Pailer: Hello LiIIee: hello! LiIIee: how are you? Pailer: Doing well thank you. Pailer: How are you? LiIIee: im great thank you! what have you been up to? Pailer: Same ol' same ol' Pailer: Can you find a better spot? Pailer: This is a bit weird LiIIee: oh sorry LiIIee: i actually thought i was on the throne Pailer: lol Pailer: IMVU up to its tricks Pailer: You poofed silently again the last day LiIIee: im so sorry Pailer: It is a bad habit of yours Pailer: Do you just send, cum and pass out Pailer: ? LiIIee: no sometimes in public i get stressed im sorry LiIIee: i dont know why Pailer: So you are still there but just opt out? LiIIee: i think i have inner conflict sometimes LiIIee: im sirryy LiIIee: get nervous and leave Pailer: Right ok - At least that is better than just walking off mid convo. Pailer: But you can be so confident when draining. Interesting isn't it? LiIIee: what do you mean Pailer: Piggyface was telling me about how you had Jade wrapped around your finger a few months back. LiIIee: hehe yes Pailer: That was a rush I bet LiIIee: yes hehe LiIIee: i broke her hard Pailer: No harm, she is a bit of a bitch Pailer: Did you take much from her? LiIIee: she is so strange LiIIee: she got Me name verification and credits but not heaps hehe Pailer: That's something. Pailer: So do you still like switcvhing it up? Pailer: Hi Piggy Guest_Obsess2: Hello❤️ Pailer: A regular in this room? Guest_Obsess2: I have been here before? Guest_Obsess2: Maybe not a regular Pailer: Thought so, you have been in most indom rooms, haven't you? LiIIee: mmhmm he is a cute little desperate loser <3 Guest_Obsess2: ? Guest_Obsess2: Youre probably right? Pailer: Cute is a bit strong but I can understand the rest LiIIee: hehe <3 Guest_Obsess2: It seens Lillee's wishlist is empty Pailer: Not surprising surely? Guest_Obsess2: I sent tribute to you, Pailer Pailer: How many credits? Guest_Obsess2: I sent gifts LiIIee: umm loser both our wls should be empty... LiIIee: why does Pailers still have items on it silly. Pailer: He's being cheap Guest_Obsess2: Youre right Guest_Obsess2: Im sending more Pailer: He's broke but should still be able to send Pailer: Otherwise, what's the point? LiIIee: duh. LiIIee: empty it loser. Guest_Obsess2: Yes LiIIee: it will feel so good <3 Guest_Obsess2: It does? LiIIee: to know you were useful. LiIIee: hurry up. Guest_Obsess2: Its empty Guest_Obsess2: ❤️❤️ Guest_Obsess2: Thanl you so very very much Pailer: Better! Pailer: Can't believe you thought 2 gifts was a tribute! Pailer: Ridiculous behaviour Guest_Obsess2: Im sorry LiIIee: isnt he so lucky to have been useful <3 Guest_Obsess2: I just wanted to send something the moment i entered the room Pailer: .. Nothing on my WL for you to send unfortunately now. Disappointed? Guest_Obsess2: I am the luckiest❤️❤️ Pailer: It is your life's purpose afterall Guest_Obsess2: People without findom addictions must save so much money? Guest_Obsess2: It feels like my lifes purpose Pailer: LOL - Don't worry about them, you will never be one ! LiIIee: it is your only point. Guest_Obsess2: Its like destiny draws me to it Guest_Obsess2: Ouff LiIIee: a little... -blushes- Guest_Obsess2: Yes maybe its something i need to realize soon LiIIee: so what is the point of you now loser? Pailer: Agreed! Stop pretending it's a phase. Guest_Obsess2: I still think i could quit if i needed to? even though i always relapse LiIIee: prove it hehe. Pailer: Or don't, we don't care Pailer: But while you are here, you need to be able to do the right thing Guest_Obsess2: Right now, after emptying the wishlist, i might be a waste of space LiIIee: exactly. Pailer: . You were my best pig one time. Guest_Obsess2: If im not useful LiIIee: then why are you still here? LiIIee: if you cant be useful. Pailer: lol Guest_Obsess2: I am very very grateful to be in your presence though LiIIee: how does that serve us silly? Pailer: Of course you are. Guest_Obsess2: You both look absolutely gorgeous LiIIee: duh. Pailer: Actually, he sent me a link to a Domme twitter account Pailer: What was that about Pig? Guest_Obsess2: Oh Guest_Obsess2: It was a domme that was forced to post that she admitted to being the sub of another domme Pailer: Was it an IMVU domme? Guest_Obsess2: No Pailer: Here's the link if you are interested Lil... Guest_Obsess2: They are both on twitter/discord and stuff i believe Guest_Obsess2: That black outfit looks soo good on you Guest_Obsess2: Im mesmerized Pailer: Hmmm As you should be Pailer: Still horny for women that would never be with you? LiIIee: -giggles- Guest_Obsess2: If you want, i can share posts with you, that i think you might be interested in? Guest_Obsess2: Yes? Guest_Obsess2: Its always been like that Guest_Obsess2: Its like love turns me off Guest_Obsess2: Like love towards me LiIIee: thats lucky hehe. LiIIee: cause itd be hard to find that for you loser <3 Pailer: I guess it's probably because you don't deserve it, never did? Guest_Obsess2: It feels likd of like a curse Guest_Obsess2: Ouff Pailer: Lil will like this part... Pailer: he has a GF you know. Guest_Obsess2: Thats a dangerous thought Pailer: But way too good for him LiIIee: lol wut. Pailer: IKR! Pailer: She has no idea he spends their money on here Pailer: I like that Guest_Obsess2: Im sorry Guest_Obsess2: You remember so well? Pailer: No need to apologise to me Pailer: lol Guest_Obsess2: I hate that about myself actually Pailer: I find it amusing that there is a hard working girl out there, working towards a future with you... Pailer: while you send your meagre money to me Guest_Obsess2: Im sorry Guest_Obsess2: I really am ashamed Pailer: You love it! LiIIee: -giggles- i bet that thought turns him on so much LiIIee: you should send more to us. Guest_Obsess2: I hate that too Guest_Obsess2: Fuck LiIIee: leave nothing for your gf silly~ Guest_Obsess2: Fuck Pailer: Make her poor too Guest_Obsess2: I dont want this to be a kink Pailer: It's not a kink, if its your life. Guest_Obsess2: Kdkdkdldlwlq LiIIee: hehe exactly, give in. LiIIee: send it all, then maybe your gf will realise and leave you. LiIIee: like you deserve. Pailer: Oh I don't want her to leave him, I want her money too! Pailer: And he can get it for me Guest_Obsess2: Can i send a small credit amount? Guest_Obsess2: I would have to buy new off the website Pailer: Better not be too small Pailer: Don't waste my time LiIIee: -giggles- hot. Guest_Obsess2: Fuck Pailer: How much is worth my time loser? Guest_Obsess2: I Guest_Obsess2: I sent 10k Guest_Obsess2: Fuck Guest_Obsess2: I adore you Pailer: What do you think Lil? Worth my while? Guest_Obsess2: Im fucking obsessed Guest_Obsess2: I could never be worth yiur while Guest_Obsess2: I know that Pailer: Something we can agree on Guest_Obsess2: Jejfkfkoflslq Guest_Obsess2: You drive me crazy Guest_Obsess2: Or im losing my mind Pailer: Is you little cockette leaking ? Pailer: All your sense draining away in a mess? Guest_Obsess2: I Guest_Obsess2: I have to go Guest_Obsess2: I am working on something irl Pailer: Pfft - Off you go then Guest_Obsess2: I just wanted to stau here LiIIee: i think thats worthless. LiIIee: double it loser and send again. Pailer: Nah he has already lost his erection - I can tell. Guest_Obsess2: Fuck Pailer: Fuck off pig Pailer: Come back when you can get hard and send again Guest_Obsess2: Thank you Guest_Obsess2: Im still hard? Pailer: Sure you are! lol Guest_Obsess2: I will be back Guest_Obsess2: Bye Pailer: Boot the bitch Lil Pailer: He's staring LiIIee: mmhmm! bai loser LiIIee: you are so good at breaking them... holy shit Pailer: That was fun Pailer: I know his buttons Pailer: Finding out about his perfect GF made it so much easier LiIIee: wow LiIIee: how did you find out LiIIee: you literally broke him instantly Pailer: Same as I do with everyone... Patience. Pailer: Did I properly break you? Pailer: I probably have not collected enough dirt on you yet LiIIee: -blushes- why is the thought of giving you moere dirt so hot LiIIee: did he tell you? Pailer: Of course Pailer: Do you have any dirt for me? LiIIee: im trying to think of something.. LiIIee: . LiIIee: do you have dirt on piggyface Pailer: I know her so well - I have lots and lots of dirt. LiIIee: thats so hot... Pailer: Pigs onbly give up what they really want to. Pailer: I just collect that info and keep it safe for me to use LiIIee: wow LiIIee: may i ask what kind of things she told you... Pailer: Oh RL stuff. But I wouldn't break another Pigs confidence Pailer: That's fair right? LiIIee: of course LiIIee: i just meant like any general hints Pailer: Hmmmm.... Pailer: Let me think Pailer: TBH I know her so well at this stage it is hard to say what is a "general hint" Pailer: Do you want to try and break her? LiIIee: no more like maybe it will help me think of things to tell you.. Pailer: Good. Piggyface is my pig. I think her profile makes that pretty clear. Pailer: She has told me a lot... About her day to day cravings. Pailer: Things she would have no one else know. Pailer: Those thoughts we all have that should never be said out loud. Pailer: Damn, I need to go. LiIIee: aww no Pailer: I may be back Pailer: I want my credits!