&9: %attacker% &7zostaje ci zabrane [&91 lvlPvp&7]" to victim send "&c-----------------------------------------------------" to victim remove 1 from {pkt.%victim%} command /ranking []: usage: &7Poprawne uzycie tej komenty to &9/ranking [Nick] trigger: send "&c&l------------------------------" send "&7Ranking gracza&9: %argument 1%" send "&7Ilosc Zabójstw&9: %{zabojstwa.%argument 1%}%" send "&7Ilosc Zgonów&9: %{smierci.%argument 1%}%" send "&7Lvl Pvp&9: %{pkt.%argument 1%}%" send "&c&l------------------------------" on right click with sword on player: send "&c---------------------------------------" send "&7LvL pvp Gracza &9%clicked player% &7Wynosi&9:&7 [&9 %{pkt.%clicked player%}%&7 ]" send "&c---------------------------------------"