unknown_user: '&fUser is not in database' unsafe_spawn: '&fYour Quit location was unsafe, teleporting you to World Spawn' not_logged_in: '&cNot logged in!' reg_voluntarily: '&fYou can register your nickname with the server with the command "/register password ConfirmPassword"' usage_log: '&cUsage: /login password' wrong_pwd: '&cWrong password' unregistered: '&cSuccessfully unregistered!' reg_disabled: '&cRegistration is disabled' valid_session: '&cSession login' login: '&cSuccessful login!' vb_nonActiv: '&fYour Account isent Activated yet check your Emails!' user_regged: '&cUsername already registered' usage_reg: '&cUsage: /register password ConfirmPassword' max_reg: '&fYou have Exeded the max number of Registration for your Account' no_perm: '&cNo Permission' error: '&fAn error ocurred; Please contact the admin' login_msg: '&cPlease login with "/login password"' reg_msg: '&cPlease register with "/register password ConfirmPassword"' reg_email_msg: '&cPlease register with "/register "' usage_unreg: '&cUsage: /unregister password' pwd_changed: '&cPassword changed!' user_unknown: '&cUsername not registered' password_error: '&fPassword doesnt match' unvalid_session: '&fSession Dataes doesnt corrispond Plaese wait the end of session' reg_only: '&fRegistered players only! Please visit http://example.com to register' logged_in: '&cAlready logged in!' logout: '&cSuccessful logout' same_nick: '&fSame nick is already playing' registered: '&cSuccessfully registered!' pass_len: '&fYour password dind''t reach the minimum length or exeded the max length' reload: '&fConfiguration and database has been reloaded' timeout: '&fLogin Timeout' usage_changepassword: '&fUsage: /changepassword oldPassword newPassword' name_len: '&cYour nickname is too Short or too long' regex: '&cYour nickname contains illegal characters. Allowed chars: REG_EX' add_email: '&cPlease add your email with : /email add yourEmail confirmEmail' bad_database_email: '[AuthMe] This /email command only available with MySQL and SQLite, contact an Admin' recovery_email: '&cForgot your password? Please use /email recovery ' usage_captcha: '&cYou need to type a captcha, please type: /captcha ' wrong_captcha: '&cWrong Captcha, please use : /captcha THE_CAPTCHA' valid_captcha: '&cYour captcha is valid !' kick_forvip: '&cA VIP Player join the full server!' kick_fullserver: '&cThe server is actually full, Sorry!' usage_email_add: '&fUsage: /email add ' usage_email_change: '&fUsage: /email change oldEmail> ' usage_email_recovery: '&fUsage: /email recovery ' new_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] New email invalid!' old_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] Old email invalid!' email_invalid: '[AuthMe] Invalid Email' email_added: '[AuthMe] Email Added !' email_confirm: '[AuthMe] Confirm your Email !' email_changed: '[AuthMe] Email Change !' email_send: '[AuthMe] Recovery Email Send !' country_banned: Your country is banned from this server antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!' antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes, hope invasion stopped'