-- Define a table of mod options local modOptions = { { name = "Speed Hack", enabled = false, value = 1.0 }, { name = "Gravity Hack", enabled = false, value = 1.0 }, { name = "Handling Hack", enabled = false, value = 1.0 }, } -- Function to display the mod menu local function displayModMenu() print("===== Game Extreme Car Driving Simulator Mod Menu =====") for i, option in ipairs(modOptions) do local status = option.enabled and "ON" or "OFF" print(i .. ". " .. option.name .. ": " .. status .. " × " .. option.value) end print("====================================================") end -- Function to toggle a mod option local function toggleModOption(index) if type(index) ~= "number" or index < 1 or index > #modOptions then print("Invalid mod option index.") return end modOptions[index].enabled = not modOptions[index].enabled end -- Function to modify a mod option value local function modifyModOption(index, value) if type(index) ~= "number" or index < 1 or index > #modOptions then print("Invalid mod option index.") return end if not tonumber(value) then print("Invalid mod option value.") return end modOptions[index].value = tonumber(value) end -- Game loop while true do -- Display the mod menu displayModMenu() -- Get user input print("Enter a mod option to modify (or 'exit' to quit):") local input = io.read() if input == "exit" then break end local index, value = input:match("(%d+) (%d+%.?%d*)") if index then toggleModOption(tonumber(index)) else value = input index = input:match("(%d+)") if index then modifyModOption(tonumber(index), value) else print("Invalid input. Enter a mod option index and value (or 'exit' to quit).") end end end