Options: Updater: true ShowCancelledNotice: true Messages: EnableMentions: '&aPlayer Mentions Enabled!' DisableMentions: '&ePlayer Mentions Disabled!' PlayerOnlyCommand: '&cThis command cannot be used in the console!' InvalidPlayer: '&cThat is not a valid player!' NoPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to use that command!' InvExpired: '&cThis inventory view has expired!' ReloadPlugin: '&aInteractive Chat has been reloaded!' LimitReached: '&cPlease do now use excessive amount of placeholders in one message!' ColorsDisabled: '&lYou have colors disabled in your client settings! All messages will be white and respect the settings!' ColorsReEnabled: '&aYou have colors re-enabled in your client settings! All messages will be colored from this point!' Settings: MessagesToIgnore: - .*\[.*IGNORE.*\].* Bungeecord: false BlockMessagesLongerThan30000RegardlessOfVersion: false UseCustomPlaceholderPermissions: false FilterUselessColorCodes: true CommandsToParse: - (?i)/emsg.* - (?i)/msg.* - (?i)/pm.* - (?i)/tell.* - (?i)/r.* UniversalCooldown: 0 MaxPlaceholders: -1 PlayerNotFound: Hover: Enable: false Text: - '&cUnable to parse placeholder..' Click: Enable: false Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND Value: '' Replace: Enable: true ReplaceText: '&c{Placeholer}&r' Commands: Enabled: true Format: '[{Command}]' Text: '&b[&e{Command}&b]' EnforceReplaceTextColor: true Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND HoverMessage: - '&eClick to use command!' Chat: TranslateAltColorCode: '&' AllowMention: true MentionedSound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP MentionedTitle: '&c&lMentioned' MentionedTitleDuration: 1.5 UnknownPlayerMentionSubtitle: '&fSomeone had mentioned you in the chat!' KnownPlayerMentionSubtitle: '&3%player_name% &fmentioned you in the chat!' MentionHighlight: '&e{MentionedPlayer}' MentionHoverText: - '&b{Sender} mentioned you!' ItemDisplay: Item: Enabled: true CaseSensitive: false Keyword: '[item]' Aliases: - (?i)(\[i\]) Text: '&f[&f{Item} &bx{Amount}&f]' InventoryTitle: '%player_name%''s Item' Cooldown: 5 GUIEnabled: true Frame: Primary: MAGENTA_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Secondary: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE Inventory: Enabled: true CaseSensitive: false Keyword: '[inv]' Aliases: - (?i)(\[inventory\]) Text: '&f[&b%player_name%''s Inventory&f]' InventoryTitle: '%player_name%''s Inventory' Cooldown: 15 HoverMessage: - '&bClick to view!' EnderChest: Enabled: true CaseSensitive: false Keyword: '[ender]' Aliases: - (?i)(\[e\]) Text: '&f[&d%player_name%''s Ender Chest&f]' InventoryTitle: '%player_name%''s Ender Chest' Cooldown: 15 HoverMessage: - '&bClick to view!' Player: UsePlayerNameInteraction: false UseOnTranslatableComponents: false CaseSensitive: false Hover: Enable: false Text: - '&aWorld: %multiverse_world_alias%' - '&cHealth: %player_health_rounded%' Click: Enable: false Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND Value: '/msg %player_name% ' CustomPlaceholders: '1': ParsePlayer: sender Text: '[money]' Aliases: - (?i)(\[m\]) ParseKeyword: false CaseSensitive: false Cooldown: 0 Hover: Enable: false Text: - '&6%player_name%''s Balance: $%vault_eco_balance_commas%' Click: Enable: false Action: SUGGEST_COMMAND Value: '/pay %player_name% ' Replace: Enable: false ReplaceText: '[%player_name%''s Balance]' '2': ParsePlayer: viewer Text: SunKnights Aliases: [] ParseKeyword: false CaseSensitive: false Cooldown: 0 Hover: Enable: false Text: - '&eVisit the author''s server!' - '&bClick me!' Click: Enable: false Action: OPEN_URL Value: https://sunknights.fun Replace: Enable: false ReplaceText: '&6&lSun&e&lKnights' '3': ParsePlayer: sender Text: '[gametime]' Aliases: [] ParseKeyword: false CaseSensitive: false Cooldown: 0 Hover: Enable: false Text: [] Click: Enable: false Action: '' Value: '' Replace: Enable: false ReplaceText: '%player_world_time_24%' '4': ParsePlayer: viewer Text: '[Hover]' Aliases: [] ParseKeyword: false CaseSensitive: false Cooldown: 0 Hover: Enable: false Text: - '&bHover Text is cool!' Click: Enable: false Action: '' Value: ''